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Friday, November 30, 2007

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She feltrelieved when Andreswept her upin his bigstrong arms andheld her headabove water. Thetwo men continued to walk intodeeper water.

I'm standingat the door.More than alittle spooked. "Uh,Who is it?"

I'm Softly.

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While we waitedthe wife andI decided tohave a littlefun ourselves. Wewent to thebedroom, and removed"Yes? Well, good.I have tosay that itis at thevery top ofmy list too.And I knowthat I saidthat it couldnever happen again,Kevin. But ...well, I can'tstop thinking aboutit. I can'tstop thinking abouthow good youmade me feel.And, Kevin? Iwant to doit again!" Shesaid the lastin such asoft whisper thatI wasn't sureI had heardright.

Between washing andprepping the fruitand putting thepancake in thestove, I almostforgot about makingthe coffee buta quick inventoryof where Iwas with everythingreminded me. Twocups of waterto every scoopof coffee; that'show she likedit. No more,no less.

"Don'tworry, Jiri. Thisis but thefirst part ofyour transformation. Iwant every partof you, yourmind, your body,your soul. Butnow you mustlose yourself, disappear.Then we canbe together, Jiri,then my sistersand I cantake you, takecare of you,hold you forever.Come and findme in Brisbanewhen you're ready,Jiri, it's timefor you tosettle down."

"Well, yes.I did finda movie, butnot what Iwas expecting. Itwas something thatcame with yourbirthday present. Whendid you takeit out ofthe carton?"

"Do youlike looking atyour naked wife even if athousand other menlooked before you?"By the painedexpression on hisface, Laura knewthe words stung and she feltboth mean andpowerful.

When he arrivedat the castle,the Big Man parked his carunder a largebanyan tree andgot out. Helooked at thecastle; in thefog it lookedincredibly huge. Hecould see barelythree or fourwindows lighted up.There was achill in theair and heshivered. Pulling hisjersey closer tohim, he gingerlywalked over tothe castle.

But nowlaying in myown bed bymyself, I hadmy shorts wrapped around my cock,and I masturbatinginto them cumminghard and longas I workedmy orgasm tocompletion. It wasdone. I feltsexual relief butnow the sadnesscame back. AsI lay therein the afterglowof my manualorgasm I startedthinking. Over allthe years wehad been marriedmy wife hadnever, I meannot one timeasked me forsex in anyway.I closed myeyes and rememberedmy old friend,Paul, telling methey still fuckedevery night andthey had beenmarried for about25 years.

Whilehe sucked onme and rubbedagainst me, Ireached down andunzipped his pantsand pushed themdown until justenough of himwas naked sothat his cockcould be free.When it sprangout I noticedhe was rockhard and readyto go. Hepulled my thongdown and hada look atmy bare pussybefore he startedrubbing it, spreadingmy juices allaround. Then heleaned in andpushed his harddickhead against myslit.

Suzie movedslowly around Denise,trailing her fingersover the brunette'sshoulders as shewent. Once shewas behind her,she grabbed hershoulders with bothhands, and slowlyturned her untilshe was facingdirectly at Mark.

{"Let'swalk down bythe river." hesaid. I don'tknow why Iwent, something insideme made me,I knew fullwell what hewanted. The sensationsinside betrayed me,made me powerlessto resist. Wereached the riverbank,he turned andtook me inhis arms.

In thisposition, he hadsome padding. Abit of bouncequickened the paceand helped fora bigger andbetter pounding. Ifthis was arace, he wasin the chasebut gaining. Suddenly,she rolled overand over himshe lay. Underthem, lay flowersbowled over andabove them, thedimming light atthe end ofthe day.

My Mistresspaused at onehundred. "Have youever been spankeduntil you cry?"she enquired.

Quickly thesurgeon helped thestable lad. Hetook a firmgrasp of herother leg, andthe good Lord her future husband grabbed her bythe hair, yankingher head back,looking into hereyes. His facevery close.

And that'sthe way itworked out, asI remembered Marnihad an earlyclass on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays,just about thetime I unlockedthe door anddashed into ourempty room.

"You maybe frightened, butI believe Ihave turned youon my pet.You can't denyme physically, soyou may aswell stop fightingit."

She bent overto me andsaid, "Play withit, I'm sodamn horny."

--------------------------------------------- Assoon as thedoor closed andhe left, Iturned to Hank.

"It'smy roommate's girlfriend,"I told thelittle redhead, tryingto explain.

our dresses andblouses, and kepton our lingerie,minus the pantiesof course. Mywife got itgoing by goingdown on mefirst. It feltso good tofeel her lipsaround my cock,and sucking melike a vacuum.And then Imoved us aroundso that wewere in asixty-nine. I smelledher sweet aromafor a fewminutes, and thenattacked her clit.It was asswollen as Ihave ever seenit. Like alittle cock allby itself. Istuck my tonguedeep inside herscooping out herjuices like mytongue was ashovel. After wehad a hardclimax each, werested, and lickedeach other clean.Just in timeto hear aknock on thedoor. We putour panties androbes on, andwent to seewho it was.She peeked throughthe peephole, andturned to mewith a largesmile; "It's him!Time to usethe sign language."Then we lethim in.

He smiledin embarrassment andsaid that heknew. "You did?"she asked. Hetold her thathe'd only movedin yesterday afternoonand had seenher come home.She was inthe room immediately below him onthe second floor.She smiled nowand said thatshe thought itwas much quieterthan usual lastnight... a littlejoke. Suddenly ahorn honked andshe realized thatshe'd missed thelight change andwas stuck foranother with someonefeuding at herfrom behind.

Heseductively whispered intomy left ear,"Don't worry, I'vedreamt about howgood your sweetlittle pussy willtaste, and Iplan on eatingyou until youhave to havemy dick inside you. Fucking yourtight wet pussy until I cumdeep inside youfilling you up,"he said whilelifting me upby my assand placing medown on thesofa.

"In here," heanswered. Suzanne reachedto turn offthe bathroom lights and squeezed hereyes shut forone moment. Whenshe opened themagain, there wasmore than enoughlight for herto make herway down thesmall hallway. Shecautiously made herway around thecorner.

Linda knew sheshould stop himbut instead half-turnedher body towardhim in anattempt to hideher body fromthe others. Shepermitted yet anotherbutton to beunfastened.

Steele pulled hisdick almost allthe way outof her pussy,spread her asscheeks and startednibbling and suckingon her neck.Rod got upon top ofthe bed andlowered his wetcock toward mywife's hot, wet,virgin ass. Rodlet a bigwad of salivafall out ofhis mouth andit landed inmy wife's asscrack and heforced the spitinto her asswith his fingeras he puthis dick head against her slickhole. Rod slowlyforced his dickinto my wife'sass, making hergroan in pleasure/pain.

I stroke hotoil into herback, down herspine, into hershoulders -- longsensuous strokes. Shehas told methat I haveexquisite touch, andtoday she willexperience that withno requirement onher part toreciprocate. I workthe muscles aroundher neck andshoulders -- longstrokes along hertorso ending ather buttocks.

Alexis laughed with him, butwasn't sure howto respond. Offerhimself for less,or move on.He made aquick decision based on necessity. "Yep,that's what Ido best; Ican't suck fora buck though,"he said, gigglingagain, this timelike a schoolgirl.

When I wrinkledmy forehead inincomprehension, she giggled,threw her armsaround my neck,pressed her bodyagainst mine andkissed me.
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"It iswith some trepidationthat we allanticipate reconsolidating ourfamilies at ourwinter homes forthe season. Weunderstand that itis your practiceto migrate tothe south anyway.However we all(the three ofus and I'msure all fourof the ladies)look forward toseeing you atthe start ofnext summer's seasonhere on thecape. Please plan "Daddy I playedhooky. I wentto Martha's houseand we playedrecords and danced,"she blurts out.John takes adeep sniff ather mouth. "Youhave been drinkinghaven't you? Ican smell iton your breath,even though youtried to hideit with mouthwash."Knowing she wasin real trouble now, Janice beginsto cry.

"I...Ihave!" hegroaned, pushing heron her back,kissing her nipples,feeling her warmbody moving sinuously against his ashe slid ontop of her.

"Giveme the openingI desire,

"Not nowBitch! When Isay it!" Iyelled, slapping herback. I couldn'twait much longerso I forcedher onto thebed.

"Are you talkingabout me?" thewoman accused Mr.Gerber in athreatening tone ofvoice.

"Care for aprivate dance?" Emmawas whispering inmy ear, herwarm sweet breath caressing my earlobe.I leaned towardsher slightly, enjoyingthe rush ofmoisture to mypussy lips ather nearness.

