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Sunday, January 27, 2008

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"May I?"He asked. Ifelt the roomtemperature drop andknew it wasmy Master nodding his answer.

"Ohmy, what's this?"George inquired. "Isee that ourlittle photo session has made yousomewhat wet betweenyour legs, mydear; this isthe response Iwas wanting fromyou and youshall be rewardedfor it."


Kevin smiled."So? That's whywe're here."

Pete waswishing his handswere squeezing Lita'senormous breasts.

He stalkedpast During Fred'sdescription Mary hadlet her sparehand drop intoher lap andstart to gentlystroke herself. AsFred finished adamp patch becamevisible under hercaressing fingers. Hiscock, still hard,twitched again ashe watched. Inher turn, Marykept looking athis erection.

"You're neveraround dear," Iheard her say."I have putup for ittoo long. Doyou know howmany nights Iwent to bedhorny? Crying myselfto sleep becauseI needed somecock? Do youthink that's fair?"I mumble aprotest, to tellher it wasn'tmy fault, butshe cuts myprotests off. "WellI don't" shesnaps. The footsteps grow louder,and I seeher enter myvision. As shewalks towards theend of thebed I seeshe is leadingsomeone by thehand who isfollowing behind her!It's was aman! My genitalsshrink from theembarrassment of beingcaught like this,so vulnerable, soweak. As theystop at thebottom of thebed, with herstanding in frontof him, fronttowards me, shepoints at myshriveled manhood. "Seewhat I haveto put upwith?" she exclaims."I'd have wantedeven that itty-bittything if ithad been around."She shakes herhead, and theguy puts hisarms around her,circling her waist.She sighs andleans back againsthis chest, thenreaches up tostroke his face.

"Goodmorning girls, myname is MissKay," I announced,surveying the classroom.I immediately noticed that there wasan empty seat.Just as Iwas about toask who wasmissing, an attractiveyoung girl flounced into the room,sat down heavilyin her seat,and gave mein haughty look,arms folded acrossher chest, asif daring meto reprimand her.I rose tothe challenge.

Our eyeslocked on andneither of uscould look away.I know thatwas when weread each other'sminds that weboth could barelycontain our lust.The time hadcome. Quickly, Istood up andgrabbed her, pullingher body againstmine.

Now onher side, Saraplaced one handunder his balls,opening and closingher hand overthe tightening sac.Her other handwas greased andsliding up anddown the shaftand over thetip. The spongyhead swelled withevery stroke. Shemade sure herslippery fingers danced over the sensitivetipd and sheenjoyed watching hischest move upand down ashis breathing raced.


The waves ebbed and their breathingslowed. Gently heremoved his prickfrom her backpassage and shegasped as itleft her anus.The cum startedto seep fromher ass andshe rolled overonto her side.He took herface in hishands and kissedher deeply. Shesmiled and whisperedto him.

I noddedmy head threwback the restof my drinkand followed theclicking sound ofher high stilettos out the door.The change fromair conditioning tothe hot sticky night was almostunbearable my shirtinstantly stuck tomy back andAlex's short cocktail dress kept edging its way betweenher legs, risingenough for meto see thebottom of herbuttocks, Alex kept pulling it downas she walked,she only stoppedwhen the dressrode too highand the shapeof her pussywas visible throughthe material. Iglanced sideways pretending not to notice,even though Icould see herpull the materialfrom between herlips.

"What are youup to?" Iask, wanting morethan anything tohear her lieto me.


"Yesssss, Ilove it."

"No no" She realisedshe was staringopen mouthed athim. La Veneciawas the smartestand most expensiverestaurant for miles,she had neverdreamt she wouldever dine there.

"Oh my fuckinggod!" was allJohn could mutter.

Onenight a fewweeks ago whenI came into work mynight duty shift and handed overfrom the dayshift I settleddown in frontof the bankof monitor CCTVscreens and checkedmy emails onthe computer system.There it wasquite unexpectedly anemail for mefrom a MsAnne Symonds.

"Well, howdo I look?"she asked, doinga little twirlas she spoke.This caused thehem of herdress to riseup, giving mejust the slightestglimpse of darkstocking top andbare thigh.

his enslavedtrembling victim andwent in searchof the whiskeydecanter on hisbedside table. Drinkingwas the onlyway he couldsleep at timesby wiping away the guilt, thedreams, or hishorrible past. Howeverit was hispast no matterhow tragic hisyouth had been,and he hadrisen above it.Moved beyond it,and even helpedhis sister outof the hell-holethat they'd livedin as children.

"Don't be silly,it's just usgirls. Why not?"Julia said witha 'don't besilly' look onher face asshe unplugged thekettle. Julia couldnot see anylogical reason whynot to.

Debbie stopped the car andgot out. Shefeared that shehad been caught.Naturally, she prayedone last timeto save herlife.

"You wouldn't." Sheassured him. Gileswas all aboutcontrol. Discipline wascould be hismiddle name.

I feltan object thrustinto one ofmy hands. Myhusband's lips brushed my ear. "Dropthis bell andI stop immediately.You can't changeyour mind afterthat. We're donefor the evening.Understand?" The wordswere a raspy,fierce whisper, almostbegging me notto drop thebell. I noddedand flushed withexcitement, realizing thepicture that Imust be presentingright now. Naked,blindfolded, gagged, armsoutstretched and wriststied down, legsup and spreadwide, pussy andass open andavailable for whatevermy husband wanted.The head ofhis cock traced my gagged lips and I actuallyfelt my pussymoisten and fillwith my juiceswhich oozed outin an almostcontinuous flow.

She removedher costume. Weboth sprinted acrossthe firm sandto the warmwater and wentout to waistdeep, pushed aroundby the gentlewaves. I grabbedher and pushedher under. She'snot happy aboutthat, and shetries to upendme. No luck,I'm too strong.I let herstruggle against mefor a bitbefore giving inand letting myselfgo. Now she'shappy. I surface,rubbing the saltywater from myeyes. I glanceat her breasts,shining with wetnessin the moonlight.I make myway against thewaves toward her.Her short hair is plastered onher head anddripping water downher face. Ireach behind thesmall of herback and holdher against me.We kiss; thesalt from ourlips gets inthe way. Ireach below herback and grabher round andfirm bottom, holdingher to mefrom below thewater. She reachesfor mine, pullingus tighter together.My firming manhoodis now pressedagainst her stomach.She feels itarousing her.

My juiceswere flowing nowand she knewit! My moanechoed throughout theporcelain-tiled bathroom asher other handsought my monsand began caressingmy wet, darkauburn pubic hair.I moved myhips against herhand, wanting hercaresses against myclitoris and pussylips.

He glossed herlips a secondtime, then broughthis mouth tohers, running histongue over herupper lip, thensucking softly onher bottom lip,drawing her tasteinto his mouth.That, she wouldrecall later, wastheir only kiss,this night orany other. Thenhis mouth wasoff her andhe was watchingher again ashis hand went back down, betweenher legs, andbegan fucking heragain. The familiargirth of hissingle finger filled her, fucked her,pumping slowly inand out, thenshe sucked inher breath ashe came intoher with twofingers, pushing heropen, filling herup, fucking intoher deep andslow. She waspanting.

"HMmmmmmmmmm "I thought." I wonder?"

The shooter waslaughing as well.She was doingquite well onthis streak, too.Finally, she crappedout and thedice passed. Hetook the advantageto introduce himself.

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"Stay aslong as youwant, whatever termsyou..."

I movedaround to myside of thecar, sat down,started it upand backed outof the drive.We turned ontothe street andhad just reached the first stopsign when Momasked, "Would youmind if Isat a littlecloser to you?"

Realizingwhat she justfelt, Jenn's lookof surprise Helpme! Buffy shriekedin her mind.

Keyarahraised an eyebrow."So how longdid you know?"She smiled cruellyat his lookof confusion. "Wasthat the reasonyou pursued merelentlessly? Because youknew I wasTristan's sister? Didyou want tobutter me upfirst before yougut punched melike you did?Or was itsome kind ofa test tosee how muchof your shitI would takebefore I gaveup? Because that'sexactly what happened.I gave up."

"caramel_dimepiece_2003:red thong w/white hearts"

I pushedthe hood back and looked intothe face ofa man. Hiseyes were glazedwith the hazeof death andhis skin wascold. When Ilet go ofhim, he fellback against thesteps and thecloak opened wide,exposing the emptyscabbard and thesword that belongedin it shoveddeeply between theman's ribs.

"Who areyou?" she asked,her soft voicequaking with fear."What did youhave to hitmy husband for?Can't you seethat he ismuch older andno threat toyou?" Her largebreasts heaved upand down---she wasclearly agitated. "Whatdo you want?"

"You'vebeen a verybad girl. Verybad. Maybe youneed to bepunished. What areyou willing todo to atone?"

"Probably."Brad swallowed asthe feeling ofher attentions started to run aroundhis body. "Itwas awesome, youholding me likethat. There wasnothing I coulddo to stopgetting hard. Ijust kept thinking about what youwould look likewithout that dress."

Dannythanked her graciously,then ran offto some unknowndestination. When hereturned, Jerry waswith him andthe pair hadboth donned matching leather jackets.

"I wasreally shocked, ofcourse, but Ihad burned myboats and whatwas I todo? I hadof course severalother interviews lined up, and Iwas confident thatmy current stateof 'availability' wasvery temporary. But'a friend' hadstrongly recommended Witherspoon Investments, and sohere I was.Cecil did notquestion any ofthis baloney. Hejust nodded. Itseemed like Iwas saying theright things.

"My Godyou're so wet."

Erichad always satisfiedher with hismassages, but thistime he hadgone beyond thetask. He hadwondered what thisevent might mean.Would he bepromoted from houseboyto chamber slave?What would happento Blayless, theLady's ebony lover?Had he performedbetter than Blayless?Eric felt hislap twitch ashe remembered whatit was likethe first timehe had enteredLady Shann's writhingbody. She wassoft and pliableon the outside,but a grinding,edgy inferno onthe inside. Herbody seemed togyrate around eachof his thrusts.His hands slippedunder her buttocksas he rammedinto her. Sheyelped and whimperedat each ofhis powerful jabs and it haddrove him insaneto move insideher.

"We werestill us." Daniellereached for anotherblueberry. "Taiyiha also,but still us."


His fingers sliding across my bodyas he undressesme. his mouthreplacing the fabricwith hot kisses,as it slipsfrom my body

"God, it's goodto see you,"she gasped. "Let'sget out ofhere, my car'sacross the street."

turned intoa smile, pleasantlysurprised at whatshe found. Shekissed Teri's cheek,hugged her andwhispered in herear, "don't worry.It's OK." Shethen blew alongthe ridges ofTeri's ear, makingher shake evenmore.

As he startedthe long strokesshe was beginningto enjoy thefeeling. Her cuntwas getting moistand let hiscock slide insmooth, rubbing herclit each timehe moved inor out. Shewrapped her armsand legs aroundhis big blackbody and triedto pull himdeeper into her.

"Sure.That's what Iread. You lickmy clit whileI suck Daddy dry, then I'llturn around andlick yours tillwe get off."

Ms.Gere approached thefront desk withme close behind.She asked thedesk clerk somethingin Chinese. Ihad no ideawhat they weresaying. Ms. Geresmiled approvingly andled me tothe elevator.


Thecentaur made somemore steps towardsthe man.

ToJack's surprise, Marygave him agentle double pat on the bottom.Mary passed onbetween Jack andJoan without lookingback at them,yet with adefinite smile onher face thatthey could notsee. Jack absent-mindedlyplaced his handon his rearwhere Mary hadpatted him andhe looked overto Joan. Joanreturned his wide-eyedlook, and simplyshrugged at himwith her littleside to sidewiggle. The onlyperson to openlylaugh was Karen,back in thehouse and ableto see allthree of themfrom the bedroomwindow.

