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Monday, April 14, 2008

Manga midget sex anime

I staredinto my whiskeyand rewound thenight in mymind. The carride home, theway Anika ran her hands downthe drapes, alwaysplaying in slowmotion her appearancein the mirrorand pausing onthe glimpse ofskin beneath thewhite silk. Irisked a glanceat her legs.Those perfectly seductivelegs. I imaginedmyself between them.For a momentI felt myselfthere as well.

"Feelbetter?" I asked,as he cameup behind me,inadvertently, and unknowingly,provoking my bottom"SHUTUP!" I shouted...I felt myselfblushing.... "Just whodo you thinkis in chargehere!!!"

"Mmmm, baby-girl, ohgod, OH GOD,uhhhhh!" you moanover my clitas you thrustdeep and shoothot loads ofcum straight downmy throat.


His tonguenow wandered fromher mouth toher nipples andback again untilshe was becomingvisibly impatient. Thenhe pulled downthe zipper onher black chinosand tugged themoff. He gazedat and happilytouched the goldenlegs between whichhe had foundsuch silky golden delight so longago.

"Me Brian," Brianintroduces himself. "ServantDebbie," He pointsto me.

He wasn'tsure if hewasn't inventing them.

Itold her, "Youlooked so hotand sexy standing there, I justhad to getyou on thedance floor."

Reluctantly, Jessicadropped to herknees, looking upat her blackmailerwith contempt. Hejust stood therewith that smirkon his face,his pants aroundhis ankles, andhis large dick hanging half-erect infront of him.


The atmospherearound the poolwas fun andrelaxed. But asthe food wasfinished and noone wanted anythingelse to drink,the conversation began to lag. Everyoneknew it wasgetting close tothe time forthe real partyto start. Tommyhad gotten upto take hisplate over tothe bar whenKristina spoke. "WhenI invited youguys here, Iteased you alittle more thanI had intended.I'm sorry; I'mreally not atease. But itwas Tommy thatI teased themost. I reallyneed to makeit up tohim." With that,she rose andslowly sauntered toTommy. His mouthwent completely dry while he staredat her. Sheleaned in towhisper in hisear, "I'm sorry,sweetie. No moreteasing. I'm goingto take good care of you."The combination ofKristina's sweet voice and hot breathin his earmade his headspin. Before hecould recover, shekissed him withall the passionshe could muster.Kristina actually hadto hold himup for amoment as hisknees buckled.

"Listen,Buster!" I saidangrily, Emily didnothing other thantry to benice to yourson. And lookwhat it hasgot her!"

"Listen," Jadesaid, "I knowa place wecan go tofinish this. Whatdo you say?"

That'swhen she becameaware of heraudience. A handfulof men wereloudly applauding andtelling her howgreat she was.Several of themmade comments abouthow much theywere going toenjoy wearing herout. Due tothe bright lights aimed at her,she still couldnot see much.After the initialshock of knowingseveral men hadbeen watching her,she smiled towardtheir voices andlaid back torest.

"You're really okay?"he asked, ninetyseconds behind.

"Sleeping…dear?" Shelooked at meseductively.

"Hard to tell?"

to ahigher sensitivity, waitingfor his "touch."

"PHEWPHEW" "Yea, Sexy!!""Nice tits!!" "Tisk,Tisk Naughty GIRL!!""Gag that bitch,Yea!!"

After about tenminutes I announcedI was headingto the showerto clean-up. Bythis time itwas about 11p.m. and Idecided I wasgoing to thebar for adrink. I askedif anyone wantedto come withme and Carrieand Christine saidthey would. Igot the impressionthat Lori andJoe were goingto stay behindand continue thefun. Christine, Carrieand I hopedin the showertogether as wehelped each otherwipe the remainsof the encounteroff our bodies.We finished upand got dressedand went backto the LivingRoom where wefound Lori andJoe in a69. We didn'tsay a word,but instead headedfor the door.Although that groupaction was donefor the night,I had noidea what thegirls would beplanning for meafter the bar.

Themoment Ashley kissed me goodnight Irealized nothing couldbe further fromthe truth. Istood in thechilly night air,watching her everystep as shereturned to herhouse. Only halfan hour hadpassed since shehad given memy first blowjob.Nevertheless, her touchhad caused meto come fully erect once more.

If this storymade you hornye-mail me.

"Again?"she asked.

I gaveher both. Shebeckoned I stepback and bow,to present myneck. I bentthe appropriate angle and Mistress encircled my neck withthe leather, bucklingit snugly. Whileshe was puttingit on me,I felt acombination of dreadand excitement. Dreadthat I mayhave bitten offmore than Icould chew. Excitementat how muchthis woman -so much smallerthan me -had already enslavedmy mind.

Well, Imight not havethe Bruce Leefighting skills orbe able tokick ass likeBlade, or havethe fun toys like James Bond.But I didhave one thingthat they didn't.Years of beinga woman andknowing how touse it tomy advantage. Iput my lefthand to myface, pulling itback with alook of shockin my eyeswhen I sawthe blood onmy fingers. Ilet my shouldersdroop, my lipspout in horror.Tears welled inmy eyes andoverflowed onto mycheeks. I dideverything but shovea thumb intomy mouth tolet him knowthat I wasbeaten and cowed.And by onelittle punch.

I feltJames' body convulse as his seedfell onto thebed. He scrambledbetween my tremblinglegs and histongue gained entrance into my floodedorifice. I feltthe pressure ashe sucked andscraped the depositedcum from Gareth.

Duringthe off seasonfrom her belovedsport, she wouldjoin me dailyfor a run.Before work, about5:30 in themorning, weather permitting,I did between5-6 miles aroundour mountain homecommunity. I evenwent so faras to purchaseanother heavy duty treadmill for mydaughter to runbeside me whenthe weather wasnot conducive torun outside. Ioften admired herform, her physicalshape. Long legged,her firm muscularlegs had thetale tail signs of a topathlete, flowing intoan ass thatlonged to betouched. Narrow waist,broad shoulders, herbreasts stood proud.Not overly large,I could tellthey were firmfrom the waythey bounced duringour runs. Ieven would runbackwards just togive her ahard time.

"Oh! Lisayou are soright, I'm surehe wouldn't haveany problem ifyou could shavehim." My momsaid with asmile and blinkedher eye toLisa.


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