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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

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Michelle stepped from her slacks,expecting her loverto stand andremove his owntrousers. Instead, hemoved his mouthback to hertorso, planting hislips in thecenter of herchest, just belowher bosom. Withan almost piquingpace, he kissedhis way downthe well-defined cleftof her abdomen,making a leisurelycircuit around hernavel.

She had somethingto say, butseemed to besearching for thewords. They cameslowly.

His own dickgrowing in sizethat would equalto Gabriels.

"Not just yet,"said Nemo. "Theycome off whenshe's tied tomy bed."

The youngattractive teacher looked down between Jeanette'slegs and raisedher eyebrows. Jeanette'spussy lips werenot only shavedbald but obviouslyengorged. "Well Isee you've enjoyedthis exercise, Jeanette"She said, "Emilyhas always gottengood marks ingrooming class. Ithink this isthe nicest job I've seen inquite a while."

"Theharlot is aswet as afucking lake," LordAker announced tono one inparticular, as herammed a secondfinger into herslick wet cunt.

Idrove by herhigh school andsaw that mostof the campuswas deserted exceptfor some jocksand band members.I wondered whereshe could beand decided totry her friend'shouse. Jenny's friendMandi lived bythe school andI had droppedher there once.Mandi was atall skinny blonde with a slightover bite. Shealways seemed toact weird aroundme and Jennyhinted she wasattracted to me.I laughed tomyself as Ithought of whatI told herthen, "I'm notreally into highschool chicks right now."

"Loretta? Who's that?

She was gaspingfor breath bythe time hepulled his faceaway from herown and shetook advantage ofthe respite merelyto draw backair deeply intoher lungs, hereyes locked ontohis face somewhatfearfully. She sawa cruel amusement in his expression,worse, condescending disdain,as if hehad always knownshe would respondto such harshtreatment, as ifhe had expectednothing less. Hisfree hand, theone not holdingher by thehair at theback of herhead, clutched roughly at her breastso that shecould not helpbut utter alow sound ofsurprised pain. Somethingelse flared inhis eyes then,she thought itwas satisfaction, pleasedto hear hercries. As shestared up athim in thatmoment of respite,he still pushinghis body againsthers and shesubsequently pinned tothe wall, hishand on herbreast, the otherpainfully pulling herhead back byher hair, sheknew then shetruly feared him.Feared him anddesired him also,desperately, overwhelmingly so.

Shebegan to teaseme over anextended period oftime before makinglove. She broughtme just short of ejaculation severaltimes before lettingme in. Sheexplained that doingso increased thevolume of myejaculation and thatshe loved thethought of mypumping her fullof cum. Shesaid it droveher crazy withpleasure. Her teasingand denial, ofcourse, drove mehalf crazy andwhetted my appetitefor her allthe more. Ialso knew thatduring intercourse afterward,I invariably seepedinside her betweenthe times thatI frequently pulled out and kissed,licked, and suckedon her pussy.I was soaroused, though, thatit didn't matterto me. Herecstatic reaction tomy doing thatmade me wantto please her.

Ipull my jeansand panties away from my ankleand toss themto one side,then lay back on the couch.Hearing you bangingaround outside thedoor, makes mewonder what you'redoing, and Ithink to myself,"What in thehell is hedoing out there?That's a lotof noise justfor taking offa pair ofboots." After afew minutes, youwalk in, slowlyclosing the doorbehind you. Withoutsaying a word,you look overat me andsmile, slowly lettingyour eyes move over my body,focusing on mypuffy pussy lips and moist thighs.

Mark dropped meback off atmy villa afterbreakfast and Isat for along while onthe terrace tryingto write butjust staring intospace and relivingthe last coupleof days. Iknew now thatwhat I feltfor Mark wasbeyond physical lust and I dreadedhaving my heartbroken all overagain. Part ofme was angrythat I hadfallen so quicklyand deeply, butI wouldn't havemissed out onthe experience foranything.

Alexis' eyes bulged,"You can havethe naked one,but you can'ttake the other.There is anotherone downstairs. Takeher instead."

"I've gotto have itnow" my thoughtssaid pleading withthe voice asI pulled mypanties off withone swift motion,kicking them asideas I slowlystraddled my sonwaist.


Good come back.Plausible deniability.