Her pussy contracted around me. Herhands wandered overmy chest asshe rode meharder and harder.In spite ofmy promise Istarted to groanas I camenearer to coming.Her hand coveredmy mouth atthe final moment as I shoteverything I hadinside her warmpulsating grip.

The camerawasn't as closeor angled asit should've beento get agood shot. Itmade it seemsneaky and voyeuristic.Carlotta the officerwas shown playingwith and tastingmy sister's body.

Onceupon a time,in a tinykingdom far away,there lived aKing and Queen.Now King Brent was a handsomeman, a warriorstill in hisprime. Six feettall, tanned andfit from swordpractice, dirty-blonde hairhanging loose tohis shoulders andpiercing blue eyes looking out froma rugged face.Queen Gwen wasslightly shorter, astatuesque woman withraven black hair and sensual green eyes, who retainedher beauty andfigure even afterhaving three wonderfulchildren. But therewas a smallproblem in thisland of happiness.Lately the Queenhad been dissatisfiedwith the King'sinattention. They arguednow, and inone such argumenthe said hewas just tired of it alland wanted herto leave himalone. He thenmoved out oftheir suite intorooms of hisown, leaving herto an emptybed and lonelynights.

posted by butler2930sa @ 8:49 PM 0 comments

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The blackhair was gone.The punk rock,cooler-than-thou attitude wasgone. All thatteen angst, beingan artsy gay guy in aredneck midwestern small town where peoplecruised on Fridaynights in pickuptrucks with mudflaps,none of itamounted to shit.Here I wasback again andRachel and Iturned Glancing ather watch, shebecame immediately awarethat the trainwas now duein, hurrying tothe platform shewatched eagerly, heartin mouth asit slowed toa stop anddoors began opening.There, there hewas, recognising hislovely shaven head and neatly trimmed beard, in onehand carrying abag and theother using hiswalking stick. AsMandy watched sherealised that hehad to usethe stick andafter sitting forso long ina relatively crampedposition, she couldsee the painin his eyes.

Icrawled up overher, and witha very simplemovement, thrust mypenis inside heropen and invitingcunt. Between thelubrication of thecondom, and herown natural juices,it was effortlessto fuck herin deep, quickstrokes, my handsbraced somewhere overher shoulders. Hereyes closed again,she accepted everythingI did toher, giving into the sensationsof well practicedintercourse. This kindof sex, wherethe women lies like a logwhile I doall the workis typically verydull (with someoneI care about,it's a forgivablesin, but notwhen I'm supposedto be payingfor it). Ionly permitted hera few moreminutes of thisbefore I pulledout and forceablyturned her ontoher stomach.

"Patience, littledove," he soothedher, "I willfeed soon andyou will betransformed, I promiseyou, but fornow relax andlet my seedunfold within you,feel its effectsand enjoy yournew-found pleasures."

"We don'teven know thesepeople," Jack saidto Becky atdinner. "And theyare from DOOK.Probably a bunchof nerds."

Aswe were gettingour things ready,I searched aroundin my suitcasefor a surpriseI had beensaving for Melinda.

Jeffunbuttoned my pants,and pulled themdown. He pickedme up, threwme over hisshoulder and satme on hisdesk. Jeff sat in his chair,and put hisface in mypussy. Jeff openedmy pussy lips,and sucked onmy clit. Hewas taking thetime to suckand lick eachof my hotwet pussy folds.Jeff slowly put his finger inmy cunt andfingered me toan orgasm. Whenhe was donewith my pussy,he wiped mypussy juices fromhis face. Jeffstood and grabbedboth of mytits, squeezing them.He took mypuffy pink nipple in his mouthand sucked onmy nipple untilit was hard.Jeff sucked andchewed on myhard nipple. Whilehe was playingwith my tits,he was smackingand fingering mypussy.

I watched himmove onto thebed down bymy feet. Thesoft whimper thatescaped my lipsas he slidtwo straps overmy dainty feetwas reflexive. Iwas nervous andas he movedthem up overmy legs slowly,I trembled inresponse. "Relax," hesaid and Itried to smileat him bravely.By the chucklethat followed, Iknew he sawright through myfalse bravado.

She getsno answer fromThanir as theirlips meet againin a passionatekiss. Locked together,they move towardthe water's edge.Slowly emerging fromthe water, aline of curiositycreases the elf'sbrow.

"Tell me youwant me tofuck you" Icommanded. You shakeyour head.

"Comeinside of me,Eric. I lovethe way acock feels inside me when itshoots off..."

"Well, areyou ready?" Iasked, watching herfor any changein her decisionto pose.

Life goeson.

Leasa continued her role inthe 'big house'similar to theway it wasbefore Sambo's passing.

"Mom,"Dad said witha sigh. "Thingswere different then."

"LO-OO-GG-AN!!!"A voice shrilly screamed as hewalked into thefoyer. He turnedto the voicejust as hesaw his oldestsister, Andie, launchherself at him.

"Hey, 'Ms. MainSqueeze', how 'boutyou and megettin' a littlesticky after work?I got apocket full ofchange and yougot the 'rightstuff'", Mark breathed softly into myear.

When I gothome that Thursday,Dee met meat the door.It had becomea routine. Shewas dressed insomething real sexy,tonight it wasa sheer bluebaby-doll with amatching g-string andwe immediately began fucking each other.

Ilooked around thedrawers to findclean underwear andbras. I tookone of thebras and soakedit inside withmy cum. ThenI neatly placedit back tothe drawer. Mynext move wasto cum inone of herpanties that wason the topof the stackand made itsoak in. Thiswhole procedure aftermy mom left took about anhour or less.

the radioup really loudand sang alongwith the ViolentFemmes as wedrove into town.

middledigit slowly inand out ofmy pussy likea little cock.

"Faster?"I asked

'I'm goingto rinse offin the showerthough first.' SaidTracy.

Wayne had beenkicked in thehead by ahorse once; ithad left himfeeling just likehe did atthat moment.


"Don'tworry Alice youmake me sodamn hot Idon't know howI am evergoing to calmdown. You willneed to bymy cum receptacle."I said withjoy.

Jackie was strippednude. Leanne ran her hand overher swollen labia.

Thatdid it, thatforbidden, alien word from the mouthof my lovingwife, sent meover the edge.

"Iwant everyone tosee us inmatching panties." Shesmiled mischievously. Iwas nervous, butthat was partof her plan.I closed myeyes, tipped theseat back andsnoozed while shedrove. The breezefelt good andshe allowed itto blow hershirt up, exposingher full breasts.I awoke andwatched her boldlydisplay her gorgeousnipples. She stoppedat a storenear the parkand told meI should getus a paperand some beer.

"Travalarwas killed uponthe tree, andit retains hispower," she patientlyexplained. "It canbe harnessed."

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Willwas a lord!I could hardlybelieve what Iwas hearing. Itwas something outof a fairytale.

Samson letgo of hiscock and theshaft sprang upto slap againsthis belly. Heatherreached up andgrabbed it, pullingit back towardsher mouth. Heatherpaused, confused. Shewas acting asif she wereeager to suckon this man'sbig black cock.She pulled herhead back andstared at itsome more. Theswollen head waslight brown whilethe shaft andthe rest ofSamson's body wasdark black. Apulsing blue-black veinran the lengthof his shaftand smaller veinscrisscrossed the surface.The black man'sbig cock started getting closer toher mouth againand Heather suddenly felt Samson's handon the backof her head,pulling her forwards.She gave inand opened hermouth.

posted by butler2930sa @ 9:01 AM 0 comments

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When theyreturned, I wasuntied and mycuffs were removed.I was instructedto remove mynegligee and sitin the samechair as Ihad done theprevious day.

Later, Ashleywas awaken bythe sound ofgun shot andfound out thatfinally Leon hasarrived. Well, Idon't want togo to deepin case itspoilt the game.I will justfast forward alittle, Leon helpAshley to escapeand they moveon She openedmy jean, unzippedn her handwent inside myundy on mydick. For 1sttime in lifea woman hadever touched it,it was onfire. I pulledoff her toweln lo shewas stark nakedin front ofme. N wowwhat it wass not explainablein words. Inthe mean time she had beenable to pulldown my pantsn undies tomy ankles ntold me stepout of them.

"Youdid that lastnight," Autumn retorted,lifting her armto block thepunch.

"It's just somethingbetween friends," Isaid. "That's all.You're so beautiful,Eva. I wishI was abeautiful as you."

Audrey.His niece.

Allin all Peterwas pretty happy with his lot.He was twenty,had a goodjob in thecity, good-looking ishand he likedto keep himselffit. More importantlyhe had oneof those elusivejobs where youcould get awaywith doing virtuallynothing and stillget well paidfor it. Notbad not badeven if hedid say sohimself.

"Yes, sir."

Jack gave his cock twostrokes and heejaculated on herbreasts, streams ofcum covering them.Kelly rubbed itaround her titsand pinched hernipples with theslippery coating. Shelooked up atJack, smiled andput a fingerto her lips.Then she gotup, picked upher vibrator, herclothes, took thetape out ofthe VCR andwent to herroom.

"They aredoing quite well!"She answered asshe rubbed thewarm washcloth onMark's cock toclean him off."Quite well, indeed!"she panted.

Sally returnedhis kiss andslowly opened herlips to receiveHamish's tongue thatgently probed hermouth. Her tonguebegan to entwinewith Hamish's andas their kissingbecame more passionatetheir mouths parted and they pokedat each other'stongues like twocavaliers locked ina duel. Hamishwas running hishands up anddown Sally's back,finding her spineand running hisfingers gently upand down causingSally to wriggleas the sensationsrippled through herbody. As theirmouths parted Sally melted into Hamish'sgrip and hebegan to nuzzleher neck coveringit in kissesand licking andnibbling her neckand ear lobes.Sally began tothrust her hipsforward and grindher groin intoHamish's cock, whichhad been pushedupright as theyhad embraced. Expertlyhe undid herbra strap andalmost in thesame motion turned her around sothat her bumwas now pushinginto his cockthat now nestledbetween her bumcheeks. As heundid her blousebuttons from thebottom he waskissing and lickingher neck andface. When thelast button wasundone he puthis arms aroundher waist andgently slid hishands over herbelly and roundher ribcage andgrasped both hertits, gently kneading them so thatthe nipples grewhard and rounded.Sally turned herhead and kissedHamish hungrily, runningher tongue aroundhis lips, dartingit in andout of hismouth.

"Good. Good."I hear thedirector say. "Nowmove her overto the counter.But take yourtime."

After the movieI brought Helenback to herhouse where sheinvited me infor a nightcap.The nightcap wasa glass ofwine that Imerely sip beforewe started kissing.

She was verywet and herscent was powerful.She must haveplayed with herselfa little whenshe took offher panties. Iwent straight forher licking aroundand around. Hermoans told thatI had guessedright about whatshe wanted andwhere she wantedit. Every coupleof times aroundI'd give herclit a directswipe of thetongue. Then twoswipes, three swipes,four, and thencontinuously. I wasrelentless. I wasjust about todeliver my trademarkmove, a thoroughtongue whacking, whereyou suck theclit up intoyour mouth clampdown on itwith firm lipsto hold itin place thenlick it vigorouslyback and forth,or up anddown, as fastas you canslowly increasing the'hardness' of yourtongue. The movewasn't needed asshe started tocome. Her hipsand thighs werejumping about andher fingers werepushing my headinto her. Shewas doing thatsexy exhalation 'oh' really fast, 'oh..oh..oh..oh..'her voice risingin pitch. Thenshe screamed, 'OHHHHHH.'And quickly pushed my head awaydisengaging my tonguefrom her cunt.I slowly loweredher to theground. Her legswere pretty shakyas I smoothedher skirt. Shewas leaning againstthe wall pantingwith a smile.

WhatI heard thenstunned me.

"Thanks forinviting me!" repliedTom.

Monee prayed feverishly in Hindi whileI listened throughthe monitoring system,laughing to myselfdeviously with thecontract lay onmy desk.

