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Sunday, April 13, 2008

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She openedthe door slightly."Well, then comeinside," she said.His heart pounding,he stepped intothe changing room.

"Thankyou Santa" Weboth laugh. Icrawl over tothe table andpour the wine.The red lacechemise, has riddenup to mywaist and youhave a perfectview of mydripping pussy. Ioffer you theglass of wine,and you "Iwant a cat."

Ijust stood there,watching. I didn'tknow what tosay, what todo. There reallywas nothing Icould say. Andworse yet, myarousal came onstrongly again.

I tooka costume changeas my cueto get goingand head backto the hotel,although when Isaw what Britneywas wearing Iregretted this decisionand almost changedmy mind tostay and giveup the restof my plan.Where before, herblack vinyl catsuit had covered almostevery inch ofBritney's body, nowplenty of fleshwas on displaywith what shewas wearing beingno more thanwhat anyone elsewould consider underwear.Britney was dressedin a brightpink bra thatwas trimmed witha little black lace and amatching pair ofbright pink hot-pants.Aside from thatit was justa pair ofblack fishnet stockings held up bya black lacesuspender belt. Afew years agopeople would havebeen shocked bythis kind ofstage costume fromBritney but nowit was justviewed as apart of hersexy image. AsI left theconcert venue, Iwas practically walkingbackwards trying tokeep my eyeson the stageand not missa second moreof the sensualperformance than Ihad to. Hopefullyit would beworth it forthe hope ofan even moresensual performance back at the hotel.

Angiesmiled to herselfas she feltthe cock beginto move. "Didn'tyou have enoughon the plane?"she asked looking up at him.Rubbing his cockshe added, "cuzI didn't." Shekneeled up onthe bed, herlegs on theoutside of hisas she lovinglyunbuckled his pants.

"Nah,it was neverlike that. WhenI was incollege, I studied;and when Iwas teaching, Imade it apoint not toget involved withother staff members."I said.

You cummassively and slumpin their armsbut they aren'tfinished and continueto pound theirpulsing, punishing penisesinto your pretty,pink, pulsating pussy.Their hard pumping has you tossedaround like arag doll untilthe force oftheir cum inyour cunt makesyou erupt again.You all standthere getting yourbreath back beforethey pull outof you andAl leans youagainst the windowagain so thecrowd can seeyou. They cleanup and dressbefore Al turnsoff the lightand helps youclean up andlets you sleepit off onhis couch sohe can haveyou later.

Sheleaned her headback, her firmbreasts sticking straight out and herrock hard nipples aimed at theheavens. "Oh god.I never knewit could beso good." Ifelt her pussyconvulse as orgasmripped through herbody. "Ohhhh Ohhhhhh."She moaned.

My wife,Krista, had apart-time position asa paralegal ata local lawfirm. She wasonly required togo into theoffice on Tuesdaysand Thursdays. Onthe chosen Thursday morning, I complainedto Krista abouta stomach ache.I then proceededto call insick to myoffice. After Kristahad left forwork, I calledNikki on hercell phone. Wequickly arranged tomeet in theparking lot ofa nearby strip mall. After plantinga large wetkiss on herluscious lips, shejumped in myback seat. Myperky 25 year old mistress looked absolutely stunning ina red U-necktop with 3/4sleeves. Her shapelylegs were pouredinto a pairof extremely tightjeans. As weapproached my neighborhood,she lay downin the backseat so asnot to beseen by anyof our nosyneighbors. I pulledthe car oninto the garagebefore lowering thegarage door.

"What's thisMatt?"

With a single,powerful stroke heplunged into her,driving her swollenclit against thehard edge ofthe desk. Catherinescreamed as heimpaled her, shudderswracking her bodyas he groundher against thehard surface. Dantegrabbed her hair,jerking her headback to hissin her ear.

Thephone rang. Sheleapt to answerit.

"Yeah, I know,I was justchanging to leave.You're new here."

Hewas about 50,over 6ft. anddressed in scruffy,denim and leather.His denim jacket was covered inbadges, with ahuge skull, inthe centre. Hehad long shaggy,greying hair, whichmatched a big,fluffy Van Dyke beard. When hetook off hisjacket, his armswere covered inintricate tattoos, andwhen his hairmoved, I couldsee six orseven rings ineach ear.

"Thankyou Kenny. Idon't know howto explain justhow much Ineeded that. I'vefelt so emptysince loosing yourfather. I mean,Jake is reallynice and he'sactually a decentlover but noone had touchedme the wayyour father did.That's until now.I love youso much. Thankyou." She wasgetting teary eyed again.

Guys swallowing cocks,pretty-boys holding theirdicks in posesI'm used toseeing chicks in,guys taking itin the ass.It doesn't botherme to seethis stuff, butI don't thinkI want somedude ramming myass either. Maybea chick witha strap-on though.I find ashot of aguy sucking hisown cock. Nowthat brings backmemories.

Chad got onthe phone andhis father explainedeverything to himand the tripwas back on.Chad was excitedby the ideaof being thecaptain of theRoni's Delight fora few days.He didn't haveany problems withthe plan atall.

drink,trying to catchyour breath. "Whata wonderful wayto spend Christmas Eve"

The guygrinned at him."Thanks, guy. Fuckher good."

Shortly shebegan to gasp,"No Malcolm, no…don'tmake me come…please…pleasedon't make me…"Then suddenly shegave a sighingwhimper and herwords changed to,"Oh yes, darling…yes…faster…deeper…oh…ah…oh…aaah."

"And. . .?"

Suddenly,he stops andI feel hisbody moving away.I open myeyes to watchhim grab firstone leg andthen the other,placing them overhis shoulders. Irun my handsup his thighs,my smile encouraginghim. He beginsto pump faster,and now hiscock is fullyentering me. Mygrunts of pleasurematch his own.Our bodies becomeslick with athin sheen ofsweat, and Isee it beadon his forehead.I move myhand between us,my fingers searching out my clit,swollen and engorged.Rubbing and pinchingit, I seehim look downto watch, hiships moving faster.

"Look Girls! She'sgetting hot, justlooking at hersexy little body!!"

"Youboth deserve aprize." said Sally "Do with mewhat you will."

"No,I'm not lookingfor Amy," Amycould hear hersay. Amy couldhear only halfof the conversation."I'm out bymy pool sunbathing,and I couldn'tstop thinking aboutyou and theother day."

As soonas Matt wasout of sight,Kathy whirled aroundto face Staci."What did hesay to you?"

I continued mymassage of herbody. Each timeI rubbed up,the T-shirt wouldride up onher ass. Iwould try topeak at herglobes, wanting totouch them, andfeel the softness.I refrained! Myfingers ached totouch them. Mycock began tothink on itsown, and beganto chub. Ithought to myself,stupid cock! Itried to seeher panties, butnone were visible.Each time, Iwould push theT-shirt back down,but it wasannoying. And continuitywas lost inthe backrub. Shecould tell thatI was notsure what todo about theT-shirt. She liftedher head, andtold me torelax, and pullthe T-shirt upout of theway if Ineeded. She wasinterested in agreat backrub, anda T-shirt wasnot going tobe the causeof a delay.

Iwas just finishingwhen Kristin foundme, "They weren'tas well-coached asthey should havebeen. I thinkthey jumped thegun. They wereplanning this forlater but decidedtonight was justtoo good topass up. Theyjust made abig mistake whenthey left thehouse together. Iwant you tocall a locksmithand have allthe locks changedtonight. Disable thegarage door opener and do youhave anyone youtrust completely totake care ofyour kids?"


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