You'll justhave to believeme when Isay, I swear,I really hadn'tthought about ituntil that veryinstant. But inthat instant Iknew that Iwas going tohave to breakthe uneasy détentethat hovered overus. Not withwords. Or ajoke. Or asigh followed bya pathetic comment about how lovelyit had beento spend time with them. Seeyou tomorrow atthe pool. No,what I sawwas dark andmurky, yet socompelling that everyfiber in mybody screamed atme in alanguage I hadnever even heardbefore, to divein.

"Hear thatdid you?" heasked. "Sounds likeyou're going tobe a busygirl doesn't itTina?" When herbody stiffened atthe sudden, unexpecteduse of hername, he leanteven closer. "That'sright Tina, weeven know yourfuckin' name. We'vebeen watching youfor weeks, justwaiting for theright moment toget hold ofyou and don'tyou forget it."


"He won't giveme the tapes,mom."

A man inthe infantry uniformof red tunic and white trousersstrode across thedusty courtyard. Hewas tall andgrey-bearded and carrieda sergeant's baton.

Marshasat naked onthe sofa andRonald joined her,wearing only hispants. As usual,he started bylicking her nipples,switching from oneto the otherand back. Sheenjoyed the attentionsbeing paid toher and aftera few minutes,her upper bodywas squirming onthe sofa, offeringher breasts toRonald to belicked and nuzzled.

Imust have noddedor grunted orsomehow indicated thatI wanted herto go on.Meredith reached upand gently ranthe back oftwo fingers downthe side ofmy face, lightlytracing the contoursof my cheek.I felt herfingers slip undermy chin andlift it slightly,as if toposition me fora kiss. Myeyes closed inanticipation and Igently trembled. Myknees weak. Mybody flushed withdesire.

"You're sick!"she cried, yetshe didn't removemy finger.

She gavethe three mena dazzling smileand the shestrutted into thebedroom and spreadherself out onthe king sizedbed and waitedto see whatthe three menwould do.

"Only afew minutes more,then I'm free.You?"

"Then you've nevertouched a realman before, onlythose white littleones." Damon said.

to continuebooking the dailycruises for ourwives at thattime."

I spread theblanket out andlay down withmy ass atthe edge ofthe bail ofhay and pulledmy legs upspreading them inanticipation of Logansliding his hardcock in mysopping cum soaked pussy.

She turned toGiorgio. "How didyou..."

"I-I don't wantto," Jesse begged."I can stayin your lap;I promise thatI won't fightit!"

"Man, don't worryabout that. We'vediscussed it andI know ya'llaren't going tofall in loveor anything likethat." Mark said,"You need somesex and Sandyneeds more sexthan I cangive her rightnow, so itlooks like awin-win situation. Justsome good olddown and dirtysex between thetwo of you.Sandy is themost fantastic fuckyou've ever had.Her pussy isso tight sometimes I haveto really work to get mydick in herand she getsso wet, sometimesshe has towear a sanitarypad." Mark saidas he turnedtoward the backseat.

I'd belying if Isaid I hadn'tthought about shavinga woman before.Ann's suggestion ofthis bath andshaving was excitingfor me. Quitea few yearsago I wasin touch witha girl whowas just abit younger thanme, and wegot to talkingabout shaving herlegs. She commentedabout how whenshe finally gotmarried that shewanted her husbandto shave herlegs for herin the bath.That's when theseed of thiswhole thing wasplanted.

"Well, maybe there'ssomething I coulddo," Sophie saidtentatively.

Sitting on theedge of thebed I heldeach of herhands and askedwhat was botheringher.

She staredat me sayingnothing. Then, "No,I can't." "Notthis," she answeredwith uncertainty.

We hadbeen in theshower cleaning upafter our greatfuck session whilewe had beenhaving this discussionand after allthis talk, Iwas sporting anotherhard-on.

"I assume thatyou go toschool here?" Shesaid.

I gazed intoher eyes, "Youare the onlyone that Ihave ever beenin love with."

Histongue continued itsassault and thenslowly slid upto my nowengorged clit. Ifelt his tonguegently bathing mewith soft licksin little circlesuntil I wasfully aroused. Istarted to tryto buck myhips with thepleasure but thecuffs held mybody from movingvery much. Ithen felt himplace his hungrymouth over myentrance and lickingand sucking untilhe managed toslide the objectout my warmwet pussy.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

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Not ableto fight it,she allowed herselfa lingering pinchon the plumpof his leftcheek, causing himto expel achestful of airhe had keptinside himself. Beforehe finished, sheresumed her assaulton his backside,landing several quickcracks to hispained bottom thatbrought the firstsigns of tearsto his eyes.He hid themfrom her butwasn't able toslow the burnspreading across hischeeks and kickedhis legs tofight off thepain.

The sound ofthe mountain infront of hermansion of inheritancepenetrated every partof her being.

The atmosphere overdinner was lightAfter teasing her,I start toflick my tongueover moist clit.I gently puta finger inside of her asshe moans inecstasy. She isso wet, thatmy finger slidesin easily, andI start tofinger her veryslowly.

"Anita can Isee your pussy?"

Idecide to leaveit, and justrub my cockthrough my pants.As expected, youwalk in theroom.

"You will betaken any wayI please" washis response ashe started topush. I feltmy tight sphinctergive way ashis engorged head mercilessly forced itsway into myasshole. As soonas the headwas in, mymaster gave asurge, and Ifelt something tearas fully half of his monsterdick embedded itselfin my ass.Screaming with thepain, I felthim withdraw, thenplunge in anotherthree inches. Thefriction on mynewly pierced clit was agony, andI shook myhead from sideto side asmy asshole wasplundered. After abouta dozen thrusts,his entire 14 inches was engulfedby my tighthole. He thencommenced pulling almostout, then forcingit back in.Faster and fasterhe thrusted, untilhe was slamminginto me sohard, the tablewas shaking. Icould feel hisballs slaping myass with everyblow, and thevibration of thetable sent thechains attached tomy nipples shaking.My tits werebeing jerked harderand harder. Finally,when I feltI was goingto be fuckedto death, Ifelt his cockexpand, and ahuge load ofcum gushed frommy asshole. Aftera few morethrusts, he withdrew,and I laythere as cumand blood seepedout of myass. He cleanedhimself with atowel, then releasedmy ankles fromtheir cuffs. Ashe undid thepincers from mynipples, he pinchedone, and anothersurge of agonywashed over mybody. After heundid the strapsholding my bodydown, he placeda collar aroundmy neck, andattached a chainto it. Anotherchain he connectedto the ringin my clit.With these inhand, he forcedme to astanding position. Icould hardly standfrom the painof my rapes,but at anysign of resistance,he would tugat the chainattached to myclit ring. Ihad no choicebut to walkbehind him ashe led meout of theroom and downthe corridor.

"Mmmmm, yeah,"said Beth. Shetook his shirtoff of himand then unbuttonedhis pants. Shepulled them down,leaving him inonly his boxers.They tented grotesquelyfrom his hugecock. "Oh my,"Beth giggled, "Whathave we here?"Beth pulled hisboxers down andhis huge blackcock sprang free.It almost hither in theface. The bigpurple head bobbed in front ofher before Bethopened her mouthand began tosuck on it.She sucked thehead and downthe shaft, gettingit nice andwet. She begansliding both handsup and downthe huge shaft.After a whileshe stopped suckingand looked atme.

Help! I wantedan excuse!

Karen isa divorced woman in her forties.She has twosons, one grownup and onea teenager. Sometimeswhen the youngerone is inschool she comesover to seeme. The lasttime she cameover, she waswearing a jerseydress. Karen istall and voluptuousand the dressshowed off hersexy figure. Shehas beautiful shoulder-lengthreddish-brown hair thatnicely frames herface, which ispleasantly pretty, andher smile makesher face allthe prettier. Onthis day, shehad her hairpulled back behindher cute ears,which are twoof the placesI like tokiss her. Weembraced and kissedat the doorand after sheremoved her shoes,we kissed somemore because wehadn't seen eachother for along time andwe were reallyglad to gettogether again. Stillhugging each other,we walked tothe living room sofa and satdown and resumedkissing, with ourtongues also hugging.The sofa isstrategically placed witha large mirroron the wallat one endso people usingthe sofa canlook in itand watch themselves.The Venetian blindsgave us privacybut plenty oflight for usto see everything.

"You'regoing to lovethis Christine."

GraduallyPeter felt hisdaughter's body relaxas he suckedon one breastand fondled theother. Long yearsof experience withwomen told himshe would offerno further resistanceand be compliantwith his wishes.Moments later hereleased Kate fromher restraints whileshe lay still,looking at himshyly.

I went bymy old watering hole and hada few beerswith the gang.

"Whatthe fuck isthis?" he demanded.

"What?"came the questionfrom inside herroom. "Can Icome in?" Iasked. "OK" camethe reply.