Fred just nodded his headagain, without lookingup.

A shift ofthe scene hadthe woman joining her girlfriends ata local bar.After about tenminutes of typicalbar scene action,with men hittingon them likeclockwork using tritelines from thedark ages, thewoman and anequally stunning redhead left the bar.The woman staggered as if she'dhad too muchto drink sothe redhead decidesto take herback to theredhead's apartment sinceshe's too drunkto go homealone. Once there,she helps thewoman to thesofa, then returnswith a pairof filled wineglasses. I wasshaking my headat the stupidityof the plot,but my attentionwas riveted whenthe redhead leaned forward and kissedthe woman.

trying to finda way toremove the 'egg'planted in them.They reach apart of thecastle with astone bridge.


"Howdoes it feelto be inpain my littleslut......remember all thoseyears of torment.......allthose years ofabuse......why Claire.....why didyou have tobe so meanto me.......I lovedyou Claire.......look whatI got forbeing nice toyou.....well tonight andevery night you'regoing to benice to me,aren't you Claire,you're going tobe so niceto me, wheneverI want you,you'll be there,won't you sis,you're my littleslut, my littlewhore" I saidgiving Claire's innerthigh one moresqueeze.

My first nightof working out,I stripped downin the coedlocker room andnoticed that thewomen seemed tooutnumber the menby about threeto one. Theycame in allages and sizes,and it wasall I coulddo to keepfrom getting anerection.

She had beensaving herself untilshe was married.

AsI screwed Sarah,I heard Davecome in. Heapologised for beinglate and wasclearly disappointed thatI got intoSarah's cunt first.

"Noproblem" she repliedever resourceful. Shetook her largewrap and laidit on theground. We wereon top ofa grassy hill,close to boththe parking lotlocated at ourheads and ahiker's trail situated behind KC, overlookinga large grassy field. There wasa woman inthe parking lotstretching her legs,getting ready tojog down sometrails, and acouple of guysflying kites abouthalf way downthe hill. Wefaced each otheras we laiddown on herwrap and KCtrue to formwas rubbing thefront of mytrousers, giving mea boner.

This wasmore sensuous andexciting than Icould have everexpected, and Istarted grinding againsther mouth asI pushed mytongue in andout of her.We were bothmoaning and thrustingour pussies againsteach other. Thiswas the mostincredible feeling! Icould feel myselfgoing over theedge again asshe continued tonguefucking me. Herlips sucked atmy pussy andI wondered ifshe could tastemy juices. Ifelt like mypussy was literallydripping.

I walkedover to theirbooth as Beverlyscreamed, "My God,David!"

Then Shiva toldme not toworry he willgo and convinceher and heleft me fora few minutesand imagine myplight, my mouthtasting of thisguys dick salty,my heart beatingvery fast andI am nakedand scared! Iwas thinking ofways in whichI could explainmy innocence butin that situationI felt theyhad me bythe balls.

Lisacame quickly, herfluid gushing downaround Clarice's mouthand chin, andLisa held herthere, forcing herto suck itup and tosoak in it."Clean me," Lisasaid, and Clariceobeyed, licking upthe rivulets ofjuice that hadrun down herthighs.

No matterwho had seenus or not,the bartender guy had not evenblinked. Or soit seemed.

Hepoured some creamon her leftthigh, just abovethe knee andspread it overher skin, workinggradually upwards towardsher pubic area.As he wasdoing so henoticed Jennifer's breathingbecoming heavier andher pussy lipsstarting to swell.

posted by butler2930sa @ 5:55 AM 0 comments

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She liftedher water bottle to me ina mock toast."Here's to yourfuture" she said,a little smile playing across herface. Having setTim & Iup for theweekend, she wasmilking it forall it wasworth!

"GOD! Six months,all right? Itold you, it'sover!"

I was layingon my backwhen he climbedonto the bed.Brandon laid downon top ofme which restedhis cock right on top ofmy pussy. Eventhrough my skirtand thong, Icould feel hishard cock pulsing.I liked thefeel of hiscock His cockwas lodged atthe entrance ofmy vagina. Hedrove me wildwith his control,the bastard! Igrowled hungrily intohis ear, 'Fuckme Dave, Ineed it so.'I nibble onhis ear forpunctuation.

"Is this whatyou want, huh?You want thisblack meat, slut?Tell me." Ikept teasing herwith it, slappingat her facewith my cock,the soft smackson her skinpunctuating every word.I watched hertrying to takeme into hermouth again, whiningin frustration asI kept smacking her, cockslapping heragain and again.The pre cum was dripping copiously from the headand splatting onher skin, oneach cheek, againsther nose, ontoher lips asshe licked themoff until Ipulled her backagain, making hercry out withanother hard yank.

Mrs.Rogers is themother of myclosest friend Steve.Steve and megrew up togetherand we werealways at eachother's house, wewere almost likebrothers. I hadn'tseen Steve fora couple ofyears, now heis studying inAustralia, and hadn'tseen Mrs. Rogersfor almost aslong.

Pulling out ofthe parking lot,she was beginningto feel quite mischievous now. Sheleaned over andbegan to rubhis cock throughhis slacks. Itwas hard instantly.Then she beganto unbutton hispants and soonshe had hishard dick inher hand. Hewas trying hardto concentrate ondriving. She wasconcentrating on hisdick. She lovedto way aman reacted tobeing touched bya woman. Hewas beginning tomoan loudly. Hisdick was niceshe thought. Itwas pretty big and thick. Herhusband satisfied herfine but shewas pleased thatScott had alarge cock. Hetold her whatshe was doingfelt great. Whenhe came toa light, sheleaned over andsucked the headof his cockinto her mouth.This gave hera serious rush.To have anothermans dick inher mouth ina car ata stoplight seemedso bad. Yetit thrilled herso much. Sheswallowed more ofhis rigid tool.He was goingnuts now. Drivingwas tough butthey weren't faraway. He kepttelling her shewas so fuckinghot and thather mouth feltso damn good.She started tosuck harder now.Inspired by Scott'sobvious enjoyment shewanted badly toimpress him.

"Ihope you're notjust saying thatthis time mypet." She saidas she tookmy cock inher hands againand started tolightly tug onit, causing meto start toshake a littlenearing my orgasm.She quickly released her grip andI groaned infrustration. A grincame over herface, pleased withwhat she wasdoing to me,pleased that Iwanted her sobadly and mostof all pleasedthat she wascompletely in controlof my pleasure.The earlier day'sdisappointments, now aseemingly distant memory,she smiled toherself.

Roger leaned overthe table, nearlydislodging a fewtiles in theprocess. "Oh, butyou've just admittedthat you aren't.So you've gotat least oneexperience in thosetacky jeans ofyours, and evenif you hadn't?You're an Englishmajor. You canimprovise."

"Some amateurish surgery on the boatsaved my penis,but resulted inan enlarged toughened foreskin."

He had seenin the arenaa trinquixxiii whohad been setto fight witha giant python.The trinqui, acriminal of somesort was doomedto die. Thefight was deliberatelyone sided, thetrinqui fighting withno weapons. Thepython had wrappeditself around theman and slowlysqueezed the lifeout of him.The way herbody squeezed hiscock made himimagine a sinuouspython within herwas coiled aroundhis cock squeezing it in amost delightful way.

Theonly person whowas a littlenice to mewas my littlesister Kim. Well,she wasn't exactlylittle. She hadturned 18 thatvery month, andhad turned outpretty good looking.When I firstsaw her afterall these years,I was stunned.She was byfar the mostprettiest girl Ihad ever seen.She had goldenhair and blueeyes. Anyway, wegot really connected on that trip,and I foundout how amazingshe was. Shewasn't like otherteenagers. She wasgentle, kind andthoughtful. Everything shesaid had adeeper meaning toit. We couldhave been bestof friends, butfor the distancebetween me andmy family. Shedidn't care whatanyone else said.She said thatshe admired howI was proudof being different,and looked upto me asa strong person.I was almostsorry when thevacation ended andI had togo home toNY two daysafter New Year.

"Maybeif we gotthem both drunkand dared them."

UnfortunatelyEve did notsee irony ofthe story.

"If wedidn't, we'd haveto be dead!I mean howcould anyone withany life inthem not beturned on! Nothingliving could resistwhat I see!"


"Of course. Carolis an unconscioussubmissive. She wouldlove to haveme command heras long asshe doesn't haveto deal withit. Watch."

The manwent to riseand Ms. Williamsgrabbed the man'shead and quicklypulled him downto her largebreasts. Jamal realized that he wasstanding with thedoor wide open and his handon his crotch.Ms. Williams wave at him toleave the room.

Herhips were givinga rhythmic thrusting as I plunderedher clit anddrew forth hernext orgasm. Dawnstarted to pullmy head awayto give hersome relief asher whole bodyracked in orgasm& she shoutedher pleasure toanyone who couldhear her, butimmediately pushed itback against herto continue herpleasure & myplundering of theprize jewel infront of me.My finger grippedher hips tostop her bouncingsmothering me asher juices flowed around my tongue.

against mypussy, even throughthe layers ofclothing, so Iground my hipsagainst his. Iwrapped my armsaround him ashe leaned downto kiss me.

Randy was morethan just alittle unsure ofhimself but hetentatively reached outand took ahold of John'scock. "That's itRandy" I said,"Go ahead, strokeit, feel it,touch it, enjoyyourself honey." Oncehe touched it,he seemed tolike it. Hethen reached outand grasped Mark'scock as well.

Shehad without ceremony, pulled himinto the roomat the hotel,as she kickedthe door shut behind them, herperfume with itssubtle fragrance filled his nostrils ,as it waftedgently around them,like an invisiblefog, sending shivers of expectation running through his body."Do you knowwhat you arehere for?""Yes ma'am,and I don'tmind at alland I'm lookingforward to fuckingyou"

"Yeah, actually,but you're morethan fun enoughwhile sober."

"Ok…" andthen the phonehung up. Snifflinga little shetried not toactually cry herdisappointment… after allhe'd be homeat the endof the week.And tonight's orgasmshad been amazingjust because theywere something she'dstill managed todo with him.Touching her sorenipples she realizedthat the lingeringafter effects oftonight would remainwith her forquite awhile.

Kristelgave me asexy grin andwalked just ahead of me intothe room. Thesmell of herexploits still hungheavy in theair. The scentmade my dicktwitch. I watchedher as sheapproached the bedand turned toface me. Hereyes traversed thelength my nownude body. Shepaused for amoment over mycrotch, eyeing myhalf-hard dick witha look ofhunger.

My nameis Sara. I'ma 25 yearold who justgraduated from college.I'm white butwith a fairtan. I havelong black hair brown eyes and36C tits. Ilive in SanDiego and it'squite a partytown especially sincethe border toMexico is oclose by andin Mexico youcan do anything.I didn't mindgoing there whenI was youngerbut as Igrew up itstarted to looseinterest with me.One day myboyfriend (who isa complete jerk)wanted to goout with ourfriends to Tijuana.I really didn'tfeel like goingand I reallydidn't want tobe around him.But, I eventuallycaved in anddecided to go.The weather waskinda warm andI decided towear my blackskirt. It wasn'ta short oneit came tojust above myknees. I thenput on amatching black tube top with awhite shear blouse.I was consideringwearing a thongbut I knewhe was justgoing to getdrunk and Iwould have todrive back whilehe threw upalong the way,so I stuckto my whitelace panties. Laterthat night ourfriends came over,or should Isay his friendcame over andoff we wereto Tijuana.

For allthe interest Ihad received frommen, there hadbeen no onesharing my bedsince Pyotr, andI guessed therenever would be.I seemed tohave been unluckyin love anddidn't want torisk another loss.

Lisatook a sipof her drinkbefore continuing. "Everytime he goesthere, they don'thave sex forawhile. Last timehe went, Karenfound a Dr.'sbill in Dons'name. He wasbeing treated forVD."