Ilooked at Sueand knew shehad no ideawhat was goingto happen. Shepulled me downon her mouthagain and whilewe were kissingI watched Steven start rubbing thebottom of hiscock along hercrotch. He wasable to standdirectly between herlegs and hisgiant cock wasrubbing her perfectlyshaved and verylubricated pussy opening.I reached downand slid myfinger along herslit and theninto her. Shelet out adeep moan andI could feelhis cock rubbingthe back ofmy hand.

"Hello, Dear,"she greeted meas she gaveme a peckon the cheek.

"I am sosorry, Mrs. Mehta,I thought withso many ofyour social activitiesI was underthe impression, youare having agood time,"

I keptdoing it. Oneat a time,I massaged herarms, feeling thetension melt away.Slowly, I moveddown her backwith special attentionto the musclesalongside her spine.When I gotto the smallof her backshe said, "Ohyes, that feelsgood, that's thepart that hurts."

/> Mikewas thinking aboutMary more andmore lately andhow it mightbe if hehad chosen herover Peggy. Butit was toolate now. Aftermuch struggle hehad at leastretained a friendshipwith Mary, butit was clearto him thathis chance withher had passedand he keptholding out hopethat things wouldget better withPeggy. Instead theykept getting worse.

Jessicaconcentrated on tryingto start theflow again, asher pee splashed the metal floor;she caught herfirst glimpse ofa real liveZooid. Jessica gasped The Zooid wasso much morefrightening than shecould have everexpected, he wastall and broad,his wide eyestransfixed on watchingJessica's pee, hisdark brown scale like skin shinedagainst the backlight.

My name isMitzy by theway, and Iam antitheses tomy prude ofa cousin Imogen.She is talland leggy, Iam short anda little onthe plump side,she has longred gold hair,I have thefamily dark brown curls that areso wild theyneed taming witha hedge strimmer every two months.

"Itmust be myimagination," he mumblesto himself. Hecontinues to Callie'sroom to findher door wideopen and hernowhere in sight.Just then, hehears another moan,coming from hisroom.
He slowlyapproaches his halfopen door, "Iknow I closedmy door beforeI left," hesaid quietly, andpushes it openwith only theslightest creak.

I startedto get up- this wasmore than Ihad thought Iwas getting into

"OhGod yes!" shewails, "That's it,Baby! Fuck me.Honey! Fuck youraunt!" Lara shouts wildly, "Fuck meharder! Shove itdeep up myslutty hole!"

Fuck,I thought, apair of $300Prada ankle length lambskin boots shot to shit. He'sgoing to buyme a newpair. My anklewas starting tothrob and swell;I prayed itwas just asprain. Pulling myself up ontomy good legI braced myselfagainst the railingand looked formy purse toget a tissue.Then I heardthe faint sound of a deeplaugh coming fromthe room aboveme.

"Or?" I asked

Theguys left meto shower andclean my selfas best asI could. Mouthwashand toothpaste wasused a greatdeal. A quickkiss to Pauloand out thedoor I went,wondering what wouldbe in storefor me athome with Chuckand if Jerrywould still bethere. I hopedhe would, tokeep Chuck offme. There wasno way thatChuck wouldn't knowI'd just beenlaid if hegot to feelmy pussy.

It wassix minutes toeleven. I closedmy books andturned out thekitchen light. Itwas no usegoing to bed;I knew Iwould not sleep.

Dad let Sharonsuck his cockfor a shorttime then movedto Bobby's pussy.JJ had movedup to Sharon'smouth and Karen,Faith, Hope andI started counting.Twenty strokes inBobby's pussy andDad moved toher mouth. NowBobby had dadfucking her mouthwhile JJ wasfucking her pussyand Adam hadstep up toSharon's mouth. Thefour of usstarted counting offagain. Dad madeit through bothmouths and bothpussys with outcuming. I wasat the endof the linewaiting for him.I stroked hiscock and said,"Poor daddy hasn'tcum yet. Youwant to cumin my pussyor my mouth?"I had gottenone load fromdaddy when wefirst got therein my pussyso this timehe wanted mymouth. I wasmore than happyto take himin my mouth.It didn't takelong before daddywas filling mywilling mouth. Faithwas there forAdam and Hopetook care ofJJ before Karencould get tohim.


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