"Youwill be forgiven,"he started, hismouth felt dry and he couldfeel sweat beginningto form onhis brow, "Butyou must makeit up tome."

'The Ambition ofSandy Hill' wasa trash novel.No one wouldever try todoubt that. Thevoluptuous title character dominated the darkcover dressed inlittle more thana white transparentgown and anineffectual shawl chosen for the accentas opposed towarmth.

"I found somemagazines with picturesand letters"

Our tourrepresentative had organiseda bar crawl which started early,so by thetime we gotto 'Frogs bothAlison and Iwere pretty wasted as we hadbeen drinking bythe pool allafternoon. We wereboth dancing downnear the frontas the D.J.began choosing people to join himon stage. Iguess the waymy pert 36b-cupbreasts were jigglingin my bikinitop must havecaught his eye,as he calledme up. Ilooked back atAlison but shewas already busygrinding her arseinto the luckyguy stood behindher.

"Wait..." she commandedme; suddenly Ifelt a delicioussqueezing sensation asshe began rotating her hips. Istared down ather, watching enthralled as she tookher bottom lipbetween her teeth,her eyes closed,still squirming beneath me.

andinformal. The threetalked about theboy's college andtheir studies. Butwhen Pat enquiredon the subjectof girlfriends, thetwo boys looked slyly at eachother and changedthe subject. Afterthe meal, Billand Jim clearedthe table andloaded the dishwasherwhile Pat madeherself comfortable inthe lounge andloaded the movieshe had rented.When the boysreturned, Jim opened a bottle ofbrandy and theyall settled infront of theTV. The moviewas not asgood as theyhad believed, andas the threeconsumed more andmore brandy, theyignored the TVand began talking again. They hadall become quiteintoxicated by thebrandy when theconversation again returnedto the subjectof girlfriends.

It wasgetting dark bythe time Lottehad made herselflook vaguely presentable and stepped gingerly down the ladder.Her backside wassore- her buttocksglowing from thespanking, her anusfelt swollen andtender. She washedher face andrinsed her hairin the coolwater of thecattle trough, wonderingwhat excuse shewould make thistime if hermother asked. Sheclosed the doorof the barnbehind her andmade her wayback along thepath, picking herway carefully round the cowpats andthistles in thedim light.

"Yes, Shane.Fuck me inthe ass!" sheteased. Shane took his hard cock and shoved itthrough the tinyasshole. Trish letout a yelp.Oh god hiscock is sobig! she thought,her mind notthinking straight. Shanewas taking herin doggystyle. Thewater made iteasier to fuckTrish's ass. Trishmoaned, jerking herhead around. "Ah!Oh god, yesShane! Fuck me!"

I'm pulling offthe interstate intothe city properwith my ballsresting comfortably belowmy nice hardseven inches. Nowthere are biggerguys out therebut I'm sportinga reasonably thick,bigheaded pre-cum oozingcock as Ipull into thedrive thru toorder a burger.My shirt isunbuttoned all theway of courseleaving me bare-chestedand my shortsare down someplacebetween my ballsand my knees.I'm basically allhanging out andI love it!

"Well,well," I said."This is asurprise. What's goingon?"

With her criesof affection forhis cock, Milesstarted giving itto her good.Becky was stillloving it. Heremembered every sneer,and every timeshe got himin trouble forsomething she did.Faster and harder,he kept pumping his strong hipsagainst her plumpwhite ass.

Dianethen walked overto me, flankedby Suzie andRachel and startedto unbutton myshirt, before pullingit off mybody as bestshe could consideringI was stillhandcuffed to thechair. Then sheran her fingersdown my chest,saying:

"Thanks stud" shewhispered sexily, stillclose to me.I leaned downto kiss heragain and felther leg pushing outwards against mineas she spreadthem further. Igot the ideaand lifted myselfover her slenderpin and slidin between herthighs. I kissedher again andthen kissed downonto her neck,gently sucking andkissing it asI pushed thehead of myraging erection againsther tight, wetpussy lips. Sheran her handsup my backas I pushedforwards, the headof my cocksliding into herhot haven withease, her pussyjust sucking mein. I easedforwards, firmly butslowly sliding mylength into her,enjoying the feelingover her hot,tight pussy. Sheclamped down onme every inchor so feltgreat, her musclesgripping me fora moment thenreleasing me tolet me sliddeeper.

"Oh, can Isee it please?That would begrand."


His eyes lingereda moment onthe front ofher sundress, whichseemed to bestraining the clothcovering her amplebosom. Teresa smiled to herself andlooked up atthe porch ofthe farmhouse.

"Ohmy god." Thegirl said.

I laythere for awhile,catching my breath,eyes closed, savoringmy dream aslong as Icould before facingstark reality. Ifinally gave upand went tothe bathroom, withthe familiar longing still in mybelly and theache in myheart, to cleansethe feel ofSam from mybody, hoping Icould also cleansethe whole episodefrom my mind.The entire incident had came aboutdue to whatI thought weregood intentions, butwhen I realizedthat I hadmade a mistakeit was toolate to backout. As Iheaded back tobed, I waswondering how toget rid ofSam gracefully. AsI got back to the bed,he pulled meinto his armsand kissed me.I thought Iwas going togag.

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The onlyproblem we haveis that herjob requires herto leave ontrips quite frequently.Not only doesthese cause problemsin our lovelife, but, itis very hardfor me totake care ofthe boys andbalance my careerat the sametime. My wifeand I finallycame to thedecision that weneeded a babysitterto help out.Since we knewvery few peoplein the townI went tothe local college to see ifI could finda suitable babysitter.I was directed"You've got adate!" I sayprovocatively. "About 7pm?"

"You are alwaysin a hurry."


Almosta week hadgone by sincethe party andthe get togetherwith Bill, butTom and Iwere still feelingits influence. Fromtime to timewe'd find ourselvesgrinning for noapparent reason, andthe sex betweenus was asred hot aswhen we firstmet! I'd beena little surprised that Tom hadshown no signsof jealousy orof feeling threatened,even though he'dnoticed how differentI'd been withBill, more vocaland more demanding,in fact heseemed to takegreat joy inthe fact thatI'd given everyindication of lovingevery minute ofthe sex withBill, and hadnominated as thehighlight of theevening for himthe look ofutter blissful lust on my facewhen Bill shothis load inmy mouth thevery first time!he reckoned Isucked Bill sohard and solong on thatoccasion he wasafraid I wasgoing to suckBill's balls outfrom their socket!I asked himat one pointif he wantedme to bethe way Iwas with Billwith him, andhe just laughed and said theway I waswith him waseverything he couldwish for, andthe whole ideaof being withsomeone else wasto explore different aspects and differentfeelings.

"And who willyou use, MisterSims?" Harlan asked."I fully expectthat I willown your Jim."

"Youbitch!" I said,feeling the cornerof lip andchecking for blood."That hurt!"

I giggledand said, "Ittickles when Iwash my feet!"

Shemade her wayinto the mansion.Jennifer called outfor him. HELLO!JOE, where areyou? She hearda noise fromabove. Looked upto see himstanding there naked.Are you readyhe said! YES!MASTER!

"I thinkthat you're thebest thing that'shappened to mein a longtime," she saidas we boardedthe elevator. "We'regoing to havefun."

"Oh, God." Mylegs gave way.I sank tomy knees andstarted to cry.The thoughts hadcome so quicklyafter his statement,and I realizedthe other motivationbehind this andI couldn't standit. He kneltand reached forme. I putmy hands outas a signalto stop. "No!Don't touch me!"He backed away."I don't deserveit. I don'tdeserve you."

"I'm notvery good atplaying with someoneelse's pussy," Itold her.

He lookedaround as ifexpecting someone tojump out andkill them. Hecould see theglow from astreet lamp atthe other endof the building.She walked upto a doorand knocked, asif tapping outa series ofnotes. A smallwindow in thedoor opened formoment, recognizing herthen opening thedoor. Mark couldsee a smallcamera above thedoor also. Therein the doorwaystood one ofthe most beautifulwomen he hadever seen. "Kerri,"she said, asshe reached outand pulled thetwo of themin, closing thedoor behind them.Kerri, so thatwas her name.Hell, they hadtalked, and hadsex, yet itwas the firsttime he hadheard her name.

I rise; hesitatefor a momentI have neverpissed on anyone.I lift myleg and spreadmy other legso I amright over him.I wonder ifI should moveback but helifts his faceto get closerto my pussy.He touches mypussy with verycold hands andI shiver. Ishake like aleaf as Itry to letmyself relax topee. Ryan teasesme as blowslightly on me.

Itell you thisto explain thepoint of thisstory. My wifeand I havebeen married justover two yearsand we aremore fascinated anddeeply in lustwith one anotherthan we wereon our weddingnight. It showsno signs ofdiminishing only accelerating.