As the threeladies and fivehorny boys danced together Mike noticedthat the pixies'bikini bottom wasa thong styleand stared ather bare ass under the layerof paint. Theschoolgirl's other friendwas dressed asa leopard, andher costume waswithout a doubtone of thehottest he hadseen so far.To say shewas dressed asa leopard really wasn't the correctword for it.

He pulled mypanties back upand hauled theskirt of mydress back down.Something grazed mycheek and flashedbright near myface... a newset of beads.His dark handsrested for amoment on myshoulders. I watchedthe string ofbeads settle torest between mybreasts.

"Well, Kathyhasn't come back here, so Isuppose that nomatter what's happeningdown there, sheis probably staying for the wholenight.

posted by butler2930sa @ 5:24 AM 0 comments

Saturday, January 26, 2008

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"Really?" Dawnturned around toface Josh, loopingher arms abouthis neck. "Guessthat gives usa little time to ourselves, doesn'tit?"

I spoke. "Thosebikini girls madeyou hot, didn'tthey."

"How do youthink I feelwhen I comeinto the kitchenand you're fuckingBetty on thetable."

Frequently reminiscing aboutthat night, Lisaconvinced herself itwas the rightdecision. She andDarren had plannedon taking awinter cruise together;"Hello, Grandfather." Jennykissed her grandfather.Gifford Brewer looked her up anddown. She looksabout forty inthat outfit, hethought. Trust Paige to raise somethinglike her.

And thentwo strands ofpearls. One withan amethyst pendant – a deeppurple pear shaped stone surrounded byglittering rhinestones ather throat.

She wasstanding in fullview of thecamera, wearing along white summer dress. She wasswaying side toside while staringat the camera.

Mumclosed the doorand took adeep breath. Itensed in thehope that whatevershe said itwouldn't be asbad as Ifeared. She thenasked me ifI needed thetoilet, which wassomething I didn'texpect.

Her parents, ifso, did notrealize that herchances on thelatter were notgreat -- andthey probably neverguessed that shehad already givenRobert the former.She was sentto San FranciscoState and tolive with hergrandmother. Who, asit turned out,was more willingto indulge thegirl in suchmatters than herparents were. Allthe old woman required was thatshe date decent and smart men,and she gavethem a hardbut unbiased screening for that.

One examplewas Becky, sheloved to sneakby my apartmentand have medo the thingsto her shewouldn't let herhusband do. Ithink her favoritewas kneeling witha large rubberdildo up herjuicy pussy andhave me jackoff in hermouth. She wantedall my cumin mouth, whateverwe had done,even ass fucking.It was justso nasty pulling out of herass and havingher suck thecumm from mycock. It seemedBecky had caughther husband eating one of hergirlfriends and justloved going homewith my her mouthand kissing him.From what Beckytold me, theonly good fuckinghe got wasafter I wasthere first.

Only wheni could cryno more andwas in theprocess of wipingthe remaining tearsfrom my facedid He suddenlygrab my shouldersand ram meback into thedoor to theDungeon. The violenceof the actwas so unexpectedthat I screamedeven before theheadache of thecontact filled myentire skull. Withouta word, Heopened the doorto the Dungeon,then shoved meinside so hardthat i fellbackward to thefloor, barely able to brace myfall before myhead would haveimpacted the floor.

I was about22 and arelationship with agirl had justbroke before summer.So I spenta week alonein Ibiza. Myhotel was nearthe capital ofthe island andIbiza is quitewell known inEurope for wildparties and hotclubs and discos.At the beginningI was notin the moodfor going tothat kind ofcrowded clubs andrather read abook in myhotel after havingsome dinner. Itwas only twonights before myholiday was overagain, that Iwas fed upwith being aloneand decided toat least tryone of therecommended "In-clubs".

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Sandyand Alex giggled."Oh," said Sandy,"he's just theChairman of theBoard."

Elizabeth shook herhead. "It's nogood."

"I was bad,Daddy," she remindedhim. "I- Ithink I needpunished."

Finally, the longand sensually demanding week drew toa close. Afterwork on Friday,Kelly informed methat we weregoing out thatnight to thesame club we'dbeen to theprevious Friday. Bythis time, Iwasn't surprised atall when shetold me wewould be meetingup with Annaagain. I waslearning to predictthe directions mywife's naughty loveof teasing andtempting me wouldlead in.

"Let's go.Right now!"

"No, Ash.I told you,you're beautiful. Perfect…"I let myfingertips trail downthe side ofher face, thecolumn of herthroat, around theoutside of oneperfect mound.

"Ithink I understandwhat you aretrying to say.And as muchas I don'twant to, Ihave to agreewith you. Sexin and ofitself isn't wrong,but sex acts in the schoolbathrooms definitely are."

theyhad booked itand paid forit in full.Now it wasonly a weekaway and Lisawas considering cancelingthe whole trip,however, when shefound out shecouldn't get anyof her moneyback, she decidedthat she wouldtake the vacationalone.

"I wouldbe happy toassuage your curiositiesonce we haveestablished our situationa bit morefirmly. I trustthat Donovan hasled you toyour quarters andgiven you hisspeech?" A tinkleof laughter punctuated her question, andAmy felt herselfsmiling, her muscleseasing up abit.

I workout at thegym two orthree times aweek and havea personal trainer named Scotty. Scottywas the kindof guy everyoneat the gymwants to belike. He isadmired by thewomen and enviedby the men.Scotty is 23darkly tanned andhas ripped abs.He always hashis hair styled messy and thechicks in thegym ooze overhim. He's browneyes indicate thathe's a friendlyfellow and wealways seem tofind something interestingto talk aboutduring our sessions.

Reaching up behindher, I tooka handful ofher thick, blondehair and pulledher head backwards,revealing her sensualand slender neck.Towering over her,I leaned downand began tonibble on herneck, sending chills through her entirebody. I bitgently at thesoft curves ofher neck andsucked some ofher skin intomy mouth. Theyoung beauty stood very still asI teased hervulnerable neck. Holdingher head backwith one hand,I placed myhand firmly onher naked breast.Debbie gasped asshe felt myfingers knead herfirm titflesh andthen began towhimper as myfingers closed aroundher hardening nipple.I watched withsatisfaction as heryoung body squirmed beneath me asI played withher titflesh. Leaningover her boundbody, I beganto kiss andlick at hersoft cheeks andlips. The almostnaked beauty squirmed as she triedto get awayfrom my assault.As I leanedforward my handslid down fromher naked titfleshand moved betweenher sculptured thighs.

Anyway, I calmeddown and thingswere back tonormal except forthe urges thatI got togo outside andget naked. Iheld them backfor a while.Finally I couldn'twait any longer.My roommate, whowas a lotlike me onthe outside, hada car. Ididn't. She waslike me inthe sense wedressed alike, wereshy and prettyquiet.

"That's what I'mbetting on."

"Mmm ok"

Iam a personthat truly enjoyswatching women, especiallyyoung women please themselves, and Imean get offor masturbate.

I toldHoney I understoodabout last nightand wanted toknow if shehad seen Raytoday. Honey said yes, they hadlunch together andtalked about thecontract. It wassigned and presentedto Honey's bosstoday. Ray madeit clear thatHoney was toremain on theaccount otherwise hemade a clausethat the contractcould be brokeat anytime Honeywas taken offthe account.

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posted by butler2930sa @ 7:01 AM 0 comments

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Ponni took the clothes fromVelan and startedwashing them inthe flowing waters.She was inknee-deep water. Hersaree was tuckedhigh to preventit from gettingwet. This exposedmost of herwhite thighs. Velanwas sitting ona stone watching her. There wasan obvious bulge in his crotch.Having finished washing the clothes, Ponniasked Velan toget into thewater.

She swallowedas much Hewas about topull away tosee what kindof havoc she'dwreaked, but Lilithhooked one legaround his andpulled him downon top ofher. She arcedinto him, revelingin the rockof his hipsagainst hers. Hetrailed his mouthover her jaw,down her neck,sending licks ofsensual flame everyplace his lipstouched.

Without pause, Iwrap my openskirt around myhips, covering thebare expanse betweenmy bustier andthe low, lacyelastic of mypanties. It toois vintage, blackvelvet, buttoned downthe front fromthe heavy leatherbelt I cincharound my waist,to the fullsweep of thehem hovering just above my ankles.I secure thebuttons as faras the knee,but leave theremaining undone. Apeek. A seduction."Look, but don'ttouch."

I waswashing my handswhen I felta warm bodypressed up againstmy back andfelt a littlenip on myear. " Hey,Dad, did youforget about me".

I pulledup at myhouse and toldChi to takethe kids insideand I wouldget their suitcases.Well, I thoughtto myself, Esaucouldn't stay withus or theywould get mefor aiding andabetting a fugitive.

Sheturned towards meslowly, the morevoluptuous parts ofher body coming into view, andfor a momentI lost mybreath. There wasan expectant lookon her face,but what shewas expecting, Iwasn't sure.

Theyargued back andforth. Phone callswere again made.Voices rose. Marciewaited, still standing.The clock showedwell past one.The clerk wasincreasingly irritated asthis was goinginto her lunchtime. The twoofficers were anxiousto get going.Marcie was tiredstanding, and now,after all theliquid she haddrunk, was feelinga need torelieve herself. Sheinterrupted, "Please, it'sgetting late. MayI please usethe bathroom? Ineed to, beforewe go!"

"I can'twait to getin there again,"John loosened hisgrasp on her,turning his headdown towards hers,"how about akiss."

She turned abit red, butgrinned back. "I'lltry to holdoff as longas I can,but..." She rosefrom her chairand threw along dancer's legover him tostraddle his lap.Wrapping her armsaround his neck,she gave hima sultry lookbetween waterfalls ofdark silken red hair that nowframed her faceand continued, "Iam a Geniebuilt for sex,after all." Shemade that specialhead toss tomove her hairout of theway and thenlowered her lipsto his. Jackhad no problemfiguring out whatto do withthe rest ofhis evening afterthat.

"Do bears shit in the woods?"I laughed.

God hefelt so damngreat. He wasnow slamming hiscock in andout of me,I could feelhis balls slapagainst the undersideof my pussy.

IfLee had lookedup she wouldhave seen Lucyhaving her pussylipsopened by Dickand seeing hiselegant thin fingers thrust in andout out ofthe pierced flesh that he openedwider until hefound her clitpierced with asolid gold ring.Quickly he beganto massage theorgan smiling ashe heard Lucy groan in pleasure.

Still feeling weakand confused, shesaid, "You knowI can't dothat. Somebody wouldsee me andthat would getus all introuble." Tony knewthat was true.

As she bentover to getsome cheese andfruit from therefrigerator, it becameobvious to methat she'd alsolost her pantiesand pantyhose. Thiswas in theera before thongunderwear, so asshe bent over,the seam ofthe loose fittingdrawstring pants clearly delineated the cleftof her ample,but surprisingly firm young buttocks.

I wonderwhat happens next?I know I'mhappy and luckyto have thiswoman. I thinkI'll keep her.

Gloria sent herreply. She mentionedso many thingsthat she hadlearned. She gavehim credit fora lot, butshe knew hewould want herto take thecredit for it.She understood whathe meant abouttrusting in herselfand taking thatstep. She toldhim how wonderfulit felt tohave taken it.There was notonly a smileon her facenow, but oneinside, too.

as possible andstill he came.Not just dripping from his hugecockhead but firingstill.

She longed togo and flingherself into thegroup. Her bare,damp breasts werecrushed against thecool smoothness, halosof steam forming an outline ofher hands andbody.

I laughedbefore answering herquestion. Jenny alwaysseemed to havesex on hermind. Me .. . well,I did too. . .I just didn'tadvertise it though.

"Doyou know thesource of ourpower?"

Tom laughed. "Nicetry."

"And youwill see herwhen?"

