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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

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She gruntedand moaned asI fucked herhard and deep.I looked overat my wife.She seemed tobe sleeping, herlegs spread open,and her gapingpussy exposed, stilloozing cum. Lookingat that mademe want topound Murline evenharder. And Idid.

"Rachael," she said,putting her handson my breasts.She kissed eachone on thenipple, then suckedeach one slowly.I held herhead in myhands. Just asI was aboutto draw herback to mymouth, wear mytongue out "Paul'sgot one tooMiss!"

I could tellthe officer wasnow getting nervouswith my silence.He was startingto shift aroundin his seatand rub hispalms on hispants as ifthey were sweating!How cute. "Uh....youdon't have tooof course. Icould just domy job andwe can forgetabout this. It'sjust an optionthat I thoughtI would presentto you. Youare very attractive,and seemed tobe in suchdistress...."

He enjoyed herass squeezing hiscock. He'd hadass so manytimes before, butthis was somuch better. Maybeit was becausethis ass washis baby sister,the one hehad watched gofrom a skinnypest to awoman he'd dieto fuck. "You'rewonderful!' He moanedout enjoying hersqueezing him.

"I'll haveto pull yourleg further aroundthe rock," Isaid.

You lean forwardand moan, "Ramyour cock deep inside of me."

"Will you bemy whore, andno one else's?"

ThenI picked Christinaup on Lindsay'sinstructions and broughther over tothe couch. Sittingher upright, Isaw my sweetand sexy Lindsayget down onher knees, spreadingChristina's silky smooth legs apart. Itook my shirtoff and kneeledon the couchnext to theblonde, who wasa little outof it fromher orgasm. Butshe recovered slightly and began torun her righthand on mychest, feeling mypectorals and runninga thumb overmy own nipples.

Therewas an emptylounge chair nextto them, soI laid back on it. Ispread my legswide open sothat Ron andSuzanne, and anyoneelse who walkedby, had agood look atmy puss. Istayed that wayas the sunbegan to set,and as theguests said theirgood-byes to Suzanne.Everyone at theparty saw mynude pussy withmy legs spread for their inspection.

Virginiagave me anotherpuzzled look butcontinued.

"And we're stuckas slave-girls forever."

Behindthe twin barns was the lifeblood of anyworking ranch ,afast running creek for the cattleto drink from.

AfterI took myshower, I atebreakfast, gave mywife a kissgood-bye and wentto the bankto withdraw thelady's fee plussome extra frommy personal account and went onto work. Idon't remember whatI did thatmorning except tolook at mywatch every fifteenminutes waiting forthe appointed time to arrive. Finally,the time hascome to goand after tellingmy boss Ihad a doctor'sappointment at lunchand might begone more thanthe usual hour,I hop intomy vehicle andpractically race tothe motel whilechewing on mintgum as thislady had statedbad breath wasa major turn-offfor her.

"Daddy, gethard," she breathed."I want youto put thatmonster in myass Daddy," shegrowled. My cockjumped to rigidalmost instantly. Turning,Sandy moved overmy legs, pullingthem together beneathher. As shesat down onme, she slidmy cock upand down herwet slit. Liftingup, she pushedthe head betweenher lips, findingher wet hole.Pushing hard, sheslammed her bodydown on mycock. Her wet,velvet soft tunnel welcomed my hardcock. She bounceda couple times,impaling her bodyon my cock.Putting her handson my knees,she slammed herbody up anddown my shaft.Driving down hard,holding my cockdeep, she startedrocking her hipshard, slamming mycock against theinsides of herwalls. Her slit,wet, wrapped aroundthe top ofmy balls asshe ground herpussy on myrigid cock.

He didnot see muchof Miss Sternbut whenever hedid he knewhe was infor an extendedperiod of beatingsand deprivation. Shedelighted in eitherhurting him viciouslyor shouting encouragementto any ofhis several differentfemale handlers asthey carried outher depraved instructions with whoops ofjoy (not thatany of themrequired any encouragementat all). Hiswork included anythingand everything fromcleaning the manydifferent suites occupied by the womenresidents to muckingout the stablesand washing thevehicles at theFarm. After awet day hewould have apile of upto 20 pairsof boots toclean and polishand the slightestspeck of mudleft on orunder a bootwould result ina punishment wherehe would haveto crawl onhis hands andknees through amuddy, dung-covered, cattlesorting pen beingkicked by womenlined up onboth sides. Afterbeing hosed downwith ice-cold waterhe would haveto clean allthe boots again,knowing the samepunishment would awaithim if theyfound even amicroscopic speck. Onthose days alsohe would automaticallybe denied the15-minute lunch break,the scant lunch sandwich and themiserable bowl ofsoup or swillhe got inthe evening.