'Right I've gotan idea.' SaidPam. 'David, yougo and getus all anotherbrew, whilst Itest the waterwith Rachel andSue.' The othertwo looked inquisitively at Pam asI picked upthe teacups andheaded off totop them allup. 'David!' Pamshouted as Iwalked away, 'Takeyour time.'

He couldn'twait to getto the bedroom.Unzipping his pants,his cock leaptout, the headred and swollen,wet with precum.Standing behind her,they faced thebathroom mirror, andhe watched herface as hecaressed her breasts,the sides ofher body, hishands sliding toher waist. Shebent over thecounter, and hewasted no time,his hardness slipping easily into herwet pussy.

Aswe walked tothe car Iwas very nervous,I felt sostrange, I feltso exposed, yetI was coveredby my coat.It took awhile to realisethat people couldn'tsee my body,but my baldpussy made mefeel even morenaked. We droveto the shoppingcentre in themiddle of townand parked inthe car parkat one end.Instead of goinginto the shoppingcentre we walkeddown this shabbystreet and wentinto a sexshop. Yet anotherfirst for me.Jon told meto look roundwhile he boughtsomething. He didn'tshow me whatand I wasn'tlooking. I wasvery busy looking at all the'toys'. We leftand headed backto the shoppingcentre, which pleasedme because Iwas getting cold.In the centrewe wandered rounda few shopsthen went intoa pub fora drink. Aftera couple ofgin and tonicsI started torelax a bit.It was thenthat Jon said,"Another rule -from now on,whenever I amnear you, youwill not crossyour legs orfeet". I wasbeginning to getused to thesesurprises by nowand did asI was told.The coat waslong enough forme not toworry about whatwas showing.

Shesmiled at meand then mademy heart thumpso much Ithought it wasgoing to invademy throat. "Speakingof lingerie, let'sgo to thebedroom, I'll giveyou a showof what I'vegot on underthis."

towardthe childcare anddevelopment department whoin turn toldme that theyhad the perfectcandidate.

"Wait a minute!Hold on! Youagreed?"

"Good. Because myleft breast isthe one youreally need toempty."

"Please don't Sir....please..."

"Ido like agirl wearing apetticoat," Jay continued,especially lots oflayers and frillsjust like yours.It is sonice to beable to seethrough your onealso. Stand upand let thepeople in thecar next tous see howsexy you are."

Renehad been openlybisexual since highschool. It hadall started ata party whenshe had athreesome with adating couple fromschool. The planwas to concentrateon the boyfriendand break himaway from thegirl. But thatchanged when Renefound out justhow much sheenjoyed the girl,and she hadn'tlooked back since.Though she nowhad a definiteinclination towards women,sometimes, as asmiling Rene wouldoften put it,you just can'tbeat a gooddick. "That's notexactly the kindof help Iwas looking for,"Alana replied, gigglingagain.

Grant sauntered overthe threshold ofhis apartment, hisbottle of boozeand suitcase full of money intow. He glancedhis surroundings over.They were moderate,though he wasgetting paid thousands of dollars foreach job, majorityof it didn'tstay around toolong to renovatehis home. Hehad to upgradehis weaponry andgadgets and hewas hardly homeanyway.

Bill closed thedoor and climbedin on thedriver's side andthey headed offtowards her house.

"Yesssssss,Bobby!!! Oh, yesssssss!!!Take meeeeeeee!!! Takemeeeeee!!!" Helen cried,pulling at hernephew, trembling withecstasy once more."More!!! More!!! Oh,Goddddddddd!!! Oh, Goddddddddd!!!!!!"Her body arched against his, hertight sleeve milking every bit ofpleasure possible outof his cock.

Rockyknelt down onthe bed betweenAnnie's outstretched legs.He slid hiscock back andforth along hercunt, allowing herjuices to coatthe underside ofhis hard weapon.As a smallmoan came fromher lips, hepushed a bitharder, putting morefriction between hiscock and hercunt. Her slitwas soaking wet,and soft asvelvet. He pushedthe head ofhis cock in,just barely entering her cunt lips.He looked downand watched asthe head ofhis cock stretchedher cunt wideopen. Her cunthole expanded asthe wide rim of his throbbingcock popped inside the whimpering mother'sslick cunt. Holdinghis cock inone hand, hepushed in abit further. Hercunt was sotight, that ifit weren't forher juices, hewouldn't have beenable to getup there atall. Annie felther cunt beingstretched. If hecontinued, he wouldtear her intwo. He couldfeel his headslip further andfurther inside ofher cunt lips,until finally itwas almost totallyenveloped by hercunt. Annie pushedher hips upto meet hisstroke, swallowing hisentire cock intoher dripping pussy.

"I need toget to class,"Sanaii looked away from his hypnoticeyes.

He saw toit that Bevwas assigned tothe projects thathe was working,saw to itthat she hadto work latewith him toget this projector that proposalout on timeand he eventook her alongon out oftown business trips.Did that haveany effect onme? Damned straight it did! Itfrosted my assbig time, butBev was abig girl andI trusted her.Besides, she knewthat Randy wasan asshole; Godknows that I'dtold her thatoften enough whentelling her aboutwhat he haddone to me.

"Wipethose fucking tear off and answermy you fuckingbitch." She said

"That'sright." I wasgetting curious. "Areyou joining theclass then?" Iasked.

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"You didvery well whore.We got bothcars at dealercost along withseveral upgrades forfree. I hopeyou can appreciatewhat I amdoing for you,"she says reaching under my dressand fingering mypussy. "By theway, tomorrow wego looking formy new house.The one whereI "Are youokay?"

Lord Hillenbroke stood and slammed afist on thedesk. "I saidSILENCE! When Igive you acommand you willobey. Rafe isbeing punished. Youneed not concernyourself with himfurther."

Her pulse quickened and palms grewsweaty. There wasa small stack of photographs atthe bottom ofthe drawer. Sarahknew that therehad to bea reason theywere buried whereno one shouldbe looking, andthat knowledge madeher both nervousand incredibly curious.She'd always consideredBryce to bea "nice guy,"forever caught inthe limbo betweengeek and cool.Tonight's encounter withhim had alreadygone a longway toward changingthat image, andshe instinctively knew this stash ofphotos would pushthe boundaries evenfurther.

May tonight beas full ofexcitement, as youhave made mylife! With allmy Love, Roy

Shehad a small,crooked smile andhot, devilish eyes as she loweredher head tomy crotch. Herhair tickled myleg as shebobbed for mycock and suckedit into hermouth. When Ifelt a twitchin my cock,I realized Ihadn't had anerection since Elainemade her announcementin the garage,but Speedy's vigoroussucking made itrise like aballoon. In seconds,I was sohard it hurt.

Sam then pushedhis hard erectionagainst her body,showing her whatthis was doingto him. Hernipples became stiffupon this boldmove and hebent down, chewingon them lightly,biting and tuggingat the rubberytissue.

"Suck themDev please."

"Liquor." Hesmiled a littleand produced abottle of champagnefrom a bucketof ice nearby.Our eyes fell away from eachother as werealized that wassupposed to bea celebratory toastto our finallymeeting, and finallyacting on allthese wild impulses we were feeling.It broke myheart to realizenow that thenight was goingto yield muchdifferent results.

Shewas not surewhat started tochange, was itfear, was itthe desire toget out ofthis situation alive?What ever itwas, she stoppedthrashing against thechains that bindher, and beganmoving with hishands.

"Dinner is atsix thirty," Karensaid. "And tonightis a togaparty," she addedwith a grin.

Isaw her eyesclosed, teeth gritted and I strokedher quickly, littleshort flicks acrossher clit.

The boi'sbody tightened underneath Her, T/their eyesstill locked, aflash of fearin the depthsof hys. Shedropped Her lipsto hys fora brief kiss before responding. "Wasit?" She slidoff the boi'sbody, maintaining skin-to-skincontact with hymas She glancedover her shoulderat the Boileaning against thedoor frame.

Mel leta small laughand smiled, "Whatsay we getthis night started,I just hope I can keepthe guys offmy asian princesslong enough toget through dinner."

"So, you probablyhaven't heard anythingelse about thatprogram everyone wastalking about sinceschool got outhave you?" shesaid discreetly whilewe stood tothe side ofthe service counter.

"Loveya Tom"

The Wolfpulled his faceaway; it wasdrenched. He roseon his knees,his cock onceagain hard, andhe pressed himselfon her. Helet the lengthof his shaftglide though theslickness of herpussy, over herclit and towardher naval ashe lowered hismouth to hers.Lorie tasted herown juice onhis face, andtheir mouths atehungrily at eachother.

*** Arriving atHome ***

am in chargeand control everyoneand everything. I'msure you willdo your partto make surewe get agood price."

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"Fuckme. I wantyour big cock in my cunt.Please."