He gave herthe flowers andthe bear, andsaid I loveyou. Then hedrew her intoa close embrace,kissing her slowly,slipping his tonguepast her lips.The kiss lastedfor what seemedlike 5 minutesbefore she pulledback, feeling thehardness in hispants.

Riding him slowlyat first andthen faster, shehad her eyesclosed most ofthe time butoccasionally looked mestraight in theface. She wasenjoying this.

"Fuck off.Let me go."

Crissyput the condomon the endof my deskas she satback in mylap. She thengrabbed me bymy neck andbrought her lipsto mine, drowningme in adeep kiss. Shockwavesraced through myentire body asdrenched me inher sweet kiss.I felt hertongue touch mylips, so Iopened my mouthand welcomed hertongue to mine.My hands slidall over herback, pulling herinto a straddlingposition. I couldfeel her heatthrough her shortsas my handsslid all overher back. Islid one handover her ass,feeling how tightand perfect itwas. My mouthleft hers asit started toslide all overher neck.


"Now, nowit is muchbetter if someoneelse does itfor you," hewent on.

"Oh Yes!"The woman breathed."There's no mistake."

Heruser name onthat site clearlyindicated she wasfemale. She hadanother one thatwas gender neutral,and another thatwas clearly male.However, she wasn'tall that goodyet at pretendingto be non-female,so she stuckwith her "girlname" the moston this site.There were severaldozen users logged in. The mainroom was buzzingwith inane conversation.After only afew seconds, shewas hit withone private message request after another.After too many"Hey baby" PM's,with nothing lookingtoo promising, shehad an idea.Mandy created aprivate room withthe name SHITON ME, andwent in towait. Her hearthummed with anintensity that madeher lightheaded. Shesat wondering ifher parents mightwalk in onher, and shehad to fighta huge temptationto undress andprop her heelsup on thedesk, the keyboardon her tummy.That was theway she surfedat night, upin her room.She could shootherself for notbeing up therenow! Why didn'tshe realize ahead of time justhow horny allof this wasmaking her?

posted by butler2930sa @ 4:35 AM 0 comments

Friday, January 25, 2008

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"Now Iwant you tosubmit to him.I know thatyou can doit babe." Istarted shaking myhead.

Our window airconditioner broke, andthe super gave us a fanto use tillit's fixed. Wewent to bedwith just ourpanties on, andlay with nothingover us. Theroom was darkexcept for theglow of thecity lights outside the window.

Whiteglobs of cumleaked from Julie'swell-worked cunt asshe shifted tosuck and lickedthe excess dripping from Steve's slowlysoftening cock. Julieloved cock andthe taste ofhot cum, butshe also savoredthe sweetness offeredby pussy juices.Becca says: Ah,for a minute,I thought thatyou were makingfun of me

"Carrie,you're so beautiful!Come, my sweetCarrie. Come forme. I loveyou!"

"Lovely girls both,but a bitstandoffish. I can'thonestly see themmaking an exhibitionof themselves toplease our localyobbish tendency. Pity,though - they'retwo gorgeous young ladies - they'dstrip really well,especially Julia!"

"You likeit in theass, Claire?" askedRobert.

She wastaken aback whenshe first sawslave, but inasplit second herarousal was complete.Petra's suspicion wasright, there wasa streak ofvoyeuristic sadism deep inside her. Shelit another cigaretteand came totake a closerlook while Ursulaexplained the machine,and the extremeconsequences of itsuse. As shesaid the word"death", Petra turned up the power,the slave convulsedand Melissa groanedinvoluntarily. These womenwere incredible, beautiful,powerful and willingto do thigsshe only everfantasised about. Shedragged on hercigarette and watchedthe torture getunder way.

At theseparties our friendshave half jokinglysaid we shouldget it overwith and fuckeach other. Wealways laugh andmake like wewould never dothat but onthe walk homefrom these partieswe get aroundto talking aboutdoing each other.

Shestarted to rise."No, crawl overhere, like agood slut."

She wasn'tlooking at mewhen she askedthe question, forsome reason. Iguess she knewwhat my answerwas going tobe and washoping for itto be different.

Ripplesof pleasure spreadfrom her pussy.She had toswallow hard beforeshe spoke. "Hedidn't cum inyour mouth, didhe?"

Next he produceda ball gagand told meto open mymouth. I startedto protest, buthe simply said,"Sorry babe, itspart of theinitiation." I didn'tprotest much ashe opened mymouth and pushedin the redball. Then hetied it offbehind my headso I couldn'tdislodge it. Finally,he blindfolded meand drove offinto the earlyevening darkness.

I mayhave passed out.I don't rememberyour cock slidingout of me- I justremember pulling mypanties and shortsup in adaze over mydripping pussy. Istraightened up dizzily.You were cleanedup, tucked in,and viewing mewith a lookof amusement.

These thoughtswent through mymind as Ilay between mytwo studs brothers.My mind's eyesaw her underthem, just asI had beena few momentsearlier. My nipstightened and Ishivered as Iimagined her raptureat Jamie andJohnny's careful fucking.

"Whatwill you haveme do foryou then?" Iasked, wanting toget this overwith as quicklyas I could.

Ifelt bad forTom as hesat on thecouch with onewoman bound helpless and begging tobe fucked whileanother worked tirelesslyat getting herhusband come downher throat. Ileaned over nowand began toslowly lick thepussy lips ofmy wife. Shevainly attempted topush her pussyhard onto myface but wasnot able todo so becauseof the wayI had boundher. I tookmy time slowly eating her pussywhile I gentlybegan to workone of myfingers into herass. My wifewas really getting hot now andI knew thatwith a fewmore small circleson her clitand she wouldexplode into orgasm.

When I marriedJenny, we agreedon a prenuptialagreement that wouldhave left herwith very littleif we divorcedbefore having achild. If westayed together forfive years, shegot more. Ifwe stayed togetherfor ten, shegot even more.And so on,very much likea pension planthat would payher back foryears of companionship.I would beresponsible for payingfor any childrenif we divorced,but through generoustrusts for theirbenefit. She wouldnot get veryrich from themarriage no matterwhat.

He toldher he livedthere with hiswife and four(!)children, the youngestborn only sixmonths previously.

The two mixedtogether could deliverthe deliciousness hertaste buds craved.Julie noisily slurped along the lengthof his shaftrolling her tongueas if itwere ice creammelting on acone.

When Beccalooked again, theman had hispants undone andslid down onhis thighs. Helay beside thewoman as heplayed with herand in turnshe had beentouching his dick.Becca moved slightly again to seeit. She openedher mouth andstared thinking toherself again, ~it's big... Inever thought...this isjust sick! shewanted to lookaway, she wantedto leave...she wantedto stay.

The deephammering strokes werehaving an unrealeffect on her.Each time ashe hit bottom her hips pushed back at himdemanding more. Animalisticneed to fuckand be fuckedhad taken overboth of theirbodies. The strangernever changing hispace or angleof entry, Rosenever stopping herreturn thrusting withher hips. Hecould feel thetightening in hisbody and thesweat that waspopping up onhis back. Heknew he wasabout to cum.Before he couldreach his climax,Rose toppled overinto another oneof her own.She bucked, criedout, and dugher fingernails intothe carpeted floor.All the whilehe kept thepace of stabbingher with hisdick and grindinghis groin intohers. When herorgasm seemed tofade slightly andshe lay quietlyunder him, hestopped and pulledout of hercompletely soaked pussy.

Iexchanged fantasies withwomen in Englandand California, Hawaiiand the Caribbeanthat left mebreathless. They allshared what theydid or woulddo with anotherwoman. Even ifthey had husbandsand children orboyfriends with whomthey lived perfectlynormal lives, theysecretly fantasized aboutfucking other women.

"Thiscock is allyours Nicole," hewhispered as hekissed my face.

Crystal stood therein silence. Ofcourse she hadn'thad any blackcock. She's onlyhad one inher entire lifeand that wasmine. She lookedterrified.

"Hmmm," Angelus put his finger tohis mouth asif to contemplatehis answer, thensimply replied, "becauseshe was there."

"Ifyou want toToots okay butI can't helpyou understand? Westart our assaultin two hours,"he said morevehemently than heintended to butthen smiled thoughthe woman stung had turned awayfrom him.

The clawslid down herbody with hisstare and shefought against atwitch that wouldimpale her. Thesmall blade flicked at her pubichair, cruelly teasing.Despite the painand terror, shefelt the heatbuild from belowand within. Shelicked her puckeringlips. A barefinger brushed ather most intimateand gently circledthe nub atthe top. Herbody tensed, notin rejection, butin a vainattempt to takethat finger insideher. He lookedback at herface and raisedhis little fingerto his lips,tasting it. Then,he ran bladeof the clawalong his tongue.

"Idon't really care.I'm just glad to be awayfrom school andcan't wait torelax" I replied.

Icould feel myself-becoming hard beneathmy trousers asshe searched thefolds of skinbetween her legsfor stray hairs,and I quicklyturned my thoughtsto other matters.There would betime enough forthat later.

Thinkingabout this (notto mention thenipple play andthe feel ofthe dildo) wasmaking Bianca horny.Revelling in herprivacy, she slippedher bikini briefsdown her long,smooth legs andkicked them offthe end ofthe sun lounger.The feel ofthe sun onher thighs andabdomen thrilled herimmensely. She spreadher legs sothat her barefeet were onthe hot concreteeither side ofthe sun lounger.

Ileaned in andtook a leisurelylick along thelength of hercunt, tasting hersalty-sweet womanly flavor.Now I knowfrom experience thatI'm a verygood all-around lover,with a slightlylarger than averagecock and agood ability touse it, butwith no falsemodesty, I ama master ateating pussy. Mywife and allof my previouslovers have alwaysprofusely complimented myskills between theirthighs. I broughtall of thispractice and attentionto focus ongiving her pleasureas I ranmy tongue aroundand on topof her swellingclit. As Imentioned, Kelly likesa lot ofclitoral stimulation, soI usually spend most of mytime licking andsucking on herlittle nub, whileoften using eithermy fingers ora dildo insideher cunt tofill her up.I especially lovefucking her witha dildo whileI eat her,letting her enjoythe simulation ofa real cock inside her whileshe is beingeaten out. Thoughwe haven't donethat yet, whoknows what thefuture holds.

posted by butler2930sa @ 10:28 PM 0 comments

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We lefthis room afew minutes later,still giggling.

In thepackage was avideotape and atyped note telling us that thefilm we hadbeen forced tomake had beendistributed nationwide andwas also availableon-line. The notetold us saleshad been "throughthe roof" andsarcastically thanked usfor our help.

"That's alright mom,I know howyou must feel,my last girlfriend cheated onA hand grabbed my hair andmy head waspulled back. Along knife blade flashed before myeyes then Ifelt it's edgetouch my neck.

"Areyou serious, Barbara?You're really goingto date andall that, untilChristmas Eve?"

Maybenext time hecan bring someof his friendswith him andthey all canenjoy her, whileshe enjoys them.All this timeI will sitthere and masturbatewhile listening toher tell mewhat a wonderful,understanding, loving, husbandshe is marriedtoo.

You'll get usedto it. Whilehe was breakingme in hecame inside me,unprotected. It nevereven slowed himdown. His cumwas so muchit was oozingout of mypussy all aroundhis cock andit only lubricatedme more. Mikefucked me fora solid hour without ever takinghis cock outone time. Duringthat time Icame over twentyfive times. Hecame three times,and each timehe just spurted and spurted. Itwas the firsttime in mylife I'd everhad a cockinside my womb,spurting into me.Jerry and Ihad tried forfour years toget pregnant. Thedoc said Iwas sterile. Butthat night Mikemade me pregnant.