" EverywhereDaddy," she reacheddown to rubher hips, "The worst ishere in mysides and hips.

DrKelly asked herto raise herlegs, the requestalmost clinical, andwas astonished tosee her stillin her panties.The effect ofthe panties coveringher lovely bush must have beentoo much forthem, for theyoungster then askedthe nurse toremove the lace.

Iwas very arousedbut as Islid my handdown with thethought of strokingmy member shestopped me short.

"Tom,you know Ihate to wastefood."

moretime, my cellphone rang.

It reallyfelt terrible lying on my backwith this strangeman looking atmy body, suckingmy body andthen pushing hiscock inside me.He didn't seemto care toomuch about meand just wentahead and fuckedme hard. Soonhe was gruntingand then stiffenedhis back andshot his loadof cum deep inside me. Ihad just beenfucked by thefirst person otherthan my husband.Buzz hadn't worna condom andhad just shothis cum intome. When hehad finished hepulled out hiscock and laiddown on thebed alongside me.He took myhand and mademe play withhis limp cock.When it didn'tspring back tohardness he movedup so hecould place hiscock near mymouth.

As shedid he felthis cock pulsing and he moaned.He shoot stream after stream intohis hand andhe slumped backwards in the closet.He needed tosee no more.He knew thathis life couldnever be thesame after thisnight. His planhad been asuccess. He hadgiven his wifethe gift ofa woman buthe did notcalculate the cost.

Hungrily, she lickedand sucked everydrop of hisjuices she couldget and Joeresponded with continuedmoans and gasps.Finally, she allowedhis now-limp cockto slide fromher mouth. Pickingit up gently,she planted asoft kiss onthe tip, thenshe tucked itback inside hispants and satback on herheels, looked upat him, andsmiled.

I went towhere they workedagain late inthe afternoon oneday, but thistime I followedher. She hada nice Acura.A blue one.It was easyto keep trackof as Ifollowed her home.I kept acouple of carsbehind her soshe wouldn't seeme. Traffic wasbad that night,I remember.

Just thenJim's hand camedown hard onmy ass. Iwas being spanked.A pause. Thenanother. This waslike my daydream.I was beingmade to submit.Others were incontrol of mybody. The stingof the blowson ass arousedme further.

Whata night ofsurprises, but itwasn't quite over.

SoI hit theclassifieds, circling everythingfrom e-commerce managersto janitorial services.I went onlineand sent ane-mail to anyoneand everyone thatwas hiring. Theentire time mywife was onthe phone again,and by "accidentally"glancing over atthe call-display monitor,I could seethat she wastalking to Robagain. What werethey talking about?Were they discussingme? Why wasshe talking tohim in thefirst place?

She liftedher head offhis shoulder andlooked into hiseyes. Lust andpassion were exchanged.He said "Can I returnyour hug witha kiss?" andshe asked, "Bearkiss?"

New chapter(s) willbe submitted almostdaily. By clickingon a blueWm_Sexspear, you'll betaken to myProfile; at thebottom of thepage you'll finda list ofall the currentlyavailable chapters. THISSHOULD MAKE ITEASY TO READTHEM ALL, INSEQUENCE, WHICH ISHEARTILY SUGGESTED sothe reader canfollow the storyline, character development,and catch theinside jokes.

"See yaaround. Don't forgetmy offer." andthen she wasgone.

Chapter 2: TheStrip Club Audition

Mikeopened his eyesand glanced upat the inn.It was aftermidnight, but therewere still lightson over thepatio and innumber of roomsabove. Squinting throughthe dim light,he could seeseveral people sittingon the patiowith a clearview of thehot tub. Hehadn't realized untilnow that theywere so closeto the inn.

Maddiewas in noposition to reply.Her body wasstill jerking andcontracting as thefinal throes ofher orgasm washedover her.


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