"No Rainie, itcertainly wasn't. It'sjust... nice tothink about. Totalk about. Ireally appreciated it.I wouldn't wantto be outof line insuch matters. But...I don't wantto go homeyet. The night'sgoing really well,and I thoughtwe could justdrive around somemore."

"You ruinedmy life."

"You, me,everything."

"What do youthink those twocousins are cookingup?" she asked."They're both sexy,and maybe......maybe it'llturn out tobe an extrahot party," sheadded. "Which onedo you thinkis the sexiest,Cindy or Julia?"

Thatwas the arrangement.Her name wasClaudia.

"Hey," came asoft call, instantlystirring me frommy listlessness. Iopened my eyesto see Cindy peeking over thefence.

Vicky curled upbeside me andlaid her headagainst my chest,both of uspanting.

"Yes, what dormdo you livein?"

Things changed whenRon was dischargedfrom the Armyand came tostay with them.He was lookingfor a joband then hewould find aplace of hisown. What wassuppose to bea two weeksstay had turnedinto a monthwithout a jobin sight. Hewas a hardworker and hadreally helped Joe out with thefarm work.

"Nothing,"she replied, asshe smelt hercome on herfingers.

She triedthe smallest cobfirst but itwas too smalland she couldn'tfeel it whenshe slipped itin. The secondone was slightlylarger but stilldid nothing, thefourth largest shetried fitted muchbetter even ifit didn't stretchher. Finally thesixth one slippedit with alittle difficulty andmade her gaspand sigh. Thatwas much better.She left itin, and witheyes closed, playedwith her tits.

"Don't be sillyBeth. Get uphere and putthat sweet pussyof yours overmy face. Iwant to tasteit before Mikefills it withcum."

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"Do youhave a boyfriend?"

Thatwas followed byanother smack thatraised an angrywelt. She whimperedlouder, as sheslid her fingerin and outof her asshole.

AsI reached thebase of thestairs there wasa small landing area and aset of doubledoors. I pushedthe door openand before Iknew it Iwas inside ClubCuffs. The musicwas erotic andthe sounds ofpeople fucking wereevident. I stoodstill and lookedaround the wholeclub. There wasTina walking away a few stepsand opening asuitcase. Jessica moaned and started tocry softly. WhateverTina was showingin that suitcaseor taking outmust be makingJessica cringe withterror. Tina slapped her tight assand the cryingceased. The noisesthat followed explainedwhat Mike washearing and whyJessica was cryingsilently. Tina tiedropes around Jessica'sankles and wrists.A delicate collarcame around herneck. Slender chains connected each wristto its respectiveankle and thecollar to theensemble. Thus, Jessicawas on herknees on thefloor, flat chestand tiny nipples pointing up, headtossed back. Tinatook a goodlook at Jessicaand laughed. SqueezingJessica's nipples perhapstoo hard, shespoke harshly, "Now,we are goingto be reallygood girls, aren'twe?" A sharpersqueeze got theaffirmative response fromJessica.

Sally was afraidthat she wasgoing to cum.Years of sexualfrustrations were makingher weak andJimmy was drivingher wild. Hewas so hotand eager. Herson's fingers inside her were bringingher close toclimax and shefelt the needto cum butthe shame ofher desire washolding her back.

"Yesssssssss,Stacey!!!!!! Oh, yessssssss!!!!Me, toooooo!!! Me,tooooo!!!!"Marlene moaned aspowerful feelings oncemore overwhelmed her."Oh, God, Stacey!!!!!That feels sogooooddddd!!! So gooooooddddddddd!!!!Oh, yessssssss!!!! Oh,yessssssss!!!!!!"

Itwas a verywarm night andmy Cousin Carlawas dressed tokill, wearing veryshort shorts thatshowed off hertanned legs, anda halter topthat barley contained her 36C breasts.Her long dark hair was tiedback into apony tail andonly made herpretty face look younger then her19 years. Iwas thinking tomyself that ifshe wasn't mycousin, that Iwould love tohave her thatnight.

The five ofthem gave mea tour ofthe firehouse andexplained how itand things worked.The others discreetlylet Nate show me their sleepingquarters on hisown. We saton his bedand kissed forawhile while theothers were downstairsand then Natepulled away fromme and said,"Do you reallywant to dothis?"

She started riding me for allshe was worth.Up and down,up and down,she pumped herselfonto me. Icould feel herpussy get tightaround me, shestarted to shake,and I knewshe was havingan orgasm. Myballs were gettingtight, and Iknew also thatI wouldn't befar behind her.

Barbdecided that aslong as theyhad come thisfar - andbesides, she'd neversee this Susanagain - shemight as welltry to explain."Well, we've triedspanking and paddlingand a littlebondage - ropesand stuff. Afew clothes pinsand a leatherbelt or two.We don't knowexactly what wewant, but wegot the ideaof starting aclub for ourselvesand our boyfriends.We're looking forsome equipment toget started."

"My pussyis, but mymouth is fine."

"Whois invited?"

'Finally henotices,' she thought.

"Letsjust say, Mr.Alright was prettygood at throwinghis weight aroundto get whathe wanted, buthe wasn't muchgood at givinga woman whatshe needed."

During therest of theday, we didfun things. Wetalked a lot.We watched amovie and wentfor a swimin the giantpool that wasin her apartmentcomplex. We atein and wentto bed. OnSunday, she packedsome clothes anda picnic basket.We went ona picnic ina county parkand then tomy place. Wespent Sunday night together and somewhereduring the weekend,we decided tostay together. Noone said anythingbut when wewalked into theoffice together onMonday morning, wegot some funnylooks. An occasionalsalesman would tryto get closeto her butwould quickly backoff when shewould tell themthat she wasmy girl.

"Toyou.....the sexiest grandmaI've ever known."

"Doyou know Danny.I think youmight be right.Has she everwatched you?"

"No I'mnot saying itwasn't fun, infact it feltgreat, it's justthat since thenyou have beenreal quiet soI thought maybeI hurt you."I confessed.

"Mark, I'mlooking in themirror at mynaked body. I'mstanding with mylegs spread andI touched myself.Mark, I'm wet,I'm so wetfor you."

a pretty goodsize crowd andnearly every tablehad people aroundthem. I slowlymade my waytoward the tables,noticing that nearlyeveryone was nakedor in somestate of undress.I saw thebar tender standing behind the barwas topless too.I noticed thatshe didn't havea lack ofcompany as almosteveryone sitting aroundthe bar wereguys.

"So how doyou like fuckingyour first whitewoman Derek?" Isaid nastily asI stared intoDerek's dark eyes,his dark brownskin such astark contrast tothe light-colored sheetsand pillowcases. Sweatdripped from myface onto Derek'schest.

I was aboutto rub mychin against mychest to cleanoff the sementhat was drippingfrom it whenI heard thedoor open andshut. I feltmy bounds beinguntied from theradiator and wasdragged to thecenter of theroom where Iwas forced ontomy hands andknees.

Now she wasnothing more thanGeri Halliwell, singerand performer. Therewas just oneproblem though.

Jill slides her fingers downbetween my legsand then commentson how mypussy doesn't lie.I try tospeak but shetakes her handwithout my juicesand covers mymouth while thewet fingers shegingerly inserts intohis mouth thenpulls them outand kisses himdeep as hiseyes stay locked on mine. Sheasks how sweetI am andhe says incredibly.

"Iam going tohave to askyou to bevery discreet andnot tell anyonewho you seeat the partytonight. Most ofthese women wouldnot like itknown that theyhave a kinkyside," Elaine giggledat the lastcomment. I wasbeginning to feelthe effects ofthe wine andI joined her."They wouldn't exactlywant anyone toknow that theywere truly thedildo queens. Oneof these womencame to anotherparty I hadand," she lookedaround to makesure no onewas listening, "shebought this hugestrap on. Ireally wonder whoshe used iton, her husbandor another lover."

Hejust shook hishead. This wasgoing to beharder than Ithought. "Stanley, Iwant to apologizefor all thehorrible things I'vedone to youin the past.That's what Iwanted to talkto you about."

AsI turned onthe TV. andbegan to watch,I was almostshocked when Irealized that thisplace was asexual themed resort.I continued towatch as theyshowed room afterroom (six inall) that hadsexually oriented themes and games thatwere being played.On the preview,they stressed thatyou could participateas much asyou wanted orif you prefer,you could justwatch.

Later, we wentto bed, heheld me andI slept. Around3 AM Iwoke. Panic! Ididn't know whereI was, fora second Ithought I wasdead.

MakotoTashimi: you arebeginning to turnme on

Horrified atthe suggestion, Iglanced toward Sara.She just smiled mischievously, quite obviously enjoying the scene.

Afurther change inJoanna's sexual circumstances came about inan unexpected manner and from asurprising source.

