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Friday, September 21, 2007

Sex tips stories free

This isa story abouta day Iwill never forget!I was inmy last yearat school doing my A-Levels. Ihad just turned 18 and itwas the Easterholiday period. Becauseof our examswe were givenextra time off(study leave) torevise. In themiddle week mymother had arrangedfor me togo to Francefor a fewdays to brushup on myFrench (the subjectI was notsure I Mother-in-lawwas really sucking my dick. Shethen looked upand said, "Ididn't know howelse too wakeyou." I thensaid, "where ismy wife?" Shesaid, "down atthe beach andwon't be backfor an hour,long enough forme to dowhat I wanttoo." With thatshe then setup between mylegs with herpussy about 8inches from mydick. She thenstarted to rubhere pussy withher right handand stuck 3 fingers in herpussy with herleft hand. Shethen said, "Yathought that yawere alone thismorning didn't you?"

Circlingit, feeling theridges as itpuckers and hardensat my touch.Lapping and licking.The ball ofmy piercing skippingover your erectnipple, teasing itmore. Breathing inletting the aircaress your wetnipple then suckingyour nipple intomy mouth. Myhands caressing yourbody, one cuppingand squeezing yourother breast.

Welooked at eachother as wegot our breathback, neither ofus saying aword. I pushedmy skirt backdown, straightened mytop and movedover to him.I took mythong from hishand, it wassoaked through. Iraised it tomy face andflicked out mytongue, tasting hissalty cum onmy tongue. Isucked on thefabric greedily, gettingas much ofhis seed asI could, allthe while lookinginto his eyes.

"Howare you goingto wear yourhair?", you asked?I said Ihad an appointmentwith the in-storehair stylist next.You said, "It'smy break now,I'll go withyou and wecan find astyle that matchesthe dress." Iclimbed back intojeans and sweatshirt,but left myunderwear off. Truthto tell, Icouldn't FIND it!Had you accidentallypicked it upwhen you tookthe other dressesback out?

As ifreading my mind,I felt thefirst trickles squirtforth. I groanedin appreciation, lockingmy lips overher pussy andsucking on theentire organ. Thenit came pissingfrom her. Ifelt her anusclenching rhythmically onmy finger, soI plunged itinto her upto the knuckle,and curled it,gently rubbing hersilky rectum walls.My mouth filled over and againas I gulpeddown her pee,and I feltmy head swimmingas if Iwas drinking glassafter glass ofwine. But Ididn't want herto stop. Therewas something soabsolutely erotic aboutthe situation, lyingon the floorwith a younggirl squatting overyour face, herskirt around herwaist and urinatinginto your mouth.

I divided themoney from theauction four ways.One-fourth for eachdaughter/son and theirspouse, the fourthwas for me.They could dividethat fourth againafter my death.That put allmy kids onEasy Street. Itmade life alot easier foreach of them.As for me,I was happy.I had mypension, Social Security,and a heftysavings account.

Malina looked at the moon.It was highenough now tobe close totime when shewould resume herassignment for theevening. She hadobserved Daniel Cockran enough to knowthat he wasusually home by9 p.m., humantime. The occasionalnights he wentout, he wasstill in fairlyearly, so shefelt confident thatby the timeshe reached hisapartment, he wouldbe there.

I lefther delectable pussy alone, barely brushing it with thetowel. Instead, Ikissed her thighs,her knees, ankles,and toes. ThenI wrapped theblanket around heras I hadmyself and drewup to kissher lips.

Shewas panting andwrithing on thebed as heeased him mouthfrom her. Grabbinghis cock inone hand, hepositioned it againsther melting entrance as he movedover her. Heeased the thickknob into herexquisite tightness, pushingagainst her body'sresistance.

If I'mtruthful I didn'treally have anyidea what toexpect from myfirst proper datewith Jenny. Idrove my batteredold Mini overto her houseto pick herup; we wereto collect someof her friendsas well. Ionly knew thatas long asI was withher the worldwas a reallyOK place tobe. I wasinordinately proud ofmy car. I'dearned the moneyto pay forit from alabouring job duringthe previous summerholiday and hadpassed my testa couple ofdays before myeighteenth birthday. Tonight,however, I reallywished it werean MG ora Jaguar, anythingmore impressive thanan eight -yearold mini withthe rust beginningto show. Jennydidn't seem tocare. She grabbedmy hand anddragged me intothe Lounge tomeet her schoolfriends. They suddenlydidn't look likeschoolgirls at all.Make up, mini-skirts,tight sweaters. TheBoys were infor a treat!I managed tosqueeze all thispulchritude into thecar and wetook off forAndy's. We droppedthose three andthen Jenny andI went offsomewhere else topick up anotherthree. We weren'tgoing to beshort of girlsat this party!Most of myfriends had beenable to makeit over forthe party. Andyand Jenny lived near London asdid quite afew of theothers including Dave.Mark couldn't makeit as helived in Scotlandand Dave wasalready crowing wildly about what Markwas missing.