Noword from Karenyet about comingto see me.She sent meanother text thoughwhich made mesmile:

"What I don'tapprove of isthe way youkeep hurting her.I'm not exactlysure what happenedbetween you onthe ship thathurt her somuch but youleaving so quicklyhad something todo with it.And now you'reback, toying withher, probably tobe gone againin a fewweeks and leavingher behind, brokenand hurt oncemore. I knowI can't fightyou but Ican ask youto please leave her alone. She'strying to getover you andthis," he gesturedto Drake's rumpledappearance, "doesn't help."He considered tellinghim about Thomasbut figured thatwas up toVirginia.

Tonguing and kissing,I felt herhands quickly toss my backpack aside.She then quicklystarted to untuckmy shirt. Ifelt her hot,warm hands running up and downmy bare back.

"Danny...look at me,please. You werestaring at them,weren't you?" shesaid as shemoved his headback up andsmiled.

He remained stillfor a coupleof minutes, bothof us breathinghard. Then slowlyat first, hebegan to slidehis penis upand down insideme. Then thepace picked upand soon hewas groaning ashe injected massive amounts of sperminto me. Itflooded me andbegan to runout of myvagina onto thebed.

"Your honor, Iobject, from Gerald,the witness isnot qualified togive testimony onmy client's psychologicalstate of mindand his languageis obscene andabusive!"

Jenny finished offher drink andset it aside."So when doI get tomeet this Marcusof yours?"

Nothing wassaid, but acomfortable smile crossed the man's faceas he turnedto head backto the bus.This time Tracidid look. Itwas worth thewait, she decided.

Cindywas the onewho spoke forus. Her voicequivered with somekind of emotion."Don't worry aboutus. We won'tsay anything. I'mnot quite surewhat we canor can't take.Guess we'll haveto talk butwe won't beoffended and wewill keep yoursecret." I lookedat her andnodded.

That night withLisa was fineand I enjoyedit when shehad me eather cunt halfwaythrough the night.But, all inall, I wouldspend the sametime with aman, especially mydaddy. There isjust something abouta man's rockhard cock thatcan't be beat.I will alwaysbe grateful toLisa for beingmy surrogate daddy that evening.

"Look, she'smy sister, okay?I care abouther, too, andI just want to see herhappy."

She stood onher tiptoes toplace a kisson his cheekand he turnedhis head sothat their lipsmet. He gaveher a deepkiss that shefelt all theway down toher toes.

"Isthere someone elsewatching me?"

"Ohhhh, baby,you love getting this dick inyou, don't you?Some girl loves getting fucked, huh?"

me." Shethanked me againand went tobed. I snuckup to herroom to hearif she waslistening to themusic, and shewas, quite loudly.I walked awaywith joy andsat on thecouch and puta movie in.At around 12,she still wasn'tup, so Idecided to jumpin the pool.I was layingin a tubeand when mymom came outin a twopiece bikini, Iwas taken byshock. My momhardly ever worea bathing suitwithout a shirton, let alonea bikini. "What'sthe matter? Don'tyou like it?I just gotit."

I was thinkingmore and moreabout her.

Max gave her a wolfishgrin.

At the arrangedtime I walkedthrough the hotellobby looking forthe lounge. Myeyes caught theblond hair ofan attractive womansitting on abench and ittook me sometime to realizeit was Tammy.We hugged hello and made ourway to thelounge for somegin and tonics.The high-end hotel'satmosphere was veryluxurious, which seemedto enhance ourconversation and startedthe evening offon a greatnote. As wedrank and caughtup, I triedto force mygaze not totravel down herbody. It wasn'tthat hard sinceher pretty face and deep eyeswere a pleasureto look at.But when sheexcused herself Itook the opportunityto stare atthe creamy white skin between herleather boots andthe hem ofher dress.

Tommyhears Kellie andhe knows whatshe means. Hemoves his handaway from hiscock and letsit stand straight up, totally hardfor her.

"You will,"Seth told her.Warm breath rushed against her neck."I know youwill."

Her tongue moistenedsuddenly dry lips and his imageloomed above her.He hadn't beenaround for years,but the longingwas only increasing.The tongue tracing around her mouthcaused her lipsto tingle. Sheslid her fingerout of itsdark aching cavern,found her clitorisand teased itwith light featherstrokes.

"Damn Vikki, youare one hellof a woman,"I said. "Iwish to hellthat I wouldhave spoken upsooner. That's alot of yearsgone by thatI could havespent putting mydick in you.By the way,have I evertold you thatyou're the bestfuck I've everhad?"

She'd flipped outon me thenight before, giventhat she hadwoken up nakedafter falling offof my roof--longstory, no timeto go overthat now. Afterverbally abusing me,and an embarrassingmoment when she'dtried to hitme with analarm clock (whichlanded right whereshe'd intended, layingme out onthe floor cold),I gather thatshe left andgot her friendsto come backat some pointin the nightto abscond withmy unconscious body.

"Yes,oh silly me,I mean Jenny,"she hurried withthe food andthe gypsies stayed close to her.As she finishedmaking the sandwichesshe was handedanother drink, shenoticed one ofthem was lookingin the fridge.

"Ohdarling," she said."You are toogood. The onlyorgasms I getthese days areon my own."

posted by butler2930sa @ 12:46 PM 0 comments

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Evelyn's bottomslid back andforth on theslick table top as he slammedinto her. Hegrasped her hipsand pulled heragainst him. Withoutwarning, bright lights began to blinkin his mind.

Apparentlymy mind workson the problemwhile I amasleep. In themorning I thinkthat I havean idea ofwhat is happeningand why. Onlytime will tell,however.

Daniel stepped out of theshower door andasked, "Who ********************

"Its ok," Isaid quickly, gettingup, heading inher direction. "Yourmother and Iare going toshow the boyswhat its liketo make loveto a woman."

"Ol'Don was alwayshard or readyto get hard,"Tina continued. "Wasn'tthat big, butalways stiff." Iknow my eyebrowsmust have raisedat that comment,but Al didn'tseem to notice.He smiled atTina and pattedher hand.

Alice actuallydid a prettygood job ofacceding to Alan'swishes; more likedemands, really. Shedreamed about doingit almost everynight, and fantasizedabout doing allday long, butshe never actuallydid it. Evenafter Becky wasborn and shewas so incrediblyfucking horny afterward,the most shedid was goout and buya Lex Steele dildo that shekept secreted inthe back ofher panty drawer and brought outonly on thoselong, lonely nightswhen Alan wasworking very, verylate.

Right away, theygot a visitfrom the localpolice department. Theymet him withpleasure and theywere pleased toprove all theirpermits were inorder. They showedhim everything hewanted to see.If they werebreaking the law,he couldn't figureout how theydid it.

An oldman came tothe counter.

School wasslow, my mindwandered back tothe events ofthe previous day.When I finallygot home mymother greeted mewith a grimface, explaining thatalthough the markyesterday had stoppedhurting, there wasa new spotthat hurt.

My buddyMatt had beenhaving a prettyrough time sincehis divorce hadstarted. And weall knew thatone of themajor problems inthe relationship hadbeen his lackof opportunity toexperience anything "different"or "unusual" sexually.He had heardall my braggingrights about thewomen that Triciashamelessly brought intoour marriage bedyear after yearto share withme and hadlived vicariously throughour sex stories and experiences.

I slid mycock out ofher mouth slowly,watching a riverof cum stream out of theedges of herlips. She moanedas I beatmy cock onthe tip ofher nose, whichspit drops ofcum on hercheeks. Suddenly, Iwas shoved outof the wayand fell onmy ass. Bubbawasted no timethrowing his massiveshaft straight intoher cum-flooded mouth,grabbing her headand fucking herface hard. Hepumped in andout of hermouth as Brockrubbed his handsall over herbody. When Laryssapulled her faceaway to comeout for air,she groaned inecstasy "Mmmmm, pleasedon't stop youbig-dick mutherfuckers! Iwant all ofyou, especially youAndrew! I can'tbelieve I have3 incredibly hot…mmmmphhhhh"Laryssa's words werecut off witha dick shoved in her mouth.

Iplaced my handsover hers onher tits andstarted to squeezethem gently. Sheremoved her handsso they shecould caress mylegs gently withher fingertips, increasingmy arousal tenfoldby that verysmall gesture. Ipressed her titstogether even moretightly and startedthrusting faster asshe talked dirtyto me. "Yeah,baby," she said,"Fuck my tits!I want youto come allover my face.I want towatch it allshoot out ontomy face andI want towrap my fingersaround your cockand feel itspasm while youcome. That's it,baby. Fuck mytits!"

It was ahot summer morning,another one ina string ofvery hot days.The school wasout and Ishould have beenhaving the timeof my life.However, as thefaith would haveit, Jackie wasyet again groundedfor being stupidand breaking hercurfew, Hanna andKatie were onholidays with theirparents and Iwas left hereall alone. Aloneand bored outof my wits.

My mom weakly nodded her head.Cumming all dayhas made momreally exhausted. ButI continue programmingher for tomorrow'sevent before Ilet her restand have along sleep.


With his facejust inches frommine, he reacheddown and beganrubbing my pussythrough my panties,pushing some ofthe material pastmy lips. Hekissed me againas he pushedthe panties insideand allowed hisfingers to enterme.

We bothsank to thefloor exhausted. Babydidn't say asingle word, Iguess she wasgathering wind back or something. Finally,she rolled overand said itwas wrong forus to havedone what wedid. I agreedbut then beforeshe could gatherall her thoughtstogether I quicklyasked her ifshe could makeit go away,would she? Sheresponded to myquestion by saying,"I take mybath the sametime everyday," andheaded for thebathroom.

was at thedoor?"

The guy's handthen moved away and the cameraremained focused onthe woman's pussy.

Before she couldget up though,Khadeem was infront of her,pushing her backdown on thebed.

"I don'tthink so. Howdid you knowthat?"

Pulling my clitinto his mouthhe teased itwith tongue andteeth, wishing itto respond tohis kissing andlicking with aswelling and sensitivity.He could feelmy push ofhips towards hismouth and tongueindicating him "Idesire for more."The entire timehis hands werecaressing my bottomand inner thighs,(as I hadtold him Ilike my innerthighs being caressed)bringing thousands ofgoose bumps tomy skin werehis finger andhands had lingered.

"Isaw you watchingme. I havea mirror overmy dresser. Andmy dresser isstraight across frommy bed. Didyou forget that?I seen thelook in youreyes and knewthat I justhad to haveyou."

My next stepwas to eventhe odds withthe younger guys.Because I wasnow working somuch I didn'thave time tosit around guzzlingbeer and Idropped a lotof weight withouteven trying. Ihired a personaltrainer and beganworking out. Withina few weeksthe results werenoticeable and Ibegan receiving alot of commentson my newphysique. Then Iactually hired somebodyto teach meto dance, somethingI've never beengood at oreven enjoyed. Iwasn't taking anychances. I wentto a salonand had myexcess body hair waxed got a$100.00 haircut. Ihad a styleconsultant outfit mewith a newwardrobe. I wasas ready asI was goingto get.

I turnedred faced withembarrassment at heruse of language,when she turnedto face me.Standing a fewinches taller thanme in thosespiked heels, sheslowly pulled mystraps back downover my shoulders."Oh, and whenit comes towomen, you ask?"She started, smoothingdown my thinlaced collar. "Womenusually need oneof two things.They either needto know thattheir relationship with'Mister Right' isnot being threatened,or some facetof their ownsexuality needs attention,"she said asa matter offact.

Beverly was behindhim and whispered,"Keep your headdown."

There was asilence as theylooked at eachother in themoonlight. Although shestill wore hergreen t-shirt andfatigue pants Tammy felt totally exposed.Like Melvin couldsee right throughher. Her heartwas pounding andher desires werebuilding rapidly. Sheknew they shouldn'tbe left alone.If she wasn'tcareful she wouldthrow herself athim. She squeezedher thighs together,sending a joltof pleasure throughher entire body.

I slapped herpussy with myhand, several times.She jerked andcried out witheach well placedslap. I toldher "that's justa taste foryou. Don't forgetit."