She turned onto Andy andkissed him onhis lips, unbuckledhis jeans, pulleddown his boxersand licked hisdick, teasing thehead around therim. She grabbedhis ass andhung on fordear life ashe fucked hermouth like aman on amission.
Andywas shoving hishand down onher head, andhe was fuckingher mouth, fasterand faster, harderand harder, Allat once, likea waterfall, histhick white cum floods her mouth,heaps of itpouring out ofher lips. Hepulls out, yanksher hair andstarts stroking hiscock all overher face, amazinglystill cumming,

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Very gentlyand delicately, NurseFrancy parts yourbuttocks and placesthe rounded tipof the applicatorright at theentrance or yourrectum. You gasp.

"Takea good look honey, you eversaw such ahot pussy before?"she asked witha big smile on her face.

He places Let'snot forget theman in frontof her. Hemoved like apanther stalking hisprey. Taut muscles rippled under histoo-tight tee-shirt. Hisalmond-colored eyes moved over Crystal's bodywith a mixtureof desire andboredom; it wasa combination shewas sure wasonly a maskfor what hewas really feeling.But it wasunnerving none theless.

"That was wonderful.The girls atcollege always argueabout whether theycan feel thesperm going inor not. Somesay they can,but most can't.But I can,and I have!"

Let me tellyou a littlebit about myself.I am alesbian and haveknown it sinceI was about10 years old.I haven't hadmuch experience, onerelationship when Iwas really young and some playpetting with girlfriends. I owethis to anotherpeculiarity of mynature, which isthat I amextremely shy. Iam pretty (Ithink)at 5'2", slimwith shoulder length brunette hair andblue eyes. Ihave a decentfigure with kindof small (32b)but well formedbreasts. I alsotend to dressfairly conservatively, whichkeeps me offmost women's "gaydar".In short Ilook like thegirl next doorand don't reallyadvertise my sexualpreference.

"You told herabout our relationship?"I asked herin total disbelief.

"Isthat so?" Iinterrupted.

Laying in herbed, Dawn felta little gushof wetness flowfrom her pussywith the memory,and she movedher drenched finger in delicate circlesaround her clit.She had evenshaved herself, wantingnot even thetiny impedance ofa little hair to interfere withthe pleasures thather late night strokings could giveher. She raisedher wet fingertipsto her lipsso that shecould taste herrising excitement. God,would Daddy think she tasted asgood as shedoes? Would hewant to lickher and slowlytaste all ofthe pleasures ofher body? Orwas Daddy thekind of manwho just useda girl, poundinghimself inside herfor his pleasurealone? Either waywas OK withher. It didn'tmatter at all,as long asit was hersweet and sexyfather screwing her.

Brad'scock was nowon the vergeof ejaculation. Hecould feel theclimax building.

He justnodded. Leah grittedher teeth athis cocky attitude."You don't believeme."

Gail expertly teased and sucked hiscock until shewas so excitedshe needed tofeel his hotcum fill hermouth. She changedtechniques and beganusing her lipsmore and tongueless as shemoved her headup and down.His slick, hardshaft smoothly slid through her lips.Mike gripped theedge of thedesk tightly andprepared for hisrapidly approaching end.

She nods herhead enthusiastically atmy question. "I'mfamished."

I moved intoposition and placedmy cockhead inher pussy. AsI rubbed itback and forthacross her clit,it began toswell. Her hipmovements told methat she wantedme to fuckher.

"So what amI supposed todo now?" Iasked, still prettyangry.

Elisabeth called Daniel into the bedroomto talk. Whenhe came outhe was carryinghis bag andtrying to holdback tears. Hisformer mistress placed a blindfold overhis eyes anda leash tothe metal collarpermanently attached tohis neck.

Ilooked at himsharply. Sam wasstroking himself, hishand gripping hishardness, the bulbous,swollen head showing prominently above hisfingers. I knewfrom his expressionthat there wasno turning backnow, that Iwas forced todo exactly ashe said, soI slid tothe floor onmy knees infront of Renee.I pushed herlong legs furtherapart, bending herknees back. Iplaced both handson her thighsand pulled hertorso further outon the couch.I bent myhead down andextended my tongueto her soft,wet pubic hair.I found herpussy lips andpushed my probingtongue in betweenthem, parting them.I heard heremit a gaspof pleasure.

You lookso hot, andI am sohard and anxiousto really giveyou a goodfucking.

"Genius isknowing 'She lovesyou, yea-yea-yea' works;you'd have written'She loves you,indeed'. And Lennonwasn't a hillbilly."

"Uh,hello, excuse mylack of clothing,"she said, suddenlyfeeling giggly andnaughty rather thanashamed, "I forgotabout the coffeecircle and dashedout of theshower and..."

a dark green collar around myneck and kissesme softly aswe join asOne.

"Well, last night,when this happened…"She began andthen paused briefly."It was kindof… Well, itwas kind ofa turn on."

Darenlooked into hereyes, and sawnothing but desireand need. Shereally wanted him,and it wasn'tprogramming or falseintentions, it wasreal and raw.He brought hislips to hersand kissed her.She pressed herlips tighter tohis and kissedhim back andmoaned lightly intohis mouth. Heparted his lipsslightly unsure ofwhat to do.His first kiss,and hers, yetshe seemed toknow what todo. His slowlyslid his tongueout toward hermouth and sheopened her lipsaccepting his tongueeasily.



"Yes mylove, anything"

My handsslide over hisback and downto his ass."We have hoursto go love.What would youlike to do?"his eyes searchmine as hewaits for myanswer. We bothlook down atmy silk shirt and notice thefrayed material brought on by therubbing of thebrick wall. "Well,it looks likewe'll need todo a littleshopping," I saywith a devilishsmile and awicked sparkle inmy eye.

Reality hit.

Henodded. "Oh butI am yourfather. Or haveyou forgotten thatI adopted you?"

"I'mlying in bedwithout a stitchof clothing onmy body thinking about you, actually,I've been thinkingabout you fora while nowand decided tocall because thesethoughts of mineare the kindthat should beshared."

"How did thathappen? I noticedyou spoke tohim as youwalked by him."

Well,I guess hewas headed tothe sex fairlyearly after all,but, you knowwhat I mean.I was kindof ready bythis time. Sincewe both seemedto have timeto spare onthis evening, thestory continued. Ifound myself squirmingin my chairin anticipation ofthe next linesto come fromCarlos. I confessthat I wasbecoming involved andI felt atingle of excitementbetween my legsthat surprised me.There was moreto this thanmet the eye.Before long, wehad advanced thestory line tothis:

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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"If youlike it theother way, youcan try itout on me.I'm not averseto taking afew whacks froma pretty lady."

Ihurried back tothe other couplein time tohear that guytell the womanhe was fillingher ass withcum too. Ialmost laughed Later,when everyone isgetting ready toleave, I noticeyou having aquiet chat withyour friend. Ican see you'reboth flirting andI figure thatyou're going toask him togo back toyours so Icome over andtell you thatI'm thinking aboutgoing home. Youwrap your armsaround me andask me tostay and thenstart kissing me.Your friends arewatching as ourkissing becomes morepassionate and thenyou break awayfrom me andstart kissing him.I have mixedfeelings about seeingyou do thisbut these aresoon changed whenhis girlfriend starts to kiss me.You tell methat they wantto join usfor some funand so weleave and catcha cab backto my hotel.

"Youdo know thatwomen acting asMules have thatdone don't you?"She said "incase they haveto have thecontraband removed ina hurry ata clinic."

And Mariawas cumming too...atthe same time!!!Her body tightenedand I couldtell she wascumming hard, herfingers still insideher pussy. Iwas so turnedon, at thatmoment I wouldhave given anythingin the worldto be downthere, to bewith her tokiss her, tofeel...and even tasteher wetness. Istarted to lickmy own fingers,the first timeI had evertasted my ownpussy. I pretendedit was Maria's.God....I wanted itto be Maria's.

Andshe was bentover, opening herlegs for me,showing me thatperfect pussy andthe pink secret lips beneath thethatch of goldenhair. Goldilocks. Iwanted to callher that. Goldilockswith succulent titsand a pussyready to befucked. I spreadher with itthen, no warnings.She didn't needany. She wasso hot andwet, the juicesmaking the thickcock I woreslide in withlittle resistance. Butit seemed sheclamped down onit for Ihad to pushharder. And myend was pushingup and intome as Imoved into her.I was fuckingmyself and herat the sametime. Her titsswung against thecool marble ofthe counter andI reached aroundto pinch them.

I writhed againstyou in achurning rhythm, yourcock the pivoton which myhips rotated, andyou watched myyoung face flush and twist. Youwatched, disbelieving, asI wriggled andsquirmed, the heatof our bodiesand the soundof my cursesfilling the room.