After severalhours of banteringback and forth,they finally came to an understanding.Derrick would basicallygive J &R Enterprises a25% discount onthe equipment, virtuallyeliminating his profit.He would alsoguarantee delivery ofthe equipment intwo months. Theagreement would guaranteethat Derrick gottheir future business and therefore savehis company.

Sofrom about 14-yearsof age andon, I beganto try differentways to getmy dad's attention,to see ifI could gethim to noticeme as awoman and notjust his daughter.At first itwas trying tobe flirty, sittingon his lapor snuggling aswe watched TV.As I gotolder, my tacticsbecame more overt.Leaving the bathroomdoor open whenI showered, walkingaround the housein my braand panties, orwearing sheerer andshorter nighties. Iknow all thesethings had animpact on him,particularly anything thatshowed off mylegs. My teasingoften left himred-faced, him frequentlyfinding an excuseto go tohis room.

"Well,John, what sortof a daydid you haveat school today?"

Ared faced man and a Negrowere apparently thecrew. A sandyhaired bull ofa man witha busty brown haired girl sat around an ovalshaped table, talkingto a slightlybuilt Italian guy who had araven-haired girl sittingnext to him.Sitting around anothertable, a fewfeet away fromthe foursome, wasan exquisite couple;they looked likeeither South Americans or Egyptian. Hewas a handsome,tall man withlong black hair,parted in thecenter; she wasblonde.

It wasmy husband. Idid not knowwhat we weregoing to do.Suddenly we hearanother voice.

would pass). Becauseof my goodnatural ability inmath's and physicsI wasn't soworried about passingthem as Ihad got straight A's all throughschool. But myFrench wasn't upto scratch, a'D' at best.I wasn't tookeen on theFrance trip, leavingmy mates togo down thepub without me.

Julianna turned andjumped up torun. Uncle Matt roared, "HEY!"

Delia'sface was slappedhard on theface, right andleft several times.She screamed

Hebent down totake a closerlook, and touchedher arm. Sheresponded with amurmur, so heknew she wasalive.

"Take down yourhair" he asked

Heloves to watchme, loves tosee me bringmyself to orgasm,and I lovehis eyes allover me, followingmy fingers asthey find allthe secret pleasurespots. I amso close tocoming. I canfeel the electricsparks building inmy pussy. Ikeep moving, fuckingup and down,grunting as Ido, and workingmy clit withaffection.

"Well, aren't yougoing to closeit?" Amy asked.

Sincewe had chosennot to knowthe sex ofthe babies weasked her tocome up withmanes for themboth boys' andgirls'. She insistedon doing thenursery walls sowe let herand as timewent on ourworries that shemight feel jealousof the babiessubsided. The women'ssexual appetite seemedto increase tenfoldbecause they wereconstantly horny. Tomeet their needsI started workingfrom home moreand promoted oneof the projectmanagers to ageneral supervisor incharge of allprojects.

"Belle, Ihonestly have noidea what you'retalking about. What'sthe problem withbeing here?"

My motherhad two friendsvisiting that day.I had metthem at lunch.They were twinsand hadn't beenfrequent guests inthe past soI didn't recognizethem.

I had justgraduated high school and was workingat the factoryall summer beforeI went offto college inthe city. Beingan intelligent youngman from arural community Ihadn't really "lived" much- I hadnever had sex,never even hada speeding ticket.It was prettymuch a boys'club at thefactory and theonly women therewhere much olderand pretty unattractive to my standards.Then one daya new summercollege intern shows up, the wholefactory seemed tostand still. Shewas about 5'7",curves in allthe right places-dirty blonde hair and a greattan. He deepgreen eyes met mine across theaisle and shemust have noticedhow I blushedand looked away.Her name wasKimberly, a cheerleaderfrom my highschool that everyguy lusted after.She was alifeguard through highschool so wheneverwe went tothe pool we'dalways have tohide our erectionsby the poolwall whenever shewalked up toher chair inher dark bluebikini.

Per noticed thatone or twoguards were loungingnearby and feltthat Cedric wasprobably watching themnow. He reacheddown and grabbedhis crotch.

"Now eatme bitch, anddon't come upfor air untilyou hear mescream and feelmy pussy quiver."

He'dsmiled holding hercheeks in hishand. "What's yourname?"


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