Young nudism picture

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nude sport art young

"May I?"He asked. Ifelt the roomtemperature drop andknew it wasmy Master nodding his answer.

"Ohmy, what's this?"George inquired. "Isee that ourlittle photo session has made yousomewhat wet betweenyour legs, mydear; this isthe response Iwas wanting fromyou and youshall be rewardedfor it."


Kevin smiled."So? That's whywe're here."

Pete waswishing his handswere squeezing Lita'senormous breasts.

He stalkedpast During Fred'sdescription Mary hadlet her sparehand drop intoher lap andstart to gentlystroke herself. AsFred finished adamp patch becamevisible under hercaressing fingers. Hiscock, still hard,twitched again ashe watched. Inher turn, Marykept looking athis erection.

"You're neveraround dear," Iheard her say."I have putup for ittoo long. Doyou know howmany nights Iwent to bedhorny? Crying myselfto sleep becauseI needed somecock? Do youthink that's fair?"I mumble aprotest, to tellher it wasn'tmy fault, butshe cuts myprotests off. "WellI don't" shesnaps. The footsteps grow louder,and I seeher enter myvision. As shewalks towards theend of thebed I seeshe is leadingsomeone by thehand who isfollowing behind her!It's was aman! My genitalsshrink from theembarrassment of beingcaught like this,so vulnerable, soweak. As theystop at thebottom of thebed, with herstanding in frontof him, fronttowards me, shepoints at myshriveled manhood. "Seewhat I haveto put upwith?" she exclaims."I'd have wantedeven that itty-bittything if ithad been around."She shakes herhead, and theguy puts hisarms around her,circling her waist.She sighs andleans back againsthis chest, thenreaches up tostroke his face.

"Goodmorning girls, myname is MissKay," I announced,surveying the classroom.I immediately noticed that there wasan empty seat.Just as Iwas about toask who wasmissing, an attractiveyoung girl flounced into the room,sat down heavilyin her seat,and gave mein haughty look,arms folded acrossher chest, asif daring meto reprimand her.I rose tothe challenge.

Our eyeslocked on andneither of uscould look away.I know thatwas when weread each other'sminds that weboth could barelycontain our lust.The time hadcome. Quickly, Istood up andgrabbed her, pullingher body againstmine.

Now onher side, Saraplaced one handunder his balls,opening and closingher hand overthe tightening sac.Her other handwas greased andsliding up anddown the shaftand over thetip. The spongyhead swelled withevery stroke. Shemade sure herslippery fingers danced over the sensitivetipd and sheenjoyed watching hischest move upand down ashis breathing raced.


The waves ebbed and their breathingslowed. Gently heremoved his prickfrom her backpassage and shegasped as itleft her anus.The cum startedto seep fromher ass andshe rolled overonto her side.He took herface in hishands and kissedher deeply. Shesmiled and whisperedto him.

I noddedmy head threwback the restof my drinkand followed theclicking sound ofher high stilettos out the door.The change fromair conditioning tothe hot sticky night was almostunbearable my shirtinstantly stuck tomy back andAlex's short cocktail dress kept edging its way betweenher legs, risingenough for meto see thebottom of herbuttocks, Alex kept pulling it downas she walked,she only stoppedwhen the dressrode too highand the shapeof her pussywas visible throughthe material. Iglanced sideways pretending not to notice,even though Icould see herpull the materialfrom between herlips.

"What are youup to?" Iask, wanting morethan anything tohear her lieto me.


"Yesssss, Ilove it."

"No no" She realisedshe was staringopen mouthed athim. La Veneciawas the smartestand most expensiverestaurant for miles,she had neverdreamt she wouldever dine there.

"Oh my fuckinggod!" was allJohn could mutter.

Onenight a fewweeks ago whenI came into work mynight duty shift and handed overfrom the dayshift I settleddown in frontof the bankof monitor CCTVscreens and checkedmy emails onthe computer system.There it wasquite unexpectedly anemail for mefrom a MsAnne Symonds.

"Well, howdo I look?"she asked, doinga little twirlas she spoke.This caused thehem of herdress to riseup, giving mejust the slightestglimpse of darkstocking top andbare thigh.

his enslavedtrembling victim andwent in searchof the whiskeydecanter on hisbedside table. Drinkingwas the onlyway he couldsleep at timesby wiping away the guilt, thedreams, or hishorrible past. Howeverit was hispast no matterhow tragic hisyouth had been,and he hadrisen above it.Moved beyond it,and even helpedhis sister outof the hell-holethat they'd livedin as children.

"Don't be silly,it's just usgirls. Why not?"Julia said witha 'don't besilly' look onher face asshe unplugged thekettle. Julia couldnot see anylogical reason whynot to.

Debbie stopped the car andgot out. Shefeared that shehad been caught.Naturally, she prayedone last timeto save herlife.

"You wouldn't." Sheassured him. Gileswas all aboutcontrol. Discipline wascould be hismiddle name.

I feltan object thrustinto one ofmy hands. Myhusband's lips brushed my ear. "Dropthis bell andI stop immediately.You can't changeyour mind afterthat. We're donefor the evening.Understand?" The wordswere a raspy,fierce whisper, almostbegging me notto drop thebell. I noddedand flushed withexcitement, realizing thepicture that Imust be presentingright now. Naked,blindfolded, gagged, armsoutstretched and wriststied down, legsup and spreadwide, pussy andass open andavailable for whatevermy husband wanted.The head ofhis cock traced my gagged lips and I actuallyfelt my pussymoisten and fillwith my juiceswhich oozed outin an almostcontinuous flow.

She removedher costume. Weboth sprinted acrossthe firm sandto the warmwater and wentout to waistdeep, pushed aroundby the gentlewaves. I grabbedher and pushedher under. She'snot happy aboutthat, and shetries to upendme. No luck,I'm too strong.I let herstruggle against mefor a bitbefore giving inand letting myselfgo. Now she'shappy. I surface,rubbing the saltywater from myeyes. I glanceat her breasts,shining with wetnessin the moonlight.I make myway against thewaves toward her.Her short hair is plastered onher head anddripping water downher face. Ireach behind thesmall of herback and holdher against me.We kiss; thesalt from ourlips gets inthe way. Ireach below herback and grabher round andfirm bottom, holdingher to mefrom below thewater. She reachesfor mine, pullingus tighter together.My firming manhoodis now pressedagainst her stomach.She feels itarousing her.

My juiceswere flowing nowand she knewit! My moanechoed throughout theporcelain-tiled bathroom asher other handsought my monsand began caressingmy wet, darkauburn pubic hair.I moved myhips against herhand, wanting hercaresses against myclitoris and pussylips.

He glossed herlips a secondtime, then broughthis mouth tohers, running histongue over herupper lip, thensucking softly onher bottom lip,drawing her tasteinto his mouth.That, she wouldrecall later, wastheir only kiss,this night orany other. Thenhis mouth wasoff her andhe was watchingher again ashis hand went back down, betweenher legs, andbegan fucking heragain. The familiargirth of hissingle finger filled her, fucked her,pumping slowly inand out, thenshe sucked inher breath ashe came intoher with twofingers, pushing heropen, filling herup, fucking intoher deep andslow. She waspanting.

"HMmmmmmmmmm "I thought." I wonder?"

The shooter waslaughing as well.She was doingquite well onthis streak, too.Finally, she crappedout and thedice passed. Hetook the advantageto introduce himself.


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