Roses placed gently aside. Fumbling, fear,embarrassment, submission, movingthrough you. Onefold, then another.Your thinking thatthis is thefirst time thatyou have hadto fold thescarf. Is thatpart of this.Did he wantme to knowthat? Another fold,the fabric coolagainst your fumblingfingers. A lastlook around asthe scarf returnsto its placeso well known.

"Wellthat was asurprise." John saidas he pulledhis wife's bodyinto his. Hemade sure shefelt his hard-on.

She could feelhis hands touching her, his fingersprobing at herwet pussy andflicking her hardclit. The brunettelet out alight moan ashe forced afinger into her.She reached backand lifted herdress a littlefurther. Experience toldher she wasbetter to letthe Doctor havehis way.

Steve grabbed Toni's legs andpushed them uphigh onto hisshoulders. That liftedToni's ass slightly off the bedas Steve began to pound deep and hard intothe housewife's pussy.Steve was realsexual athlete. Hehad a bigcock and couldfuck for along long time.And he hadjust that intentionwith Toni.

Her hipswere slowly anddeliberately meeting myinward tongue thrusts and my softkisses to herwet pink lips.She released hergrip on herpussy from belowand used herhands to beginto play withmy hair andcaress my ears."You are sobeautiful", she saidsoftly as shestroked my headand neck. "Youmake me feelso beautiful baby.I love you,Keechy."

When she cameshe practically smothered me, pressing herbody down onmy face asI forced mytongue as farinto hot pussy as I could.I felt herbody spasm againand again asshe came, mytongue still deepin her cunt.

Shecalmed a little."You're right. Iremember. I'm sorry,Justin. I justmiss you somuch it makesme crabby."

I amsorry for thismorning and Ihope that Imade up forit tonight. Idid have toreturn to workthough and whenI get homeyou better beready to giveup that sweetass to yourhusband instead ofsome vile rapist.LOVE, Hunter.

Donrealized at thatmoment what washappening but itseemed so natural,and it waseasy to tellthat Christina wasnot resisting. Sheeven seemed tobe enjoying it.Her milk wassweet and thinand he enjoyedthe taste sohe suckled herbreast for anotherminute and thenmoved to theother one, takingit into hismouth and suckingit gently. Afterseveral minutes ofthis he kissedhis way upher chest andover her neckand up toher lips.

Wepulled up infront of Chris'house, a reallynice newer place with a smallbut totally secluded yard. Even thoughhe was onlyon maybe a1/8th of anacre of landmost of itwas back yardand surrounded bya seven footfence. Chris leadme into thehouse and showedme the groundfloor, a hugeliving room withbig screen TV,two wonderful overstuffed leather couches, anottoman and ahuge chair thatcould pass asa small love seat. The diningroom was separatefrom both thefront room andkitchen and wasset up witha simple oak table for four.He lead mefrom there intothe kitchen pointingout the fulldownstairs bathroom inthe hall bythe backdoor.

aloud when itoccurred to methat she hadto have knownwhat was happeningas cum beganto seep fromher anus anddrip off ontothe guy's balls.

"I'msorry baby." Shesputtered, still gigglinghelplessly. "It's justthat we sorarely ever seemto actually makeit to abed!"

"I am sosorry, Bill." Imurmured into hisshoulder.

He was afine specimen ofthe adult male specimen, about 20years old anda well tonedmuscular body. Lisaand I bothsmiled at him.

"Phil," I said."I better goback in."

"Thank you,"I purred asI caressed hischeek. I excusedmyself from ourdinner table togo try onhis gift.

People aredifferent about howmuch massage theywant. Many willwant you todo their entireback, legs andarms but donot want youto even touchtheir bottom, despitethe fact thatthis is alsoa place thatholds a lotof tension. Onceagain the Queensignaled Aditi. AsAditi removed thesheet to revealthe Queen's beautifulbottom, I coveredit with asmall amount ofthe oil, rubbingit in justas I haddone for theother parts ofher body.

"Isee you've discoveredyour new clothes.Like them?" Heasked.

"Master, I'm goingto, ahhh, Master,can I- Ahhhh!Cum." Linda babbled incoherently, trying tobeg for permissionto have release,but it wasno use. Thehard fucking, andsudden, powerful vibrations were too muchas her orgasmbegan immediately. Paulonly smiled asshe screamed andbabbled as herorgasm washed throughher. He didn'tmind that shecame without hisspoken permission, andwas pleased withfind his machineworked so well.He increased thespeed slowly untilit was atfull and steppedback.

This is areal life experience that has stayedwith me formany years andI would liketo thank theman for introducingme to suchpleasures.

"I'm not hungry,"Erica lied. "Letme out nowand I won'ttell the cops."

"Thankyou, Bill. Well,I'll just gochange. Sorry. Justwanted your opinionon all ofthis," Dee said.She congratulated herselfon coming upwith that one,giving herself anout to gochange.

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"Take thenext left andfollow it tothe end."

"I want him to fuckyou like weoriginally planned. Givehim a chanceto get anerection again, thenlet him doit doggie style."

"Orgirlfriends," he added,smiling "Do youwant me tostop?"

As Judywas coming towardthem, Sarah held up the keysand said "Seeyou for aglass of champagne."

Shegrinned once againremembering the lastsurprise she hadgotten for him,though it wasan outfit shehad purchased forherself. Along withthe regular type of leather clothing most stores carried,her store alsocarried a lineof rather provocative,extremely sexy andvery revealing leatheroutfits as well.Wearing the tightfitting vest withcriss-crossing leather stitchinghad barely contained,let alone keptfrom being revealed,her rather largeand ample chest.

"AmI what?" Icouldn't believe whatI just heardfrom my cousin'slips. I sensedexactly where thisline of questioningwas moving andI wasn't sureI wanted toventure there.

We gotinto his thunderbirdand cruised tohis house making small talk alongthe way. Hecommented about howpretty my hairwas and Itold him Ireally liked hiscar. We gotto his houseand he toldme the restof the studygroup would behere in aabout an hour.Asking me ifI would likea drink Igot nervous andtold him Idon't ever drink.He said notto be sillyhe didn't drinkeither just aniced tea. Itold him yesthat would befine it wassuch a hotday.

He reached aroundand spread herwet lips open revealing her hotclit to thewarm summer air.He ran hiswet finger incircular around it.

Myass had beenso well usedthe natural lube was running outand I wastightening around theircocks. It feltamazing as theyfilled me evenmore as thefriction grew stronger and stronger. Inever wanted thisto end.

The pokerhad gone backand forth, eachplayer winning ahand. Nobody wasbusted out, butthe game wasgoing Trevor, Robert,and Marc's way.Clayton and Silviowere struggling tokeep what theyhad.

I triedto recall anytime she hadseemed disinterested inme over thepast year, andagain, nothing sprangto mind. Wehad even headedout to aquiet retreat inthe country fivemonths ago, andended up spendingthe entire weekendmaking out likea couple ofteenagers. I rememberedher leading meout to awooded glade away from the hoteland having memake love toher as sheleaned against atree, giving herselfover to mewith such ardorthat it seemedalmost like adifferent woman, andafter she hadcollapsed on topof me followingour climaxes, shekissed me sopassionately and sodeeply, that evennow I feltmyself aroused justthinking about justthe kiss alone.

"LikeKathy, I fingerfucked myself anddiddled my clit.Harold died tenyears go."

She buriedher face furtherand further intoher mother's snatchwhile Peggy gentlypulled Bud upto his kneesand took hislarge cock intoher mouth. Shesucked it forlong minutes untilthe impending orgasm struck her. Shestopped and withdrewthe cock fromher mouth andtold Kelly tostrip. Kelly stoodand with herattire, a miniskirt and apullover spaghetti strapped top, it wouldn'ttake long. Kellyunzipped her skirtand let itfall. Al's eyesfeasted on herscrumptious ass. Peggylay on thefloor on herback as shetook Kelly andplaced her squattingover her mother'sface.

"Sorry," Alastairsaid, plopping downinto his chair."We ran

Laterthan evening, Ireluctantly pulled onsome sweats andwent out toget my mail.The mailbox formy block stoodon the streetcorner right nextto the mailboxesto the streetadjacent to mine.As I turnedthe key tomy box, Iheard a voicebehind me.

Reluctantly Foleycomplied. "Awright then,bitch, stand up,turn 'round andbend over." Shedid, presenting herhealthy young derrièreto him. Foleysat on thealtar step andplaced his handson the sidesher ass, liftedher dress andkissed her flawlessbubble-butt cheeks. "Yo'sure smell good,I'll give yo'that, little girl."

Suddenlywe spasmed andI felt mymale self melding with my femalebody. For asecond or two,male me heldback, yet howfiercely the powerwas making usmeld! The womansaid, softly, "Letgo of yourself,pet." I didn'tunderstand, except that"let go" Imust!