Never in herwildest dreams couldshe have imaginedbeing kissed likethat. His mouthwas soft andhot, his teethnibbled gently ather lower lipfrom time totime, and histongue pressed againsthers, teasing. Sadaclung to him,her fingers curled in his hair.Alastair kissed heruntil they wereboth breathless, thendrew back just a bit. Hisbreath was warmagainst her face.

"No,please, not that!"Wailed Hansel.

posted by butler2930sa @ 3:39 AM 0 comments

Thursday, January 24, 2008

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When sheput the phonedown she said,"She'll be roundin about tenminutes, if thatis all right.But I mustwarn you beforehand.She wears evenshorter skirts thanI do, whichmeans she neverwears stockings, andher knickers aredecidedly briefer, oftento the pointof being almostinvisible! She willbe using mydesk, of Tarasaid, "I willco-operate. Tell mewhat I haveto do. Butjust feel mypussy. I needyour hand overit now."

John, eightor nine inches,a little onthe thin side,he was goingto get ass.

"You'rea dear, Mikey,"she said, andeach word seemedto lick myear long andslow. "Oh, andMikey?"

"You need whatChristine?"

John laughed ashe closed thedoor. He pulledout his notebookfrom his desk,made a tallymark and calculatedup his figures."Fuck, two moreto go! Oneand I tiethough, that's notbad."

"What do youthink?" Sandy asked.

"Saywhat? Who toldyou that?"

Just offto the sidewas Ripu whosehands were strokingand mauling Sonika'sbreasts through thedress she wore.

Now. I climbup behind you,on my knees.You moan intoher as myhands go toyour ass, caressingthe curves, feelingthe heat. Idip a fingerinto you frombehind. You're sowet! So hotinside! I pullsome of yourwetness with myfinger and spreadit around yourasshole. You moanagain. This isfor later, butI slip myfinger into yourass, just tothe first knuckle.I feel yourelax around me.You'll be ready.

Again,with the skillof a ballerina,I appeared fromunderneath the table.I said Hito the waiterand sat downbeside you. Kissedyou on thecheek, I tastedhis cum andbegan to cleanyour face upas well. Icomplimented him onhis tasty cum.By now hewas so embarrassedhe couldn't evenspeak. He justturned and wentto the kitchen.You asked ifI wanted anydesert, I said,I already hadmine!

What sort ofpictures did shetake? She likednatural things: thedesert, the whorlsof flowers, twistedroots and wintertrees, dogs inthe street, nudes.Oh. In lifeclasses? No, moresort of natural,at home. Justthe students takingeach other orwhat friends theycould persuade: thecollege might notapprove. I imagined,as I amsure you did,the queues ofstudents and theirfriends that wouldbuild up whenthey heard ofthese private sessions.But she wascontinuing to speakas if itwas only artschool commonplace, likeart theory andlighting. Name? Ambie.Hi, and weintroduced ourselves. Ambie,that's unusual. Ohit's short forAmber.

"This is nice,"Tom said. Hewas in theshallow end ofthe pool asRainie was, whichmeant he wasstanding on hisfeet. Rainie floatedlanguidly with herarms moving back and forth acrossthe surface.

Ididn't say anythingat first, justmeeting his gaze."First, I guessI should havetold you. Second,I did nothingto provoke herinto showing me,and third, it'snot like you'reMr. Innocent either."

After a fewminutes, and nothearing Simon sneak back past ourbedroom, curiosity tookover me andI slipped outof bed andinto a t-shirt,slowly opening thedoor to peekout. I heardthe TV playingin the livingroom and Simon'smurmurs.

When my dadwasn't at school,he was tuckedaway in hisstudy in frontof his typewriter,and then laterhis computer, spendingmany long hours writing and editing.I'd sometimes comein and pesterhim; just sitting on the floortalking about howmy day wentand asking himabout his. He'dtype away, leanin and stareat whatever hewas working on,smile and nod,and ask mequestions. I knewI was beinga bother, buthe never saidanything otherwise. Heseemed to enjoythe company, evenif it wasa distraction.

10minutes later, PhilCollins had wishedthe audience goodnight and he tookKitty's hand andleft the stage.

AnotherFriday evening andthere I stood,looking out thewindow while washingdishes. This wasall too typicalanymore as Iwaited for myhusband to getoff of workand my sonfrom college. Itwas a beautifulday outside, butof course Ihad no whereto go andnothing to dobut put thesedishes away beforeI was toprepare dinner andrepeat the choreall over againbefore the nightwas over with.

course, asI would haveto take herplace with myhusband. I assumethat will beall right. Afterall, it willonly be fora couple ofdays or so,and she isquite capable ofcoping with thework. But sheusually sits inexactly the sameway as Ido, so youwill be treatedto a newview, although herexposure will bebetter than mine,as there willbe less skirtto hide herknickers from view."

"It'sa gentleman's club"Josh replied lighting a huge cigar."This place islike nowhere youhave ever beenbefore Dave, knownonly to aselect few.

"I'msure not," Alicelaughed. "But docome join mewhen you can."

"Absolutely!Do I needmy purse?"

The end

"Haveyou ever experimentedwith anything kinky?"she asked eventually.

"I'mheading down toHawks Nest, anddecided to havesome lunch herewhile I waswaiting for thecar ferry." HawksNest is abeautiful village right on the oceanat the entranceto Port Stephens.Our prime ministeroften holidays there.

Fasterthan I couldbelieve possible shehandcuffed me tothe bed withcuffs she hadattached to theheadboard, she thenreached under meunbuckled my belt,unbuttoned my pantsand yanked themand my boxersdown and offmy body, yankingmy shoes andsocks with them.Then I feltand heard myshirt being cutand then tornfrom my body.

Sex can bea hunger, apoint subtly madeby my sub-consciousas I lickedmy lips watching Sharon stroke herself.I had learnedher name fromthe mailbox atthe end ofthe drive. Forweeks now, Ihad spent partof every eveningnestled in thelilac bushes outside the window watching this exquisite beauty make love toherself. What beganas a chanceoccurance had becomealmost an obsession.It was asif I wasinvolved in atorrid and consumingaffair, but notlike any Iwould have imagined.

"Rebeccayou sound sofucken sexy, I'mabout to blowfor you girl".

"Youdoing okay therekid?" the womanasked.

The movement triggeredsomething deep andprimal in Grant'sbrain. He flexedhis foot, raisinghis left thigh a few inchesand his handflashed down deliveringa firm smack to her rightcheek. The skinreddened slightly andhe smacked theleft cheek.

"I haven'tgot a cluewhat to say."

"Whatmakes you saythat?" I askedas I gotbehind my parentscar.

posted by butler2930sa @ 1:56 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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She knew himwell, as hecame, flooding hercunt with cum.Jefferson kept banging her ass, slappinghis balls againstthem as hedrove his cockas deep ashe could intoher pussy. Heheld her hipsand pulled himselftight against herass. There shewas, a spentcock filling hermouth and anotherstuffed in herpussy. It wasquite a scene,as Al, Kellyand Peg watchedthem, Al andKelly still playingwith Peggy. Peggywas moaning, alittle, as shesaw her sonslowly draw hiscock from Marcy'scum filled mouth.'Bud looked "Isyour ass mine?"

OneSaturday morning, whenMax was readyingfor bed, hisclock virtually reversed from the world'sdue to traffic,construction and theneed to getthere on time,and when thecustomer needed, Katiehad gotten upearly. She wasjoining her friendsfor a campingtrip, an overnightto a nearbylake. She wasexcited too, forit promised togive her andher boyfriend, BillyWoods, a chanceto have somefun both inand out ofthe sack.

Istick the keyin the doorof the suite.I can pretendI'm so usedto this treatment,but the roomis amazing. She'splaying music andsmoking a cigar(poorly). Oh, fuck,she's wearing thatdress I love.Does this whoreknow what sheis doing tome?

"Look, we haveknown each otherfor most ofour lives. Wereally have feelingsfor you. Iknow it's notconventional, but hey,we thought you'dbe the mostunconventional of thethree of us"she explained, referringto my travellinghistory, and likingfor adventure sports,but also theperceived normality oftheir marriage. "Wejust want toget closer."

Dawn sat in her sister'sroom for afew more minutesfeeling satisfied andnaughty. Buffy laid on the bedexhausted and aroused,with one handbehind her headand the othertracing circles aroundher lower belly.Her smile taintedwith lust. Herpale, athletic body was flushed andradiant, covered inlittle goose bumps.Next to herslept her bestfriend Willow, onehad up herown shirt theother sandwiched betweenher freckled legs clutching a spentpenis.

"Stuffing socks intoyour pants tomock a womanis ... is... uh ...oh, Mr. Walker,I'm sorry."

"YesJack, you're technicallycorrect but it'sjust a theorythat we lowlyhumans came upwith trying toexplain away themysteries of life.We really haveno first handexperiences as tohow long evolutionreally takes. Infact, I thinkevolution is toostrong of aword for whatwere discussing. Adaptationfits better inthis case. Wehave simply stayedon Earth forso long thatwe adapted toour surrounding environment.Sam, what elsehave you foundout from yourearlier scans?" askedMitch.

Steve and Iquickly soaped oneanother up, butthen I toldhim.

Mary led meinto her bedroomat the farend of theL-shaped room. Sheswitched on alamp over herbed which wasunder a fully-drapedwindow on theright wall. Wewalked straight ahead,and Mary showedme the bathroom,with a showerin its tubon the rightwall. Across andto the leftwas another door,which led intoher study. Shelocked that door(I wondered why?),pulled some towelsout of acabinet, led meback to herbedroom, and said,"You can cleanup first. I'llcheck my answeringmachine and makesome phone calls.".

Bah. I'm notusing ANYTHING thatcomes to mefrom under thestall of apublic rest room.I slipped thetube and noteinto the femininehygiene receptacle andleft the restroom.

"Come on, comeon," exclaimed Kim!Slowly, deliberately, Lynnsat up, grindingher hips downon me onemore time. Withoutasking if Iwas ready ornot, she abruptlystood, my cockstretched as muchas possible, thenpulled out ofher cunt witha plop. Itflopped across myleg. She steppedout of theshower. I followed.

Afew weeks later,I finally gotup enough courageto go back.I was alsohorny as helland wanted toget sucked again.I sat inbooth after booth- I soonlearned that somewere more popularthan others forthat sort ofthing. At onepoint, I heardsomething in thebooth next tome. I realizedI could hearvoices besides thefilm loop playing.I leaned downand looked throughthe hole tosee a manon his kneesgiving a blowjobto another manstanding in themiddle of thebooth. I watchedthat and myloop for awhile, determined notto blow myload before Icould get suckedtoo. At somepoint, I ranout of quartersand had togo back outfront to getmore. When Igot back tomy booth, Iwas shocked outof my skinto hear avoice inside thebooth with mesay, "There youare! I wasafraid you hadleft."

Mmm I thought,and we allhave those.

"Relax then,"he instructed ashe slowly stuckhis thick fingerin her ass."See?" Molly nodded.He pushed hisfinger in farther,removed it, andrammed it backin.

Her face flushed as she criedout unconsciously myname, "oooooooooooooooh Mr.Steve take meeeeeeeeeeeeee"and cum veryhard, wetting theblanket on thebed.

Ash turnedto Zara "Sorry,I guess youget the poolhouse, but reallyit's..."

Jess orderedtwo more drinksfrom the bartenderand then littwo cigarettes handing one off toSandi. Sandi tooka drag andfelt a quickburning in herthroat. "God, Iforgot how goodthat was. LookI'm not readyto pick anyoneup tonight ortomorrow for thatmatter. This isall new tome; I neverhad these feelingsbefore. Does thismake me gayor bi?"

"This iswhat you wantedisn't it slut?To be fuckedsenseless from behindby that manon the train.You wanted tofeel his cockthrusting in andout you likethis didn't youmy little whore?"he bellowed menacinglyin her earloud enough foronly her tohear.

sogood', she thoughtto herself. AndMarcy was sosexy, bent overBud's crotch. Jeffersonslid his cockfrom his wife'scunt, and outfrom between thosenylon clad legs.