Marissa asked "Uhh...E you okthere."

again."The film isabout a Victorianfamily, about lust,about the loveof two sistersand family love.You will havesex with menand women andyou will enjoyit. You willdo exactly asyou are told."

Anita tookthe yarn inher hand andtugged on theclothespins. I wincedwith each tug."You've worn thesefor several hours,slave. Would youlike me totake them off?"

Annasighed, and relaxed,letting her juicesquirt from herpussy onto Micheleand into hermouth.

"Lick me clean,and I'll cleanyou," Nell hadsaid, as ifdaring me totaste my owncum. I hadaccepted the challenge,getting the opportunityto examine herlarge puffy pink areolae up close,tickling the eraserlike nipples withmy tongue. Thishad elicited anappreciative moan fromNell, making herhips wiggle beneath me. This hadreminded me thatshe was stillhalf dressed, soI had pausedlong enough tohelp her outof her jeans,exposing the pantieswhich matched thebra. Then Nellhad grabbed myhair and redirectedmy efforts toher tits.

I didn'treally think muchmore of itfor the nextweek. He wasjust someone Imet. He didmake an impressionon me, Imust admit, Iremembered his eyesand that hetold me Iwas attractive. Idon't get toldthat very often,only by Jo,and it alwaysmakes me feelgood.

Tim removed hiscock from hercunt and slidthe slick memberinto he ass.

"Please call meAmber," she saidshyly.

I was aboutto say somethingback, but Ithought I hadbetter not. "Iwill next time,thanks."

Rosie pushedher finger underthe crotch ofMarina's panties, pullingher panties downher legs, thesopping wet garment dripping her sweatand cum ontoher bed sheets.She lifted themto her nose,smelling her scent,for a momentplacing them inher mouth suckingMarina's taste fromknickers.

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My cock,which had beengetting definitely interested in the proceedings,suddenly jerked toattention. She wasstanding almost sidewayson to me,but she musthave felt themovement. She giggledand bumped herthigh gently againstmy groin, pushingagainst my erection.So OK, shewas aware Lindaasked me ifI would playa little gamewith her thatshe knew wouldturn her on.I agreed withouteven asking whatit was andI know thatshe appreciated thatfact. She gotup and wentinto her bedroomand returned witha pair ofhandcuffs and aplastic toy gun.She sat downnext to meand told methat it turnedher on tobe forced tohave sex andshe wanted meto go outsidethe apartment andcome in andsurprise her inthe bedroom. Iwas a littleconfused by thisbut I wantedher so muchin those nylonsI decided toplay along.

Ginawas 20-years-old, ayear younger thanme, and she'dinherited her mum'slooks, her stunninglyblack hair andher tiny littlefigure. Gina's mumwas originally married to an Italianfootball player whoshe'd got pissed on champagne duringa flight fromHong Kong toRome, or somewhereequally fucked. Somy new stepsisterwas part Chinese,part Italian. Andshe was sototally good-looking I'mgetting a hard-onjust thinking abouther.


As I lickand suck onyour sweet pussy,and bring youto your secondorgasm, your pussycontracts and oozeshot thick threads of come. Realizingthe origin ofthis erotic flow,some yours, butmostly his, floodsmy brain. WhileI have beenheady with thepleasure of yourtaste and fragrance,this is sodifferent. My firstthought is towipe it awaywith my handand get backto eating yourpussy. Then Irealized that Ihave tasted someof this mixturefor the past10 minutes, andit was reallynot bad. Althoughit was notas sweet asyou alone, itwas new, butit now hada very differenttang to it.

Then when themature woman unzipped him and wentto her knees,he was stunnedto say theleast. Not toostunned to stopthe older woman.No way! Thiswas better thanany wet dream he had everhad. Being ashow he wasonly 18, hehad cum veryquickly. He wasaghast when Mrs.Benson allowed himto cum inher mouth andmore so whenshe swallowed itall. He hadthought only slutsand whores wouldwillingly do thatand now hisbest friend's momhad done it!

Whythis restriction? Thisbrings us tothe most excitingpoint of thewhole game. Thepoint that haskept me totallymind fucked overthe years. Thepoint that keepsa hot glow in my lowerbelly and startsmy cunt drool flowing with myfirst personal contact of each day.Because...though I havenever seen thefaces or heardthe voices ofmy Blind Dateson date nights...Iknow that eachand everyone ofthem is someoneI have atleast met andspoken with before.Our rule isthis: It doesn'thave to besomeone from oursocial circle...but itMUST be someoneI have metand spoken withface to facein person, notjust by phone.For instance...the UPSdriver who pickedup my packagecould be afuture date, butnot the dispatcherI called toset up thepickup. Girls...can youimagine now howeach day isa constant titillation living this game?

"I'm here tospeak to Mr.Barnes," I saidinto the box.

Soonthey were livingout Heather's wildestdesires. She suckedJack's dick whileChristina used adouble-ended dildo onher tight, virginpussy. This wasthe best thingHeather had everexperienced; she wasin absolute rapture."I must thankmy mistress forshowing me thetrue path topleasure." Thought Heatheras she pushedback on thedildo, sending itdeeper into Christina'spussy. Suddenly thedoor burst open and four armedmen appeared. "Freezeyou sickos!" Shoutedone of themen, "We're MoralAlliance agents, andwe've come totake you infor mental reprogramming..."

"I'mglad you thinkso," I saiddirectly to Gloria."And you area very beautifulwoman. Paul, you'rea very luckyman."

Before she couldsquirm free Icalled, "Come in."

Marvin'sother coaches wereon the fieldhandling everything whenhe approached meabout helping himget some drinksout of hisvan.

Then it stopped.Daddy pulled outhis engorged dickjust as thetip blasted. "Ohhhmy gooodddddd honey,here it comes….ooohhhyessssss Lil B….".

Pushingmy head down,I lapped atthe tip ofThomas's hard cock,licking off thedrops of pre-cumthat had alreadyformed.

Yeah, Imarried for money,but how manypeople really, trulymarry for love?And what aboutGreg? We havenothing in common,and the fewtimes he doestalk to me,really talk Imean, I cansee in hisface he's doingit grudgingly. Conversationswith him feellike an interview,the last oneof the daywhen the newemployee has alreadybeen chosen. Ican see he'scounting the minutesuntil he cango and dosomething more interesting.We talk likeother people cleanbehind the fridge,a duty tobe performed oncea month, reluctantly,stoically.

I stared athim. The lastthing I wantedwas, for himto stop. Iput my armsaround him andpulled him downgently. "No, Idon't." I said.He smiled andsat up. Hestarted kissing myneck and makingme moan again.He slowly started moving down. Hewent to mychest, to anipple, to mystomach, then stoppedand unbuttoned thejeans I wasborrowing from Tasha.He slowly pulledthem down andoff. I hadthe weirdest feelingin my stomach.It was likebutterflies or stagefright.

"So," hesaid, "Have youreplaced me yet?"


of the effectshe was havingon me, andenjoying it …I let onehand slide downfrom her waistto her bottom,gently stroking herbutt cheek throughher skirt.

"Stand up."

"I'mgoing to giveyou just ataste of itso you'll knowwhat happens whenyou're bad.

"Oh,no! No, no,no!" she criedas the carsputtered and shook.She eased thesteering wheel tothe shoulder asthe vehicle gave one last popand died. "Shit!"She knew itwas useless toeven check hercell phone. Therewouldn't be anyservice out inthis desolate area.

My Daddy musthave felt thebed shaking becausehe asked "babyare you ok"as he rolledover and kissedmy forehead. "I'mcold and scaredDaddy" I whispered.

"Good point." Benran the shortdistance to thelake and jumpedoff the shortdock, praying thewater will doits job.

We laythere, pressed againstone another. Mybody didn't denyshe was anattractive, warm, andvery desirable woman.My cock washardening in spiteof my veryreal concerns aboutthe deterioration ofour relationship.

"Not much.Having dinner withmy co-worker. Wantto join us?"

Istroked her titsas Gary lickedher cunt andsaid, "Of courseand maybe nextyear Sandy canjoin us."

Inoticed the cucumberwas still lyingon the topof the bed.

"Okay Alyssa, Ithink we're allready for you.We'll start outwith the on-linemasturbation sequence. Followedby the rompon the bed."

Thatwas as muchas I couldstand. I groanedas I feltthe hot comestart rising frommy balls.

"Comeon, Tommy! GiveMom and Dadsome space. Youcan get allthe details later.And besides, maybeyou should thinkabout hooking upwith Vicki andher mom ifthat's your thingtoday," added Tammy knowing the thoughtof their sexyfriend and hermother would gethim moving.

"Yeah!" Billygrunted.
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