"...Followmy lead. Itis up tome to showthem your beauty."

** * **

No underwear. "Heh.Should have known."She reddened, andher breathing intensifiedas she droppedthe shorts toher ankles andstarted to stepout of them."No, no. Standstill."

I gotup and leftthe booth andwent to mynext class withthoughts filled ofacting like aslut. I couldn'twait to findout what wasin store forme in anhour. For theentire class time,I spent fantasizingabout him doingvery bad things to be. Idon't think Iheard a singleword Mrs. Karrysaid the entiretime. When itwas time, Imade my waydown to hischambers. I hadactually never beenin. My heartwas pattering andmy teeth werechattering. I walkedin and itwas a hugeroom. It wassquare about thesize of threeliving rooms long.It was wherea few ofthe holy mengathered to study.At the oppositeend of theroom, Mr. Johnsonwas sitting ata large desk,the only deskin the room,doing some paperwork. He didn'tnotice me. Overtowards where Iwas standing inthe very backof the roomwas a goodsized table wheretwo men werereading textbooks. Theywere all dressedin the sameget up, amonk like robethat looked allone piece ina nice lighttan. I mademy way downthe room toMr. Johnson.

He begana slow rhythm,gently rocking inand out ofme until Iwas writhing underhim. I feltthe pressure buildingagain, but thistime he letme go over.I guess Sadira was feeling leftout, because, whenshe heard mecoming, she cameover and undidmy corset, thenbent over tosuck on onenipple while caressingmy other breast.

Please pass onyour views tothe email addressin my profile.

Becky is thebaby sitter forthe Wilson's. Theypay well, livein a largecomfortable house andhave an idyllicbaby. They treatBecky exceptionaly well,leaving refreshments forher to enjoyand often tipover the oddsif they stayout late. She'son to agood thing. Apartfrom Mr Wilson,the lecherous father,she had noreason to complain.Besides she knewhow to handlehis sort. Everythingseems perfect forher, but notquite. Like mostteenagers since startingcollege Becky foundmoney never wentanywhere so anyopportunity to earnsome pocket money was gratefully received.Of course, shedidn't have tospend money going out as shealways had agenerous date whopaid for mealsin lavish restaurants,admission to themost trendy clubsand as manydrink as shecould drink. Butlooking this goodwas expensive andthough she oftenpersuaded her morewealthy admirers totake her shoppingshe seemed tobe forever needingeveryday girly things like make-up, tightsand hair care products. Baby sittingwas that idealopportunity. It waseasy money, Sheloved the peaceand tranquillity shegot in theirhouse and iteven allowed herto catch upon her studying.Yet she stillstruggled at school.It wasn't thatBecky was stupidshe was farfrom that, shesimply didn't putin the time.Running a hecticsocial life didhave its disadvantageswhen you goout as muchas Becky. Sheneeds a gulliblestooge and you'reperfect. Intelligent, lovesick and blindto her intentions

"Ah,a woman aftermy own tastes."

"I want totouch your tits.I want tokiss them. Iwant to touchyou. I want..."Before I couldfinish she pushedher huge hard nipples into myface, they mashedagainst my teethand I suckedharder and harder.

"Determinedto weaken andundermine the newhybrid race, Jehovahsecretly cloned Adam and feminized theduplicate. He calledher 'Eve' andpresented her toAdam as agift. Trusting theGod, my dearbrother accepted thenew wife ashis 3rd. Tragically,that God haddecided to tamperwith her geneticmakeup so asto increase hernormal jealousy andpossessiveness to anobsessive, narcissistic, andparanoid extent. Shewanted Adam allto herself.

"Damn Sven,it's almost 1am already," Iyelled. "Bart willbe home soon,you are goingto have toleave."

She came hard and long, gaspingwith the pleasureof it asthe pain inher asshole mixedwith her ecstacy.

posted by butler2930sa @ 11:46 PM 0 comments

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"Second question:Why should Ibelieve you aboutthat when youlied to meso easily justtwo nights ago?And why shouldI believe youwhen you hidyour affair fromme for weeksbefore I discoveredyou?" Build onher answers.

"Sure thing,"said Cara, grinning.

Itwas two weekslater that Billsat in onthe "Boys" poker night. Ron said to Jack, "Hey,how are youcoming along onyour "Other people?"she asked, surprisedto feel aspurt of desireflowing through herpussy as hebegan to movein and outof her.

Jasminewas twenty, withshoulder length blonde hair, grapefruit sizedboobs and wideround hips, hertorso was amodel of 18thCentury sexuality. Unfortunatelyfor Jasmine, shewas living inthe 21st Centuryand thin wasin, but herdoe-like brown eyes and easy goingstyle drew people to her, menand women alike.Jasmine was justas willing tocuddle with eithersex and solong as theyliked her, she'ddo what shecould to makethem happy inreturn. This morning,she was strugglingto haul herown gear -instead of weaponsshe carried thelogbooks, manuals andtwo laptop computersused to monitorprogress of eachshooter. The othergirls had nicknamedher Jazz becauseshe liked tolisten to iton her portableCD player andbecause she oftendescribed her role'as keeping tabson everyone andall that jazz.'Jazz pulled upon her jeanswith one handand lifted theshoulder straps away from her boobswith the otheras she ploddedacross the widelawn from thecabins to theparking area.

Harriet openedher tightly clenched eyelids and staredat me inamazement. I musthave been quitea sight withthe streams ofblood pouring frommy head andspraying the roomas I wieldedthe baseball bat."They took Gina upstairs!" she cried."Go and helpher Jonathon, I'lltake care ofthese bastards!"

"Yes" Cindycalled out.

"Youlook great inthat," I said.

Afterwasting away therest of theafternoon and theearly part ofthe evening lyingon the beachor swimming inthe warm waterthey started totalk about whatto do thatnight. They discussedsome various optionsand decided tograb a cabinto the citytogether and hitsome of thelocal nightlife.

As youwere both kissingdeeply, Gill satnext to youand started rubbingyour back andass as yourmoaning increased. Itwas a realturn on tosee you makingout with anotherbeautiful women whileanother man massagedyour ass. Ashe was caressingyour ass Isaw your legsopen a bitindicating to methat you wantedmore. It wasnot lost onGill either. Soonhis finger madeit you yourpussy. You wereso wet andI saw hisentire finger godeep inside you.I glanced athis cock, whichseemed to havegrown even larger.One of yourhands soon foundhis dick andstarted to strokeit making aload of precum appear atthe tip. Iwas so turnedon by thesights. Gill thenmoved his headbetween your legsfrom the rearand started licking your pussy.


Ben realisedthat her rhythmwasn't his, though;he wasn't indanger of coming,and could stayhard for aslong as sheneeded him. Thatpleased him.

Sandra came to say goodbye to me. Shegave me alight kiss onthe lips andthen leaned forward so that hermouth was nextto my earand as sheslid her handover the frontof my pants,giving my stillhard cock asqueeze said, "Youknow, these ballsdon't have tostay blue allday." Then Ifelt her tonguelick my earlobeand she left.

Istill had thesame damned erectionfrom when Iwas having sex with Carol. Wecould have hoistedthe comforter asa tent withthe damned thing.

It bothered Jim that Nadia's friendfelt that wayabout him. Butthat was her.Nadia and hehad closed thatchapter long ago.He just hoped that Beth wouldn'tstir up allthose hurt feelings with her attitude.If she startedany shit she'dbe on herway back toCalifornia very quickly.

Nottrusting myself enoughto speak, Inodded affirmative. Myheart was beatingheavily in mychest and Icould feel mythroat going suddenly dry. Angua watched me like ajackal as Idiscreetly shifted mylegs, letting themrub ever soslightly against myclit. Angua smiled.

"Atmidday, Sir?" Shesounded disappointed.

"Oh shit!"John bellowed ashe began thrustingharder and faster.Annie realized thathe was aboutto cum. Thenshe felt hisseed beginning topump deep inside her pussy. Shecried out inanger, but hercries were muffledby the cockbanging her mouth.

Herbreasts were firmand high onher chest. Notbig, but nicelyrounded and oftenflattened slightly bythe stretchy fabricof her top.Once I sawher in amindblowing sports bra as she leanton her bumperdoing up arunning shoe. Shewas leaning towardsme and hercleavage was thrustenticingly forward atme. It wasenough of aview for weeksof masturbatory fantasies.I imagined mycock plowing betweenthose globes, spatteringmy seed allover them. Iimagined a lotmore too. Shekept herself nicelytanned and seemedto grow agolden olive brown as the warmsummer weeks progressed.

"Sowhat do youthink?" she saidwith a cheekysmile. I surveyedthe items, andnoticed she'd reallygone to townand bought alot of things.She had ablindfold, handcuffs, legspreader bar, blackriding crop, 4"and 8" vibrators,a 12" strap-on,buttplug, adjustable nippleclamps, two 12"dildos, a blackleather studded dog collar & leashand a ballgag.I was shockedKylie would riskbuying these herself.

project ofjumping onto Melissa.You still cuttingher grass?" Jacklaughed, and said,"Do you guysremember Bill telling us that ifyou get hersnatch worked up,she will dothe deed?' Well,gentlemen, I havea fail proof plan. I'm cuttingher grass Wednesday.I'm going toask her tothe dance atthe country club Saturday. By theend of theevening, I willhave rubbed thebra off hertits, and herpink panties offher pussy."

Shegot a bitpeeved at thatand said, "See,you never takeme seriously whenI want youto."

Con wantedto fuck heragain.

"Bobby we needto talk aboutyour lack ofoutput. I havea meeting acrosstown so Iwant you towait here forme until Iget back."

Hisflood gates opened,Melanie braced herselfand kept heradoring eyes open locked on hiscontorted sweaty face feeling her mouthfill up withhis delicious come.He came somuch it startedrunning down thesides of hermouth dripping ontothe floor below.To avoid toomuch spillage, sheswallowed it alldown as fastas he couldshoot it. Shetried her bestnot to chokeas he pulledher hair andface into hiscrotch.

She sat staring at the photo.Her mind wasin turmoil. Whatif her mothersaw it? Howmany copies werethere? How wasit taken withouther knowing? Hadit all beenplanned from theoutset?

I said, "Ohno Vick youhad two ofmy sisters butyou won't haveme. My husbandwould kill usboth!"

"I don't wantto get usedto the heat!"she stamped herfoot on thefloor.

"I don't know.It's too weird."

Aftera few minutes,they moved away from him, causingtheir pussies tobe out ofreach. He wasbriefly disappointed untilhe realized thatthey had positionedtheir faces oneither side ofhis penis.

"I don'tcare if thisis wrong... Ilove you... Ialways have." UtteredMeredith as herlips pressed againstthe exposed neckof her Aunt.

"Baby…don't stop." Ismiled at herand she resumedher stroking. Iclosed my eyesand imagined mytongue flicking overher nipples lightly teasing them andshe moaned. Isensed her stateof arousal andwilled it toincrease and shestarted swaying herhips as shebent down andstarted to kissmy rock hard dick. She struggledfor a momentto get itinto her mouthbut once thehead was inshe relaxed andstarted to suck.It felt soincredible and Iinstinctively pulled herhead closer tome. I couldnow clearly seeher erect nipplespoking through thethin fabric ofher cotton shirt and I decidedto try somethingelse. I thoughtof her drippingpussy and imagineda big wet tongue gliding softly against her; upand down herspreading lips. Herscream was muffledby my ragingcock in hermouth but Iknew she hadfelt it. Icontinued to makeher squirm andshudder with delightuntil she couldno longer concentrateon my cock.She let itslip out ofher and shefell to thegrass, legs splayedopen and fingersclawing at herdress.

posted by butler2930sa @ 9:25 PM 0 comments